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Without headaches or hassles

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I've been toying around with Facebook ads [AGAIN]

And up until now I've been playing it safe.

But I realized I needed to *punch* people in the mouth with a little dose of reality,

So I decided to run something a little less safe than usual.

A little background…

For years I've worked every part of my business to revolve around giving me the life I want.

That means almost no conferences, no traveling (for work), and no being away from home.

Because of this my biz has grown a little slower.

But today I enjoy having Cupcake and Dong by my side, while we build a biz that supports our lifestyle.

If you're like me,

You value your family.

You value being there for them.

And you can't stand the “Grind your face off hustle crew” then I could use your help.

Read this post https://www.facebook.com/355633584607956/posts/797114350459875 and leave a comment letting me know why it resonates with you.

Producer Jonathan

Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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