Funny part is, he listens to at least 3 shows I'm regularly on.
Anyways, after that email he invited me on to his podcast so he could get to know me better.
Of course, I said yes.
Within the first two minutes of having me on the air he was regretting it when I flipped the script and started interviewing him.
When he finally regained control of his show we got into some uncharted territory.
He opened up a can of worms he wasn't expecting when I came unhinged about the U.S. income tax system and how it's ripping you off.
After that I got politically incorrect when I told him what I think about the "Lives Matter" movement.
Then we rapped about how your politics fit into your business and how you can use it to draw people closer to you while repelling the folks you don't want to work with.
When we finally got back on track we had a good discussion on how any brick and mortar business can use internet marketing principles to get more leads, boost their sales, and have a line of customers waiting to buy from you.
You can hear every last bit of the insanity here
Producer Jonathan