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And here's some of the hot ish you may have missed last week….


Kevin Rogers | CopyChief Radio

Create Buzz Now

Click here to listen…



Doberman Dan | Off The Chain

The Rain Man Secret Of Success

I’ve got a secret.

A secret that has exponentially boosted my productivity.

Thereby simultaneously boosting my income… and happiness.

Click here to listen…



James Newberry | Donor Doctor

Stuart MacLean — Mount Vernon and Reagan Library

Welcome to the Donor Doctor with your host James Newberry. On today’s show, James interviews Stuart MacLean Direct Mail Copywriting.

Working for Richard

Click here to listen…




Igor Kheifets | List Building Lifestyle

The Psycho-Quirk Which Finally Explains The Shiny Object Syndrome


[ File # csp1698562, License # 2067230 ]Licensed through www.canstockphoto.com in accordance with the End User License Agreement (www.canstockphoto.com/legal.php)(c) Can Stock Photo Inc.

Click here to listen…




Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design

End of the Year Planning Prep for 2017

Click here to listen…



Kyle Newell | Unlocking Your Inner Strength

Take Off Your Tin Foil Hat

In today’s show, the human strength expert Kyle Newell discusses the power of momentum and the significance of seeing things in a unique way.

Here are the show highlights of Take Off Your Tin Foil Hat:



Seeing Things Uniquely

Click here to listen…



James Newberry | Donor Doctor

Interview of Wendy Newman — animal copywriting expert

Welcome to the Donor Doctor with your host James Newberry. On today’s show, James interviews Wendy Newman Charitable Direct Mail Copywriter.

Meet Wendy Newman

Click here to listen…




Igor Kheifets | List Building Lifestyle

How To Make Money In Your Sleep With Richard Legg

Ever heard of making money while you sleep?

If you’ve been on the internet for more than one second, you have heard it.

Tons and tons of “gurus” boast about doing it.

Here is the truth.

Click here to listen…

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Orlando Florida 32820

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