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Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing

Your Parents Lied to You (So Did Mine)

Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing         Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys in Marketing        
Your Parents Lied to You (So Did Mine)           Your Parents Lied to You (So Did Mine)          
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    Most children are brought up to believe that their parents always know. Often times, they’re right – but only until they grow up and realise all the junk they’ve been brainwashed with over the years when it comes to beliefs around money…

    ‘Money doesn’t grow on trees’ – ‘I’m not made of money’ – ‘We can’t afford this

    You’ve most probably come across similar phrases of negativity that have most probably skewed your views and beliefs around money.

    Do you see money as the root of all evil? Or as a tool to create the impact you want to see in the world?

    Listen as Chris and Taylor share stories from their past and what it takes to develop the ‘money mindset’ of wealth, success  and absolute abundance.

    In A Rush? Here Are The Highlights:

    • Are you’re being blindly robbed of your ability to impact the world? (6:50)
    • Ken McCarthy’s ‘game changing’ advice about your money (11:30)
    • Why you SHOULD have the desire to make as much money as possible (12:00)
    • How to surround yourself with the right people (14:30)
    • When to completely CUT people from your life (16:00)
    • Jeff Bezos’s guiding principle for success in any business today (23:00)

    Don't forget to grab your free training & material Chris and Taylor are giving you for free. Download your free  “client bundle” here: www.TrafficAndFunnels.com/GIFT

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