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Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'

Stand, Postscript

Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'         Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'        
Stand, Postscript           Stand, Postscript          
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    In this episode, Dr. Rick Rigsby shares a meaningful story about an important lesson he learned from his father. Decades ago, as he faced the profound sorrow of losing his wife, Dr. Rick discovered the most impactful wisdom from his father—a third-grade dropout with an abundance of insight.

    Tune in to hear how a simple yet powerful piece of advice, “Just stand,” became a beacon of strength in the storm of grief. Learn how resilience can be cultivated through influence and see how standing firm can impact your life and those around you.
    Join us for a compelling journey that will inspire you to rise, no matter what challenges you face.

    Show Highlights Include: 

    • How did a heartbroken father come back to life? [01:56]
    • What happens when tragedy strikes and you're left behind? [03:39]
    • Discover this profound lesson taught by a father to his son [06:48]
    • Do you know the importance of influence in your life? [08:32]
    • Here is what great people do to be great [09:00]
    • What did Winston Churchill say about standing firm? [10:00]
    • Learn to deal with the unexpected situations in life [11:12]
    • Discover the trait all great leaders share [12:06]

    Do you want to stop existing and start living your best life right now? Click here to get the first chapter of Dr. Rick’s best-selling book, Lessons From a Third-Grade Dropout, for free.

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