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Rachael Spiewak | Rock Your Tribe Radio

7 Ways to Monetize Your Facebook Group

Rachael Spiewak | Rock Your Tribe Radio         Rachael Spiewak | Rock Your Tribe Radio        
7 Ways to Monetize Your Facebook Group           7 Ways to Monetize Your Facebook Group          
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    Show highlights include:

    • How to build your own community of committed buyers through speaking gigs and workshops with other Facebook groups. (3:43)
    • Why getting someone’s email address lets you create irresistible offers at any price-point. (6:27)
    • How talking on Facebook about your favorite things makes you money while you sleep. (10:55)
    • How to build a premium circle of close buyers and monetize brand-new ideas in your Facebook Group now. (13:40)
    • Why sending people ‘freebies’ is the fastest way to achieve a wealth-building Facebook group. (16:13)

    You've heard the same advice about Facebook Groups everywhere. Ask questions. Add value. But what does it mean? Let me show you what a profitable, engaged, and FUN Facebook Group looks like. AND I’ll pop the hood for you so you can see exactly how I do it. Join my Facebook group Rock Your Tribe: Community Building for Entrepreneurs at http://www.rockyourtribe.com/facebook

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