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Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'

Encore: Judging Others

Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'         Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'        
Encore: Judging Others           Encore: Judging Others          
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    The lack of a unified message in the world has made it easy to judge others (or even face judgment yourself). But making assumptions and shaming others doesn’t help you find common ground in a problem, it only creates a stronger divide.

    Having differences shouldn’t be about tearing each other down, but lifting each other up.

    In this episode, you’ll learn why shame and judgment only make you feel isolated and how to have conversations that bring together a community for the greater good.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • Why judging others keeps you from being more impactful and compassionate. (0:26)
    • How this teacher’s lack of judgment turned a talkative student into an avid bookworm – and how judging less shows you more opportunities for yourself and others. (1:49)
    • The “Matthew Chapter 8” way to offer hope, unity and an open heart to those with different opinions (and why Jesus made it a profound principle). (5:15)
    • The easiest way to find blessings in opposing views and bring together a divided and judgmental community. (8:15)

    Do you want to stop existing and start living your best life right now? Click here to get the first chapter of Dr. Rick’s best-selling book, Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout, for free.

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