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The Colombiana has one of the most annoying and infuriating traits.
And because of it, she accomplishes almost everything she puts her mind to.
Even stuff with damn near one-in-ten-million odds. Literally.… READ MORE

I’ve known something was wrong with babies for the longest time.
They’re self centered, demanding, manipulative… and they refuse to talk coherently like we adults. (I’m sure they do that just to piss us off.)
So I’ve known something was wrong for a while.… READ MORE

Yes, time travel consultant is an actual career.
I saw it in the credits of the movie “Safety Not Guaranteed.”
If you’ve ever had an interest in traveling back in time… or traveling to the future… here’s how you can make money with it.… READ MORE

Ben Settle and I switched lives.
He hosted my Off The Chain show while I hosted his Anti-preneur show.
And when Ben took over my spot on Off The Chain, chaos and controversy ensued.
His topic?
How to not be a pussy in your email marketing.… READ MORE

I recently got the chance to interview a good friend and great entrepreneur, Marx Acosta-Rubio.
Marx revealed some things a lot of would-be entrepreneurs and marketers will find exciting and/or shocking.… READ MORE

I recently got the chance to interview a good friend and great entrepreneur, Marx Acosta-Rubio.
Marx revealed some things a lot of would-be entrepreneurs and marketers will find exciting and/or shocking.… READ MORE

That’s the direction it’s headed anyway.
I’m just suggesting we drop the pretense of ADHD, quit pussy footing around and get on with the inevitable.
It’s crazy… but it just might work.… READ MORE

Actually I wasn’t the one who discovered George Carlin’s secret.
It was Louis C.K.
But it was I who discovered Louis C.K. secret to discovering George Carlin’s secret.
Actually that’s not true.… READ MORE

There’s one thing I do that’s responsible for 99% of all the good stuff happening in my business right now.
It has led me to crazy profitable deals.
It constantly brings me cool people who want to become clients.… READ MORE

I recently got a HUGE wake-up call.
It shocked me into seeing that I’m stuck in a box.
And I’m not thinking NEARLY big enough.
See, there are some opportunities available today that can make you a BILLIONAIRE.… READ MORE

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