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Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast

#15 - Fear: Friend or Foe?

Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast         Mike Fallat | Inner Circle Podcast        
#15 - Fear: Friend or Foe?           #15 - Fear: Friend or Foe?          
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    Fear causes hesitation. And holding back and thinking causes your worst fears to come true.

    What’s your biggest, deepest, darkest fear? Does it empower you or make you cower in the corner?

    Everyone is afraid of something. Mediocre men let that fear cripple them, strip away their freedom, and sabotage their health. But winners transform their fears, weaponize them, and use it to reach their craziest goals.

    In this episode, you’ll discover how even the weakest men transform into winners by running towards their fear.

    Listen to the episode to become fearless and successful beyond your wildest dreams.

    Show highlights include:

    • The weird way wearing a mask cripples your business growth. (2:15)
    • How fear kidnaps your freedom and forever keeps you trapped in a mediocre life you hate (5:16)
    • The “Airplane Approach” for jettisoning your worst fears for good and reaching your full potential in no time (6:31)
    • Why chasing your fear instead of surrendering to it gives you an unfair advantage for success (8:31)
    • How fear poisons your body, weakens your immune system, and decreases your fertility (11:38)
    • How to weaponize your deepest, darkest fears and transform them into fuel to achieve your wildest ambitions (18:33)

    You’re only as strong as your circle. Want to surround yourself with other patriot entrepreneurs like yourself? Then join my Inner Circle at https://www.mikesinnercircle.com/.

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