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Reddy Yeti | Built On Passion

How To Create A Wildly Successful Product with Sheera Goren, Founder of Zygo

Reddy Yeti | Built On Passion         Reddy Yeti | Built On Passion        
How To Create A Wildly Successful Product with Sheera Goren, Founder of Zygo           How To Create A Wildly Successful Product with Sheera Goren, Founder of Zygo          
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    Creating a physical product from scratch is a nightmare. There’s countless hours spent on design, manufacturing, testing, and R&D. Not to mention, how expensive (and emotionally draining) it is to make changes on the fly. Even the smallest and most insignificant changes can cost hundreds of thousands, if not millions, of dollars.

    So how do you make sure you nail your product’s launch – and avoid millions of dollars in mistakes?

    Today’s guest, Sheera Goren, reveals a sneaky way to “fundraise” hundreds of thousands of dollars for your product (without sacrificing  ownership of your company). You’ll also discover a simple 5-step process to take your product idea from a napkin to the real world.

    Listen now!

    Show Highlights:

    • How to find and develop a profitable product in any market by spending time with your grandma (1:48)
    • The 100% legal way to steal the structure of an already successful business and profit wildly (2:13)
    • A sneaky way to “fundraise” hundreds of thousands of dollars for your product (and retain full ownership of your company) (3:13)
    • The 5-step process to transform  your product from scribbles on a napkin to a real product  (5:30)
    • An interesting way to flip your product’s negatives into positives and discover an untapped market (8:18)
    • How to make game-changing improvements to your physical products on the fly (and keep costs and tooling to an absolute minimum) (10:19)

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