Expanding Boundaries | Michael McLeish
How to Finally Make The Change You Need
Most people think human nature is unpredictable, uncontrollable, and uncertain. But this belief imprisons us into a life of mediocrity. We allow ourselves to become comfortable, and thus, make excellence impossible.
But your mind is just as much of a muscle as your biceps are. Meaning, by training your mindset, you can rewire your brain, and experience unbelievable success.
Today’s guest, Patrick Precourt, real estate investor and life coach, is exceptional at helping people understand how to change their life for the better. And in this episode, Patrick does just that.
Tired of staying stuck and living a mediocre life? Listen now.
Show highlights include:
- How isolating yourself from everybody except your family actually helps you serve your clients better (4:34)
- Why real estate investing courses and seminars can sabotage your success (and what to do instead) (8:20)
- How to force your mind to give you the business results you desire even when you’re deflated and unmotivated) (11:22)
- The single biggest mistake humans make that derails their success, crushes their dreams, and consumes them with misery (12:47)
- The “Scales Secret” for using your pain to finally attack—and achieve—your wildest goals (13:10)
- This 30-second visualization “game” instantly nukes your procrastination (17:53)
- The weird way your results undermine your leadership (22:59)
- The only 2 things you need to develop to become a top leader (27:08)
If you’d like to connect with Patrick, visit his website here: Links: https://patrickprecourt.com/. Or connect with him on Instagram here: https://www.instagram.com/patrickprecourt/ and
Facebook here: https://www.facebook.com/patrickprecourt.