I got a question recently.
A knight in my Marketing Camelot had spent a small fortune hiring various copywriters and marketing consultants.
And all their stuff has bombed.
So he asked…
“I would love to know how to enter these type of arrangements with somebuyer protection.…
If you’re doing THIS with your money… got bad news for ya…
Your future is gonna suck.
Out loud. (That’s Doberman Dan-speak for “ it’s REALLY gonna suck.”)
Do THIS instead:
If you hate iTunes… or want to listen in on an Android device…
…oryou just prefer to listen online, go here:
All the best,
Doberman Dan
P.S.I’s WAY easier to do this than accumulate $2 million.…
I’m revealing some dirt on Dave Asprey, too. (The bulletproof coffee guy.)
Dan and Dave haven’t innovated anything.
What they’ve done is… well… let’s say they “appropriated” already existing stuff.…
I just wanted more traffic.
Don’t we all?
So I hit up an expert for advice.
That’s all I wanted. Something like, “do this… don’t so this.”
“Use this media, this way. Avoid this media.”
Or some stupid simple formula that would let me turn on the traffic like a fire hose.…
I’ve confirmed this hundreds of times over the past 20 years.
And I’ve gotten so good at it I can predict, with 97.4% accuracy, if you’re gonna succeed or fail.
I can make that prediction after observing you and finding out which of these two types of person you are.…
So you think everything is going to be alright when you amass a fortune?
Yeah… I used to think that, too.
But you couldn’t be MORE wrong.
Everything will be alright when you master THIS.
Consequently, more than likely NOTHING will be alright until you get this skill embedded into that over-sized cranium of yours.…
I got a question for ya…
If I walked into your home or office today…what would I find?
I’m not talking about computers, printers, pens, notepads, pics of your family, liquor, weed, rolling papers… all the normal stuff.…
I’ve made a LOT of mistakes.
Mistakes that have cost me dearly.
And sadly, 90% of the entrepreneurs I know are making the same mistakes.
They’re losing out on a lot of money.
And it totally makes life suck, too.…
Ever heard that one?
The old “do what you love and the money will follow” thang?
Heck, there was even a book with that as the title.
Soooo… is it true?
Well, that depends.
I’ve chased my passions.…
Wanna see what you must do to sell stuff to Gen-X’ers and Millenials?
Then look no further than where a music industry visionary is headed.
(A tip of the hat to guitarist Adrian Belew – a Baby Boomer – for pointing out the obvious.)
I think I’ve identified a major trend.…