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Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing

Client Gives Up His 6-Figure Salary To Pursue His Dream

Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing         Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing        
Client Gives Up His 6-Figure Salary To Pursue His Dream           Client Gives Up His 6-Figure Salary To Pursue His Dream          
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    Quit your job. Chase your dreams and pursue your passion. As entrepreneurship becomes increasingly popular, more and more people are trading in their mundane 9-5 routine in order to pursue more fulfilling work.

    And today’s guest is Alan who has done exactly that.

    Alan gave up his 6-figure salary working for a well-known tech business with the dream of pursuing his dreams and creating more freedom in his life. He’s a driven and focused Entrepreneur who has a life-changing story to share.

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    – What Alan wanted to create for his family (5:00)
    – The family limited beliefs that held Alan back his entire life (5:45)
    – Challenges Alan had to overcome to make his dream a reality (7:00)
    – How to create instant momentum when you feel stuck (9:00)
    – What it’s like ‘living the dream’ (20:40)


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