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Reddy Yeti | Built On Passion

Turning your challenge into a business With Cory Dady, Founder of Booze Bandage.

Reddy Yeti | Built On Passion         Reddy Yeti | Built On Passion        
Turning your challenge into a business With Cory Dady, Founder of Booze Bandage.           Turning your challenge into a business With Cory Dady, Founder of Booze Bandage.          
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    Whatever you're going through today, hundreds, if not thousands, of other people are going through something similar.

    And if you find a solution to such a problem, thousands of others may solve theirs as well, which could lead to the start of a new profitable adventure for you, just like Cory, Founder of Booze Bandage.

    From searching for the best hangover cure to launching Booze bandage – “the ultimate hangover cure,” he has done it all.

    And In this episode, you'll learn how to turn your problems into a business that'll make you profit & help thousands of people with similar problems.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include:

    • How to create a flawless product using the “R” approach. (2:43)
    • The darkside of using advertising to market vitamins. (6:49)
    • How to convert first-time customers into loyal and returning customers with rockstar products  (10:41)
    • Why finding manufacturers is the most difficult aspect of starting a vitamin business and how to overcome it. (11:50)
    • How to scale your business to the next level using a win-win partnership. (15:47)

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