Jonathan Rivera | Results Leader.FM
Happiness first with the founder of Entrepreneurs Focused on Growth Inc., Michael Pachuta
Too often we fall into a career or business, but never ask ourselves if it makes us happy. Making millions of dollars doesn’t matter if you hate what you do for 8 hours a day.
Any problems that can be solved with money aren’t real problems. And happiness cannot be solved by money. That’s why it’s important to become happy before worrying about money.
In this episode, Michael Pachuta, executive director at XO Network and founder of Entrepreneurs Focused on Growth Inc., joins me to reveal how to become happier in whatever you pursue.
Show highlights include:
- Why the wealthiest and most successful entrepreneurs are the ones who have the most depressing failures (3:01)
- How making $0 in revenue instantly refocuses your team, eliminates needless distractions, and sets you up for massive success (3:14)
- The “Janitor Method” to entrepreneurism that helps every team member reach their full potential (7:35)
- How meditation puts parenting on “easy mode” (9:57)
- Why having 3 people show up to your event is more profitable than filling the room by inviting all your clients (12:01)
- Have no experience but want to build a network of successful entrepreneurs? Here’s the only 3 things you need (12:34)
If you found a golden nugget of wisdom in this episode, share it on social media with the hashtag #ResultsLeaderFM to help spread the word.
If you’d like to connect with Michael about becoming happier in your career, follow him on LinkedIn here: or Facebook here: