Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

More and more people are talking about “going viral.”

This video “went viral”

That video “went viral”

To be completely honest with you…

I don’t really know what “going viral” means.

It sounds like a disease you get from kissing the wrong girl.


I stumbled on to a way to get tens of thousands of views on Facebook.

In fact, my last video has 115k views and counting.

See for yourself:

Maybe that’s not going viral,

But imagine what you could do with 100k people watching your videos?

I’m thinking about doing a LIVE session inside my private Facebook group showing you exactly what I did and how it works.

Don’t miss out…


Jonathan “The King of Podcasting” Rivera

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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