Valerie LaRoque | Infinite Banking Mastery
Two Ways to Build Tax Free Wealth
You owe the US Government $519,000.
What? How?
Well, as a nation, we owe over $31 trillion owed in funded liabilities (debt.) And we also owe over $173 trillion in unfunded liabilities (even more debt.)
Worst part?
According to David Walker, ex-CPA of the USA, your future tax rate will need to double — or else the nation will declare bankruptcy.
Imagine paying double the taxes you already pay. With taxes projected to double, trying to build a nest egg will be impossible. Imagine what your retirement would look like if the government legally takes nearly half of your salary (or your retirement income).
In today's episode, I reveal two ways to build tax free wealth.
Listen now!
Show Highlights Include:
- Excited to get a lower tax rate when you retire? Here’s why you could be stuck paying a tax rate of 74% at 80 (5:21)
- How to avoid an insidious “tax” that penalizes you 50% for saving money in your nest egg (9:00)
- 2 tax-free savings vehicles you can access in retirement (10:18)
- Is your income too high for a Roth IRA? If so, check out “CVLI” as an alternative (and pay no taxes on your savings) (10:32)
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