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Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'


Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'         Rick Rigsby | How Ya Livin'        
Dreams           Dreams          
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    We’ve all had big dreams. But in a lot of cases, those dreams didn’t pan out the way we envisioned them. Sadly, this causes a lot of people to give up.

    Our outcome-oriented society has trained us to expect instant gratification and immediate results. When we don't get them, we quit. But the real tragedy is that we stop dreaming.

    In this episode, I discuss how to regain your big dreams and how to achieve them through a process-oriented approach to life.

    Show Highlights Include:

    • A counterintuitive method that lets you live out your biggest dreams instead of pushing them aside and giving up (1:51)
    • How one man took the British cycling team to the top by focusing on small improvements (5:26)
    • Why dreaming of massive success is destroying your motivation (5:42)
    • How our outcome-oriented society stops you from achieving your dreams (6:26)
    • The commonly misunderstood lesson hidden in the lives of professional athletes (7:22)
    • What you can learn from how Bill Walsh won his first Super Bowl… 14 years before it was played (11:01)
    • Why you should celebrate when you experience failure (13:26)

    Do you want to stop existing and start living your best life right now? Click here to get the first chapter of Dr. Rick’s best-selling book, Lessons From a Third Grade Dropout, for free.

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