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Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design

How to Overcome Your Fear of Selling ( Use Ad Audio NSDP#1)

Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design         Tracy Matthews | Thrive By Design        
How to Overcome Your Fear of Selling ( Use Ad Audio NSDP#1)           How to Overcome Your Fear of Selling ( Use Ad Audio NSDP#1)          
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    Do one thing every day that scares you EVERY. SINGLE. DAY.

    That was a big lesson learned from my sister.

    When she worked for me back in the TMD, Inc. days, she had screensaver that taunted her to do just that.

    Why, you might ask?

    Because facing fear and doing those things that have you shaking in your boots are the exact things that help you grow..

    …and your business grow.

    There is a very special kind of fear that rises up when it comes to selling your own jewelry.

    Probably because it’s such a personal thing…

    I know a lot of designers who would rather go skydiving than pick up the phone to make a sales call.

    It’s amazing how hard it becomes to sell your designs when you’re pitching a collection that you’ve poured your heart into.

    So, I’m using today’s episode to encourage you to do one thing every day that scares you…

    …especially when it comes to your sales (because that’s how your business grows).

    I’ll give you some great tips about how to change your mindset from fearful to confidence by taking simple steps.

    Let’s go!


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