Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

There's no time to dilly dally.

Why? Because today is the last day for you to get the next issue of my Podcast Mogul newsletter this month.

Instead of beating around the bush, I'm gonna tell you what's inside the next issue so you know what you'll be missing out on if you don't subscribe.

You hear all the ruckus about BOTS.

Every Guroob from here to to eternity is singing their praises.

Bots will do your marketing for you.

Bots will make sales for you.

Bots will save your ass in a bar fight.

And you know what, they might be able to do all that – but they're not new.

Marketers just slapped a new name on an old idea and inside the next issue of my Podcast Mogul newsletter you'll see how to you can deploy bots in your business to take care of a lot of the grunt work you are stuck doing.

That means you can skip out on Bot-Guroobs course on botting your business.


I'm going to show you how to get rid of all the work that bogs you down so you can focus all your energy on your most important tasks that will move you forward.

And we'll finish up with a look into how you can use the “Four Hour Workweek” principle of mini-retirements to live a lavish life of luxury – on a budget.

Here's where you subscribe: http://PodcastMogul.com

See you tomorrow,
Producer Jonathan

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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