Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles

Man I love it when marketers show up in my inbox when they need some dough.

It’s like,

“Stick ‘em up and hand over your moolah… My rent is due.”

That’s one of the reasons you hear from me (almost) daily.

Because I want you paying attention every single day.

There’s no questionn about my motives.

I’m selling (me) every day.

And today I have something for everyone who’s not quite ready to invest the big buckeroos to work with me and my team.

It’s so affordable even a begger on the street cleaning windshields with a filthy rag could earn enough in an hour to get these.

What are they?

My last nine years of podcasting experience condensed into less than two hundred pages.

Yip, you guessed it…

My two books:

Direct Resposne Podcasting™


Podcast Recipes.

You can get the pair on Amazon for less than twenty bucks.


Until next time,
Producer Jonathan

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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