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In these crazy times, the world is changing around you. Businesses are closed, the economy is down—but you still have to build your brand and bring in new customers.

You can’t “sit this one out”. If you don’t adapt your marketing, someone else will. But you don’t have to be one of the losers of this crisis.

In this episode, Gene Volpe stops by to show you how you can make this crisis a time of extreme growth.

Ready to do marketing that works while your competitors keep their head down? Listen now!

Show highlights include:

  • Why today’s “best practices” on social media are worthless tomorrow. (7:11)
  • The marketing misconception that sends customers to your competitors. (8:58)
  • How lowering your expenses now can kill your business after the crisis. (9:45)
  • Screen time is up 80%. Here’s why that’s your biggest opportunity. (10:46)
  • How an Armenian restaurant “wins” this crisis with nothing but a FaceTime account. (14:20)

Find out more about Gene Volpe here: http://genevolpe.com/

If you enjoyed today’s show, make sure you head on over to www.tapsandtees.info and download your free report of ‘No BS,’ game-changing marketing tips and strategies that show you how to blow up your brand online.

Links mentioned on the show:


Read Full Transcript

You are listening to the Taps and Tee show weekly conversations for people, passionate about marketing, golf and craft beer. Marty is the cofounder of Bad Rhino an award winning digital marketing agency helping golf and craft beer brands get real results in social media marketing. Here is your host, Marty McDonald. [00:21.7]

Marty: All right, everybody welcome to one of the new series of Taps and Tees and in this series I'm going to be doing is interviewing some friends, some other marketing colleagues. It's a little bit different than what you're used to hearing. It'll will be craft beer and golf related at some point, but right now we're going to do this series because I have a lot of good people out there that I know, that I like to talk with, hang out with, do business with, and that's what this is all about. So one of my first guests in this series is a good friend of mine. I've known him for a feels like a hundred years just because when you hang out with them, sometimes he drags things out of you and you keep talking, having cigars, even wings, drinking beer, and it's always a good time. But my good friend Gene is on here and Gene is the lead digital architect at GVI Media, right? That's what his title is these days. He's the founder of GVI. He's a speaker and he's a national marketing expert. [01:11.8]

He used to own a company called Your Real Estate Concierge where he has a ton of background in real estate… you know, over 10 years’ experience in marketing. He's extremely well versed in every facet of real estate, including buying, selling, renting, marketing and consulting on over 200 and some odd real estate transactions. Some of his own company, some helping others, all part of just helping other people out. He's big, big expert in terms of helping funding, designing some of the best video marketing platforms for real estate. His company provides cutting edge technical marketing advantage for many business in addition to real estate. He's very much an expert on brand establishment and the subconscious marketing, which is always interesting to any of us in marketing and he keeps it real and I think that's the best part. So without hesitation, my good friend Gene Volpe, how are you doing Jean? [02:07.2]

Gene: Good morning, thanks for having me buddy. I it's one of those things where anytime I get on one of these with a friend, I'm always worried. I'm always worried about the intro cause you and I go back well long enough to know how to read each other and that, you know what I mean? Like I'm always expecting the worst and when I get something like that I'm always like, Wow! that sounds pretty good. I like it. So thank you for that warm intro.

Marty: Oh, no problem man. So tell us a little bit about what you do right now and take out any other circumstances that are going on in the world while we're recording this. Just in a, in a normal time, what are you doing? [02:42.4]

Gene: So you, when you talk at the front about the lead digital architect, I came up with the digital architect term years ago because I kind of, this is what I do. I feel like I work backwards with a client from a marketing perspective. So I sit down with my people and I say to them, “Let's start with your perfect client. Let's talk about where they spend a lot of their viewing time and then let's talk about your presence.” So we kind of back into targeting folks via the platform that makes the most sense for the type of people they're trying to get into their shop, into their office, into the restaurant, whatever it might be. So that's kind of, so that's kind of what I do. So anything digital and online Facebook marketing ads, Google pay-per-click, website design. I, you know, a lot of stuff that, not, not that I'm a competitor of Bad Rhino, but stuff that bad rhino does. [03:32.7]

Marty: No, I mean, I think there's always room for a lot of people because we speak to different people than you do. And you know, I think the biggest thing and why I have, you know, this series of marketers on here is putting out good people that I know who are actually doing what they do. I think that's super important right now. So give me a little bit more background, I know I ran through your intro, but give us the Gene Volpe, you know, 30… 30 second overview of how you got to where you were today. You can take a minute too if you want. [04:00.4]

Gene: I appreciate that. This is okay. So it all started in 1975. You know, I think the real simple story is I worked for a company that you may have heard of. I don't know if you've heard of them, they're kind of a small Verizon and what I did IT for them. So what we used to say is it was WAN LAN, which is wide area, local area networking, it's geek speak for handling companies, networks throughout the world. And I managed a team of guys and girls who were the best in the world. These were the doctors of the IT world. It's just guys and girls that were just, would blow your mind with the stuff they know, just crazy people. And part of what I think I did well was I helped communicate and translate what they were doing to what the client needed to understand. [04:45.4]

I left there in 09, I actually retired at the age of 31 if my math is correct, somewhere in that range. And I left to get into real estate investing consulting, which is actually where we met and that kind of morphed into a bunch of different business lines, one of which was in 09 I started a video marketing platform for real estate agents. Fast forward into it and you know this well, when the market started to really see the benefit of advertising dollars going online and not through print, and I realized that in the real estate field there were a lot of people that didn't know how to turn on their computers, let alone create a brand and a presence on Facebook and then get into the advertising space. So I thought with my background and my ability to translate these things, this is a really good opportunity for me to start a business for real estate. That's why you, when you mentioned the beginning, Your Real Estate Concierge, that's how it started. I wanted to be, if you were in real estate and you needed help marketing, who do you call the concierge? That was the idea. And that morphed into GVI Media, which is your real estate concierge for every one in the world. [05:48.0]

Marty: Now, that's awesome. And you know, things morph and change. I mean you and I have spoken about that in the past, but you know right now like what drives you to do that, you know, day in and day out. And then what’s the start that like what was that moment that you got out of real estate exactly? So to speak and just start the Marketing Avenue and then what keeps you going? [06:10.4]

Gene: Well, so they just to keep that part of it's simple. I think there was never a time where I got out of real estate and into the marketing, they sorta ran in parallel of each other and then market changes back or in the early in the late 2000s you know, 9, 10, 11,12 forced me to do some things in the real estate sector that pushed me closer to the marketing end of it. The reason why I do it every day is I, it's actually really simple for me and I think you would totally agree with this. Like, like people who used say to me all the time, well you left Verizon cause you didn't like your job anymore. Nope.

Marty: Sure.

Gene: You left Verizon because you didn't get paid enough. Nope. I left Verizon because I was, I loved working there and the reason why I loved working there was because there's never, there was never two technical problems that were the same. So every single day I went into work there, it wasn't Groundhog's day. It was the exact opposite. So if you didn't like change and fluctuation and stress, you didn't like my job. I loved it. And I think from a marketing perspective, and you know this, everything changes so quickly. Like tick tock was not a blip on the radar six months ago. [07:17.8]

Marty: I thought you were going to leave with the stress part.

Gene: Nooooo…. I could right? I could, but if you listen to me on some of the other things I've done, I certainly don't focus and dwell on the negative on it right?

Marty: No, no, no…neither do I, but it's just funny because most of the time when you talk to anybody that's running an agency and then you flip it is most people, and then not everybody, I'm not trying to lump this in there though, “ most people”, but they're like, Oh well you just do marketing so that can't be too stressful. And it's just like, where do you think sales comes from? Where do you think the branding comes from? Where do you think people come to, to buy your product? And then ultimately you know, you're on the clock to provide a result. So most of the time we always joke about it, and especially in many of my agency masterminds, Oh, you know, it'll be fun, own an agency. Do work in marketing. It'll be, it'll be a good time. And we quickly realized that, yeah, there's some flash to it as you know. But then there's also the other side of it, which is you got to produce results and that's why I'm bringing on good people onto this podcast. [08:16.5]

Gene: I couldn't agree with you more. I think it's one of those things, it's like the grass is always greener, you know.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Gene: Like, Oh well your life hasn't changed during any of this. If we, you know, well how do you know that? You know, I, I show you what I want to show you on social media, but you don't know what's going on behind the scenes. There's a lot of stress to it, when you're handling other people's money, you have to produce, I mean, this is, these are businesses that we're dealing with that need to get returns on their investment. And when that doesn't happen, that's a stressful thing. [08:41.7]

Marty: Absolutely. So what do you dislike about marketing? You know, in the industry overall, and it doesn't have to be real estate related, but what do you dislike?

Gene: I think I dislike the fact that most, I shouldn't say it this way. I gotta be careful how I generalize. Right?

Marty: Sure.

Gene: I think a lot of clients feel that marketing is discretionary.

Marty: Yes.

Gene Or it's a, it's a want, not a need. And so, you know, I feel like it's like insurance. Like if I, and I've always heard this from agents and maybe it's part of their, like a, what was me scenario, but you know when times get tough and people have to pull their purse strings back, you know, like let's just say I was in an opera, I was in a space where I had the decide whether I was going to pay for my mortgage or my car insurance. The insurance is usually one of the first things to go. Right?

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Gene: Like people are like, I'll take the risk on that, you know, cause they can't come after me. It doesn't go against my credit. Like I'm just going to stop paying in shorts. And I think marketing is that for businesses it's like times are tough. I need to pull back. [09:42.6]

Marty: That’s right.

Gene: And it's like, where's the first spot? Well, you know, obviously everybody always goes through their, their income and this $9 Apple iTunes, do we really need that? No, this is $600 marketing. Maybe. Maybe we shouldn't spend as much on PPC. Maybe we should drop that in half. And, and I, I, here's what, here's what I hate about it. If it all comes full circle, I'm the guy saying to them… No, no, no, this is like, especially now, this is the time where you need to double down because the people that get through this with the right attitude and the right strategy from a marketing perspective are going to be in such a better position when it's over. But the problem is, is that I'm the marketer, so that sounds like I'm selling you a bag of shit, right?

Marty: Yeah.

Gene: No, no… use my services. You gotta you gotta pay me more and do more. Not less because you're going to be better. And it's like, well, of course he feels that way. Right?

Marty: Yeah, no, and that's a great point. You answered my second question and since we're recording this and you're at the tail end of April, 2020 might as well talk about it right a little bit.

Gene: Yeah. [10:40.1]

Marty: You know, like what's going on? What have you seen over the past six weeks with the whole Corona virus, etc., and the things that we're in.

Gene: I know I'm going to regret saying this, but I'm surprised at the amount of people who are holding steady.

Marty: Yeah.

Gene: After what I just told you. I think a lot of my clients are like, and I've heard them say this straight out, which is now this is the time where we need to be even more on social media. Right? And I'm like, Yes! That's wonderful, I love that. You know, cause like right now, I mean, you know this, they said screen time has gone up 80%.

Marty: Yeah.

Gene: So that's an opportunity for guys like me and you to get more exposure for people that, that, that are spending the money. Right? So that's what I'm seeing is I think there's, there's two types of people in this and what we're in right now, one is the 95 per centers that are sitting in the corner sucking their thumb and they're saying, well was may, everything has to stop and, and I'm not judging by the way, cause I don't know your situation for sure. So I get that. But I also think that the 5 or 10% of the people that are sitting around are licking their chops because they realize that there's going to be an opportunity at the end of this across the globe. [11:46.8]

Crypto currency, stock markets, marketing, business. I mean it might take a little bit of time, right? Like it could take 18 months before people will go back to restaurants. But if you think these big chains aren't going to flourish when this happens, I'm dying to go to a restaurant. Like it's going to happen. And if you're at the forefront of that, you're doing the right things and people know you're there and what you're offering, that's going to be a good deal for you.[12:07.1]

Hey, if you're enjoying what you're hearing on the show and want more, head on over to TapsandTees.info and get our free report with game changing tips and strategies straight to your inbox. Just enter your info and stop being stuck with no marketing plan.

Marty: Absolutely and you know, we've seen the same thing and it was funny at first everyone was like, let's take a pause, let's take a deep breath. They paused some of their campaigns. We redid some of their campaigns and then many, many of our clients both large and small, they doubled down and that is a testament to what you said because you don't think you need insurance until you need it.

Gene: Yup. [12:49.0]

Marty: And it's a good analogy about marketing and you don't necessarily have to continue the same way. You can keep those lights going because just what you said, this is not going to last forever and certain things are going to open up faster than others. There's going to be some different things, but if you're not top of mind, somebody else is going to be, I see competitors of some of our clients chomping at the bit. Spending more money and we're letting them know that, you know, saying, Hey look, you know, company X that you always say is your main competitor. Just a heads up, here's their new campaign and here's what they're doing. So it's either you want to stay in it or you don't want to stay in it. And we've seen some tremendous success in the past six weeks in ecommerce and the screen time, like you said, there's a lot of opportunity just getting through the unknown, so. [13:35.2]

Gene: So can I, can I add?

Marty: Yeah.

Gene: A lot of time to add to that because I want to.

Marty: Absolutely.

Gene: So I think that there, I don't think, I know there's been some amazing creativity and amazing Goodwill that's come out of what we're talking about. I'm shocked by two things. One is I'm shocked by how much people are affected by this mentally. I know for a fact that there are people that are struggling like I can't even fathom. And I, and I totally get that and I, I offer my time to them all day and that's what we'll do, we'll close with them. When you ask me what I'm pitching, I'm going to pitch spending time with me on a zoom if you need help with just talking through stuff. The other side is I am also as surprised at how creative and goodhearted people are. The reason why I brought that up is because the folks that are creative and that are leading in this time right now are going to be the ones that win at the end of this, and I wanted to give you an example. I read an article yesterday about this guy and I'm not even going to try to say his name because I'll kill it. I'll destroy it, he's Armenian.

Marty: Okay.

Gene: And, and he runs a BYOB in Northern liberties. It's called Apricot Stone, Okay. So if you look this up.

Marty: Oh I’ve heard about this place.

Gene: Did you see this? [14:43.1]

Marty: No, I didn't see it but I heard of the place actually.

Gene: So if we do this, I should send you the link. And this guy is not a client of mine. I have no idea who he is, but he is, he is still operating his restaurant and one of these doing is he's taking orders via Face Time.

Marty: Nice.

Gene: And he's treating it as if he was your waiter. He's actually setting up, once you, so you call in and you get him face to face. He sends you the menu via email then a couple of different points and specials of the day. You call him back in 15 minutes, he takes your order and then 15 minutes after he gets notification that the order has been dropped off, you zoom with him again and he's got his table set up. So when you zoom in you can see the wine glasses and he's at the other end as if he was standing at your table. The dumbest thing in the world, I can't wait to go to that restaurant when this is over to talk to him about this because it's brilliant out of the box marketing. [15:32.0]

Marty: Yeah, no, that is awesome. And that's something that, you know, if you send me the link to that, I'll put it in the show notes.

Gene: Yup.

Marty: So everyone can check it out. Because you know, if you're in a craft beer industry and you have an awesome community, people miss you. If you have people that come in, I think that's huge. The same thing on the golf side of things.

Gene: Hmm…hmm.

Marty: People miss you. I mean they miss come into your course, they miss coming into the taproom and you can connect with people during this time. That's a great idea, Gene. So let's move it into, you know the last part of this podcast and what's the best place you've ever traveled to? [16:03.6]

Gene: Ahmm…You know, I think..so I've been some really good places inside the US. Never been…I've never really been outside the US. We've been to Jamaica, I've been to Hawaii and all kinda spots in the United States. But because you caught me off the cuff, I'm going to give you an off the cuff answer.

Marty: There you go.

Gene: Puerto Rico and I'll tell you why. It's real simple I think, it was so; this is going to sound awful. It was so unexpected.

Marty: Okay.

Gene: Like the way it works was, I think it was our fifth year anniversary and my wife was like, we're going away. I don't care. We're spending money. Right? And she's like, alright. So I got this place at St. Thomas and I'm like, what does that look like? She's like $16,000 I'm like, Nope, I'll buy a car. You know, like she, she was coming up with all these crazy excursions and then, you know, two weeks later after she was done being mad at me, she called me and she said, I found our next place. We're going to Puerto Rico. And I'm like, no, we're not. I am not going to Puerto Rico, not for any reason. It's just never been anywhere on my, on my list. Never. [16:59.3]

Marty: Right.

Gene: I can think of 30 places I'd rather go. And she goes, it's a Ritz Carlton, all inclusive, 4,400 bucks with airfare. I'm like, okay, we're going to Puerto, we're going to Puerto Rico.

Marty: Oh God.

Gene: Dude. I'll tell you what, I'm a food like you. I'm a foodie. I'm a whiny, I'm a Beery. Like I, I food beer, that's 70% of my vacation is dictated by how good the food was, what kind of beer I got, what kind of wine we were drinking. Right. And I'm talking about outside of my kids having a great time. This was, I can't wait to go back like it was. And I know they've been through some hard times so like I want to get back there sooner rather than later. I just can't tell you how much fun we had. It was, the people were amazing. The food was incredible. The beers and the drinks were great. We were, we stayed at the Ritz down there. It was a beautiful place. The rain was fun. Like it was just, we went through a rain forest, like it was crazy and I just really, really, really enjoyed the culture and everything there. [17:47.6]

Marty: Awesome. Yeah. No, I've never been to Puerto Rico, but I'm big fan of Ritz Carlton, that's for sure.

Gene: Yeah right.

Marty: All their properties I have stayed at have been awesome.

Gene: Yeah.

Marty: Alright, so we already know this, you already drink beer.

Gene: Yeah.

Marty: And I know you are pretty big in craft beer and you know your stuff, which is always fun to talk to. So first off, what’s your just go favorite beer of all time

Gene: Of all time, I had this conversation yest.

Marty: All time.

Gene: I have this conversation yesterday and I think, are you okay if I give you one or two? I’ll give two, if it’s okay?

Marty: Yeah you give me; I'll let you give me two.

Gene: Alright, I appreciate that because here's the thing, it's they're so different it sort of depends on the Moodle man. One's a sour and the other one is like, you know, not a sour, there's, I don't know and I'm sure you've had these, but there's one called Rodenbach Grand Cru.

Marty: Oh yeah. [18:34.1]

Gene: Which is to me just amazing. If you don't like sours you won't like it. But if you do like sours like I do, they're incredible.

Marty: But it's funny as that's one of them where I never really likes sours. I can't, I mean no one should really drink a ton of sours anyway.

Gene: Right.

Marty: But the one thing, I never liked them, I started just trying, you know, just trying to taste more of them. And that was one that I was like, Ooh, okay, now I can drink some of this and it’s a good one.

Gene: Yeah and it's like a bottle of wine, you know, you drink, you get, you get a 24 ounce or you haven't. You drink it for a special occasion maybe with a cigar or something like that.

Marty: Exactly. Yeah.

Gene: The second one is Saison DuPont, which is.

Marty: Oh yeah.

Gene: That's, I'm not telling any secrets. That's more like consistently rated one of the top five beers in the world so.

Marty: Yeah.

Gene: But they're they're, they're two of my go tos where if I'm like, you know, if you're a whiskey drinker and you go to get that 200 bottle, $200 bottle of whiskey whiskey for special occasions, that's like my two go tos. If like, you know, I closed a big deal or it's just something's going on. Right. I had my wife just had a baby 15 years ago, maybe I celebrated with that, but that's like my go to. [19:35.4]

Marty: Gotcha. Yeah. So all right, well then let's drill it down just cause we live in the same area. What's your favorite local beer or a couple of them?

Gene: I'll tell you. So there's a couple like I like Locust Lane, I've, I really enjoyed that. And part of why I like Locust Lane is because of the first experience we had at the brewery. My wife and I were just driving around one day on a Saturday, it was like noon.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Gene: We were getting ready to go to a party, we popped in, there was nobody there yet cause they had just opened. We, you know, we got a tour. They gave us the whole; I mean it was just a lot of fun and the beers really good. Again, if you're a local, I don't think I'm telling you any secrets. I liked Victory, don't get me wrong, but I would head over to Levante.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Gene: Big fan of a little Cloudy & Cumbersome and the Tickle Parts. La Cabra is pretty good too. I like the La Cabra.

Marty: Yeah.

Gene: Shout out to those guys out there on the main line. Those guys, I think again, part of it is the experience. Those guys are great dudes. They give back to the community. It's just nice to be there.

Marty: It's hilarious that for first off Locust lane. Good dudes. I've met those guys, at least a couple of them before. I don't know how many people own that or run that. I've actually never been there. I've had their beer though. I've never been there. And then like Hopper, I went to for the first time, this past December, it was either December or January, I think it was December. And that was great. I mean the food was good and a little place there in Malvern, you know, and you know, it, it just, everything was there. I mean it was just a perfect little experience, so. [20:56.2]

Gene: Yeah.

Marty: No, those are two good ones, and yeah Lavante… Lavante is Lavante. I mean, they've got a great community. They've, they've got, you know, a strong presence in Westchester, Pennsylvania. And I know they're expanding and they're doing different things, but you know, they have a good community and a lot of people go there and flock there and you know, Victory has been around. Yeah, they’ve been around.

Gene: Yeah. You can't, you can't mess with Victory. Victory is pretty good. Yeah.

Marty: So, alright, so when was the last time you played golf? I know you play, but not regularly.

Gene: No, it's been, it's been way too long, if I'm being honest, I couldn't even tell you the last time I played. It's gotta be going on three years.

Marty: Yeah. Well.

Gene: Yeah.

Marty: That's way too long.

Gene: I know for sure it is.

Marty: So what do you like about it and what don't you like about it? Playing golf.

Gene: Here it is, the.. the easiest answer to that is, what I like about it is that I'm terrible and so what, and here's why I like that. [21:46.2]

Marty: Okay.

Gene: I always, I always say that golf is one of those things where the better you get, the more stressful it is. So I like, you know, you know what that is? It's like I, you shot us 78 but you could have shot a 77 and I'm like…Oyyyy.

Marty: Right.

Gene: Like I just feel like I'm getting my money's worth out of the course. You know, if it's 120 bucks to play on Glen Mills and I shoot 120 that's a buck a stroke. It's not bad.

Marty: It’s not bad.Yeah I know.

Gene: So I like the fact that it's relaxing, it's slow paced. I mentioned this upfront, I'm a cigar smoker.

Marty: Hmm…hmm.

Gene: So I really enjoy getting out in the open on a nice, you know, 75 degree day. It's not too hot. I got my big old bucket hat on and I'm smoking Ashton VSG you know that to me is fun.

Marty: Yeah, I know that's always a good aspect to it. What is your favorite golf moment personally on the course and then what's like just your favorite golf memory if you have one? [22:35.4]

Gene: They both are the same thing.

Marty: Okay.

Gene: And you're going to get elaborate. Right? So when I was, when I was about 19 years old I, and I wish I could show it to you cause it's so much more visual than it is a story. But we went out for a company outing for the insurance company that I worked for and I was known as the, I shouldn't say it this way cause people might say I was the crazy one, right? Like I was 19 we were in the middle of party and I lived on my own like I was. [23:03.4]

Marty: Well, not let some of the stories out that you've told me previously out on this podcast.

Gene: I appreciate that.

Marty: But I would, I can totally picture what you're talking about. Go ahead.

Gene: And this is clean. There's nothing, you don't have to worry about it.

Marty: Oh yeah, yeah, no, I'm not worried about it. It could be dirty and it's fine, but go ahead.

Gene: So, so we get out on the golf course and I am part of a foursome that was one of the first to tee off and now I'm dressed like I know how to play the game.

Marty: Alright.

Gene: I got my knickers on, I got a great new pair of spikes, like I’m.. you know, and I, I forget whose clubs I used at the time, if I had my own or if I borrowed some, but whatever the case was, I snuck an aluminum baseball bat into the bag. And as we're teeing off, I'm the fourth one to tee off and I, the Vice Presidents are all standing behind us at the company and they know who I am, but they don't know anything about me. I'm just a lowly guy in the, in the IT room that's, you know, changes tapes and helps the print and stapled insurance booklet. So it was like, you know, whatever it is. And plus at the time I think I was working afforded midnight shifts so I didn't cause too much trouble while I was there. [24:00.0]

But I, I pull out the driver and I go up and take a couple practice swings and I’m you know, I give the old like I don't know if that's going to work or not. I go back to the bag and I pull out this aluminum bat. I can see everybody, like, what the hell is he doing? I get up to the tee, I pick up the ball and I throw it up and you hear it…Paaaannk… and I, I hit that sucker from the tee box and with, I think the best part about it was I didn't even look back, I dropped the thing back in the bag, jumped in the car and we drove off. And they had to be like, first of all, there was probably two sides. One is like this dude's out of his mind and there's probably other contingent was like you would have been like, how dare you disrespect this game? [24:36.2]

Marty: I would have laughed. It's so funny you tell that story. We played a, it was a baseball fundraiser. They had I can't remember. It was like a, it was like a, you know, a minor “Local Celebrity” to that course. This was how in middle of nowhere in PA out by state college I think if I remember correctly and I got roped into this tournament and on like the 15th hole or something, a Par five, you know, you know how you usually have like the pro hit when that this minor league baseball player hit it with a baseball bat and I can already hear the sound that you're describing, but then also too, you hit a baseball if you can actually swing a bat and hit a baseball and you can use a golf ball that sucker's gonna fly.

Gene: Oh, I'm sure he crushed it.

Marty: Did he crush, I can't remember how far, I just remember it was like a short pitch up to the green and it was like a series par five. It might've been around 400 like almost 500 yards maybe we had like 30 yards left. I mean this dude crushed this thing and I couldn't believe like not to get off the beaten path but like if they had like a waiver for that because you know, hitting a baseball is one thing, hitting a golf ball with a bat I think could go anywhere. [25:46.9]

Gene: Yeah, yeah. No, it's crazy. And I'm sure being a minor league baseball player, you probably had a lot further than I did and straight or I don't even know where the ball went probably.

Marty: But number one, I could totally see dude 19 year old Gene doing that. I could even see Gene doing it today, but

Gene: That's a true story actually. I would, you're right.

Marty: All right Jean, where can people find you online? You know, give us all your info here. [26:09.4]

Gene: Well listen, if you know how to spell my name, you can find me, it's G E N E and last name is V O L P E so I'm at genevolpe everything except Instagram. I’m the Gene Volpe, so genevolpe.com; genevolpe@gmail.com gene info@genevolpe.com I mean if you go to genevolpe.com there's a little scheduling widget that pops up. If you want to get inside my space, just go there, fill that thing out. I'll get the message and we'll chat. [26:33.3]

Marty: Awesome. Thanks Gene. I really appreciate you coming on and like I said, everybody, you know we're bringing some people on over the next few episodes that are going to be marketing related; they'll always have a craft beer/golf twist. But I think it's important to know really good people out there so that you can take a look at their content, get different ideas for your marketing that’s not you know all the time that everybody, one person has your solution. You will always want to research and make sure people that you look to hire know what they're doing and Gene is one of them, so thanks Gene I appreciate it.

Gene: Marty. Thanks buddy. Stay safe.

Marty: Will do buddy. [27:06.8]

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