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Highlights from this episode include:

Why 97% of retired Americans are forced to go back to work to pay their bills (ad how to be in the 3% whose retirement lasts them their entire life) (2:03) 
The insidious way your accountant steals your wealth by lowering your tax bill (3:53) 
How to become wealthy — especially if you were born with a bad lot in life (7:40) 
The weird way being fat prematurely caps how much money you can make (11:20) 
How losing weight reverses your broke money mindset which puts saving and investing your money on easy mode (13:48) 
3 simple, yet difficult ways to change your money mindset and become stinkin’, filthy rich (14:45) 
How you’re subconsciously repelling money from your pockets and how to instantly attract it instead (16:43) 

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Show highlights include:

Why finding a “Man Coach” today makes your relationship with your significant other feel like you’re on cloud nine (2:54)
Why saying “Happy wife, happy life” takes away from your masculinity as a husband, a father, and a man (and what you can learn from it to turn your relationship around) (3:31)
The Bible talks about spouses sacrificing for the good of the relationship (just like Christ loves the church), so you show your spouse in the context of spirituality how to follow God (5:41)
Why men have become petrified of making decisions (and how to you eliminate fear to start making trustworthy decisions today) (9:53)
How Today’s society’s mixed messages of “Man Up” and “Toxic Masculinity” ostracizes men (and how what you have to do to reverse that) (11:26)
How a man identifies as a man actually roots them in today’s society and culture (even though the corporate work space says otherwise) (15:23)

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Highlights from this episode include:

Why only 4% of people in the U.S. will have enough money to last them through retirement (and how to join this 4% club) (4:35)
How loser friends who blame others for their problems steal your wealth faster than greedy Wall Street bankers (7:00)
The insidious way religion keeps you from becoming wealthy (and how to fix your money outlook so you become rich without giving up your faith) (9:05)
Why God wants you to be stinkin’, filthy rich (11:01)
Why you can’t eradicate poverty by giving more money to the poor (11:24)
3 questions that prepare you for a long-lasting retirement — regardless of the tax hikes that tear apart our economy (15:52)

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Highlights from this episode include:

How a trip to the driving range is like taking a “chill pill” when work makes you stressed to the max (even if you’ve never golfed before) (4:35) 
Why picking the wrong hobby can bankrupt you and sabotage your relationships (and how to pick one that improves your business and marriage) (6:31) 
How “living within your means” makes you miserable (and how to properly invest for the future without sacrificing your fun today) (8:34) 
The “Cash Reserve System” that transforms your emergency fund into an income-producing asset (10:58) 
Why having fun is the single best way to prevent burnout (14:53) 

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Highlights from this episode include:

Are rising inflation and interest rates working against your wealth? (1:51)
How your blind spots prevent you from reaching your potential (2:37)
The importance of a “BSMS” to ensure you make smart financial decisions (4:16)
How your subconscious biases cause you to miss opportunities (5:42)
Why choosing Quality over Quantity makes the difference in your business (7:30)
Emotions are driving your decisions — are they costing you profits?READ MORE

Show highlights include:

Grow your wealth -and business- with the counter-intuitive “IIP” strategy that doesn’t focus on money (3:40)
The short-term impact of the $1.9 trillion federal stimulus package and how it could tank your investments (5:37)
The tax-sheltered trading account you can use today to maximize your “Buy Low Sell High” investment dollar (7:19)
How you can still make “Bitcoin Profits” without investing in the unstable crypto markets (8:21)
Four long-term “Hold & Grow” stock recommendations that will grow your stock portfolio (but only if you don’t need the money for at least 1 year) (8:49)
3 hot stock picks that will continue to grow — in an sector that has no limit (9:17) 
My counter-intuitive criteria for short-term growth stocks during this economic crisis — industry trends hide the winners but I’ll show you where to look (10:19)
The essential industry that will roar back when the economy reopens (11:31)
The Reddit-crazed stock that has real growth potential… and why the hyped up others could sink your investment portfolio (12:07)
“The Wealthy Investor’s Way” of looking at your taxable gains while building your fortune (13:24)
How to make mountains of money when your stock market ticker bleeds red (14:39)

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Highlights from this episode include:

How having a life-changing opportunity fall into your lap hurts you more than it helps (3:01) 
The one skill that’s made Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods, and Oprah Winfrey unbelievably wealthy (and how to harness it yourself) (3:21) 
Why you should never believe the doom and gloomers of the stock market (and how to make profitable investments during a crash) (7:34) 
How the “Cash Reserve System” helps you recover from a nasty market crash in as little as 18 months (even if it takes years for the market to recover) (10:58) 
3 industries that recover quick fast after the market takes a nosedive (12:13) 

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Highlights from this episode include:

The “Financial Pyramid Program” that protects you from burning all your money in the stock market (even during a bubble) (2:41)
The most overlooked type of insurance that can potentially save you millions of dollars (3:03)
The insidious way growth assets flush most of your investment value down the toilet (and how to make sure they make you money) (5:03)
How hype drives up stock prices to astronomically inaccurate prices that can wipe out your retirement savings (6:14)
2 important tricks when investing in high flying stocks that prevents you from overpaying and underselling them (10:18)

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Highlights from this episode include:

How paying rent your entire life helps you retire at 40 and move to Hawaii (4:51) 
Why you should retire long before you decide to own a home (6:29) 
Why putting as little into your 401k as possible sets you up for greater long-term returns (even if your company matches everything you put in) (8:50) 
How defying conventional advice unlocks more freedom and wealth than you know what to do with (11:02) 

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Highlights from this episode include:

How to gift over $1 million to your heirs without it getting stolen by the IRS (even though you can only give $15,000 per person) (3:45) 
The “Welfare Business Model” for investing that grows your wealth faster than your taxes rise (6:09) 
How to avoid being financially ruined when new politicians raise taxes on the wealthy (8:25) 
3 types of charitable gifts that stop the IRS from taking most of your IRA money (8:56) 
The “Roth IRA Secret” that floods your heirs with tax-free money (14:18) 

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