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Everybody who understands Infinite Banking wishes they had known about it sooner. So it’s no wonder many of them ask: “Am I too old to start?”

I get this question a lot.

So if you’re concerned you’ve missed your chance to use IBC this episode is for you. I’ll explain why in most cases it’s not too late, even if you’re already at retirement age!

Plus, I’ll explain your options for those rare cases when age really does get in the way of starting an IBC strategy that meets your goals.

Listen now!

Show highlights include:

  • Surprising age when Valerie’s father started IBC. Still think it’s too late for you? (0:51)
  • Why starting sooner than later has its advantages, but doesn’t mean you’re sunk if you’re late to the game. (2:17)
  • “Legacy Factor” that makes IBC worth it for retirees, even if they’re just starting. (4:29)
  • The knowledge trap smart people fall into that derails their financial planning. (4:41)
  • Crucial thing to know about your adviser that’s more important for your success than everything you know about IBC. (6:18)
  • Want to gift your grandchildren with IBC? Know these hurdles before you start. (8:00)

Reach out to me:


https://www.linkedin.com/in/valerie-laroque-lacp-b569509Infinite Banking Mastery (infinitebankingnorthwest.com)

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