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Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys In Marketing

#171: Shut Up And Row!

Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys In Marketing         Traffic and Funnels | Smartest Guys In Marketing        
#171: Shut Up And Row!           #171: Shut Up And Row!          
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    Most of us are wired to run scared from pain – but the few who don’t receive all the fulfillment and victory. They embrace pain. They cherish the pain in the process. They’ve mastered the ability to link this chaotic, painful, challenging, overwhelming feeling with fulfillment – and that’s why certain people win.

    If you’re in a business season that’s challenging, welcome.

    Welcome to the league of greatness. Welcome to the greatest season of your life.

    Today we take a look into 3 principles that will help make your boat go faster. It’s time to stop complaining, dabbling and being ok with settling. It’s time to shut up, get in the boat, and start rowing towards success.

    Here Are The Show Highlights:

    • A pivotal factor you need to understand about the law of personal growth (1:50)
    • The motivational mantra in my wallet (4:25)
    • The embarrassing age we’re living in as Entrepreneurs today (6:40)
    • Is your ‘rowing’ making your boat go faster? (7:45)
      What makes strong people strong and weak people weak (8:00)
    • How to instantly recognize if you’re growing at an optimal rate (15:45)

    Make Sure You Get The Memos!

    If you want access to the lessons learned building the fastest growing consulting business on the planet, then make sure to grab the monthly memos today by visiting www.trafficandfunnels.com/memos

    Finally, don’t forget to grab your free ‘client bundle’ by visiting this link here:

    Get more Chris Evans and Taylor Welch at https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCeKyqGIFnuFz7exBT78dTUA?sub_confirmation=1

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