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Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'

Encore: Perspectives

Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'         Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'        
Encore: Perspectives           Encore: Perspectives          
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    Have you ever come across someone who was relentlessly negative? Someone who always saw the bad in a situation? Maybe you were in a tough spot in your life that you thought would never pass.

    How do you move past that?

    In this episode, Dr. Rick discusses the primary factor that determines how you react to a situation, the things you should be focusing on in a crisis, and how to shift your thinking to improve perspective.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • The real reason our values shift throughout the different stages of life (1:10)
    • This is the #1 thing that determines your perspective on ANYTHING (3:43)
    • Beware these situations that can cause you to completely lose your perspective (3:52)
    • The Apostle Paul’s advice on how to focus your thoughts (5:46)
    • The perspective shattering mistake you’re probably making in the midst of crisis (8:47)
    • Losing perspective can have a devastating effect on your life because you also lose this (10:20)
    • The secret to maintaining your perspective, no matter how bad your situation seems (10:45)

    Do you want to stop existing and start living your best life right now? Click here to get the first chapter of Dr. Rick’s best-selling book, Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout, for free.

    Read Full Transcript

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