Welcome to the making of a DM Ma. Divorce. Is that a dirty word? Well, it depends on what kind of context you're using in it, but today, it will be the best word you've heard ever about divorce. So grab a pen, grab some paper, and be ready to gain insightful knowledge and divorce something that's been holding you back. So with that said, let's get started. Right? Freedom. There ain't no question. Mark, Kevin's when he's stepping the Dow, he's closing deals, time to tell him what the DM stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker.
0:56 Welcome to the making of a DM. That's right, the dream maker and deal maker. Podcast show this, your host, Mark Evans, DM, coming to you live from the office here in mentor, Ohio, about to head out down to Florida for the next six and a half months. So getting excited if you do this or not, you literally, it's like when you travel, right? You get more done in a week than you do three months prior. You gotta love the power of a deadline anyways. Welcome to the show. If you're brand new to the making of a DM welcome. This is a real show genuinely talking to you and with you. I'm sitting in my desk, and if you're sitting in these beautiful leather chairs across from me, this is exactly what I would talk about and how to talk, and I'm just, I love this game of life. I love what I get to do, not have to do. I look at problems as an opportunity to learn and grow, not as an obstacle to use as an excuse of why I can't grow. And this is just a straight up show. And if you've left me a five star review or you haven't, please please do so that would mean a lot to me, and let me know you do so, and maybe I'll give you a shout out over on social media at Mark Evans DM. So just get over to iTunes, or whatever platform you're listening to the show on and leave a five star review. It does a couple things. One, it lets people know that you're paying attention. I don't charge for the show. It's kind of a you know, everyone's always asking, like, Dude, can you help me for free?
Can I pick your brain? Dude? Brain? Dude, this is about as close as you're going to get to picking my brain, of what brain I have anyways, but 28 and a half years of experienced entrepreneurship in the trenches, never had a real job if I don't, you know, generate value and create revenue I don't eat, nor does my family and everything I care about and all my team members. So I've been at this for a minute. I'm just getting started. I'm learning with you. I don't have it all figured out. Every day I realize that there's so much to know. So appreciate you being here. Please leave a five star review and share this show. If this show makes an impact in your life, today's show is going to be impactful, as they all are, and and again, if you're brand new, it always to hear my origination story of what, how I got to this point. Go to show episode number one, I talk a great detail about that. So today I want to talk to you. Today might be 20 minutes, 40 minutes, I don't know. I'm just going to share. I got some bullet points here, as I do every show, I kind of think about some of the stuff that's been going on, I just got back from a Utah jet trip, I'd have a thing I do on a jet experience. And what's cool about that is each person invest $10,000 to come with me. We go everything VIP style. We hop on the jet from Ohio to Utah. We had a guy actually have some cool cars there waiting for us to take us to the hotel. And then business is on. You know, we land at 330 we have a top tier dinner set up at six o'clock that same day, and with a guy, actually a nine figure company, 400 employees, kind of thing, just kind of sharing his insights. What he's doing. His company's valued at a billion, 4 point four billion, I think, give or take. So we're hanging out this cool Steak House, talking with him.
We get done at nine o'clock, and at nine o'clock we go back to the hotel and we meet another group of entrepreneurs that build another billion dollar company and beyond in the hotel lobby. So there's like, 25 or 30 of us hanging out in the hotel lobby. I got my son there with me. He's nine years old. He's like, Dad, I got this. I got this by 10. By 939 45 he passed out on the couch, which was awesome, because he's sitting there learning what it really takes to do this game of entrepreneurship. And so we got done about 1030 ish, I guess, got back up to the room. Was back at it at 5am me and my son went down to the gym. He wanted to work out, as he does every morning, which is cool. And we worked out, met some people, and 730 had some breakfast meetings. Nine O'Clock was up at my buddy Sean whalens. Event, lines, not sheep. Event, um, he had about 120 people there. 150 got to be able to present about 1030 of that day, share my story and insights and the journey, if you will. And had a lot of great conversations, a lot of great meetings after that. And then. VIP dinner. Actually, I skipped a day. The day prior, I had two podcast shows all over town, and then we had a private art show with Sean Whalen, which my son ended up picking up a piece of his art. And then the next day after that, that's when we did the speaking. So lot a lot of stuff going on in three days. Got done with that, had a great VIP dinner the next day, went in there, connected with a bunch of people, had a couple breakfast meetings with some big blue collar business owners.
One guy exited for 16x which is really cool and exciting for him and his family, and then hopped on the jet at 1pm back to Ohio land at 630 in the evening, car to the house, and as if we were never gone. So I'm sharing that with you, because that would have never happened if I didn't do what I'm about to share with you. And what I'm sharing with you is this, I had to divorce the old me. I had to divorce the story divorce the story that's holding you back, that's crippling you, that's keeping you in the same place. I just got off a call with a guy that's literally he makes 10s of millions of dollars a year, has a very cool car collection, works his ass off, and he's having massive struggles this year, with family members and friends talking down to him, tell him he didn't earn it, telling him he's just show off, and he's starting to go back to his old self. He's starting to remarry the person he divorced. And this happens oftentimes. If you're not paying attention to your circle, your environment, your conversations, and I don't care at what level you're at, this is something you always need to be conscious of I've talked about this in magician versus mule. My book I wrote, I talked about me economy, the book I wrote, I've talked about in 10 minute business owner. I've talked about this for a long time because it changed my life. The old you is not going to get you to where you want to go. You have to divorce that individual. That individual you the old you probably has some shit you don't like to admit. Probably has some really shitty things you've done, probably a lot of things you might not be proud of. Guess what we all do, we all do. But what's going to get you to the next step? You have to divorce that shit. I love what Sean always says, your mess is your message. Your mess is your message. Stop trying to hide it.
Stop trying to act like it didn't happen. But yet, you're constantly evolving in this turmoil. Constantly. You're comfortable with it. You know how it feels, it hurts, but you keep doing it because you know what it feels like. There's another side of this game. We have one shot at this thing called life, and we need to live it. We need to live life while we're alive. Yes, there's going to be hard days. Yes, there's going to be some glorious days. But guess what, if you don't divorce the old you the new, you will never be able to show up to the opportunities you have at Sean's event, there was an individual there. True story, she was a high paid call girl. True story, she's still working in that industry. That day, she quit because she's She's addicted to the money, but she's shameful in it. She's living in shame every day. She knows better. She's like, if I stay here, it's not going to get to me to where I want to go. I can't be the true me, like the true me. She made a commitment that day, and everyone's cheering on. The truth is, very few people actually no one really cares about you as much as you think they do. So stop giving them so much weight, stop allowing it to control you and your thinking and your decision making. I see great people holding on to the past, suffering every single day, smiling, acting like they have it figured out, but deep down inside, knowing everything they do isn't going to get them to where they want to go. Am I the only one that's done something I'm not proud of? Or have you done some stuff you're not so proud of? Maybe in your personal life, in business. Listen, I've been in business 20 and a half years. I've done a lot of shit I'm not proud of. I wrote about it in magician versus meal. I worked people to the bone. I paid them the least amount I could pay them, and I grinded on him, I yelled at him, I talked to him like dogs, but that's what I knew. I didn't know any better. I matured from that.
9:30 Maturity is a very powerful thing, but I had to get clear to understand what got me to where I'm at isn't going to get me to where I want to go. And as we come up to 2025 we're right around the corner. This is a good time to talk about, what do I want 2025 and beyond, to look like for me? I don't care about my grandma, my mom, my dad, my sister, my spouse. No one time to get selfish over here. Get selfish with yourself. Understand if you're not the best version of your. Self, everything you're touching and communicating with is getting affected by it. Yes, there's going to be some pain. Yes, there's gonna be some separation conversations. Yes, there's going to be some of that. But separate with the old you, let's start there. Yes, it's gonna hurt. It's okay. You're tough. You got this. And when you dig deep down inside and realize that you're capable of so much more, more importantly, you're actually going to do something about it to get that to show up in the future. See, a lot of people talk about it, very few do something about it. And I would hate for you to go another year, another minute, let alone a year, five years, 10 years, 20 years, 50 years or longer, I would hate for you to not live the life you're capable of because you're held back from the old you have any conversations I had to have with family members, what I thought were friends to let them know I'm a Different person. You and I don't see eye to eye. When I look at my life, the truth is, what I really want in my life. I just want peace. So if any anyone in my world is disrupting my peace, they're getting kicked the fuck out. I don't care who you are. Peace from within peace. How can I run an amazing life? Be present, have the things I want give, the things I want to give. If I'm not at peace. Are you at peace? Are you working towards peace?
And again, this takes work. This doesn't happen overnight, and not every day is peaceful, but I'm conscious. I'm aware, and like I said, most importantly, I'm willing to do something about it. When someone infiltrates my peace. This is why you always hear me talk about win with winners. Because if you're like me and everyone else I know, we have a tendency to want to help losers. We have we're fixers. We want to fix people, fix broken things. That's us as entrepreneurs, right? We fix things. That's how we get paid. We solve problems, that's how we get paid. But with individuals, this is very tough to do if they're not willing to fix themselves. Have you ever exhausted your energies on these people? This could be staff. This could be sisters and brothers and cousins and uncles and family members of and all types of friends, like, could be all types of people, and for some reason, you just take a like into them, and they get their clothes in you, and you're like, Dude, I can't help this fucking person. And no matter how hard I try, I still feel like a piece of shit. I still feel like the bad guy. I still feel like I can't serve him. I can't help him. Well, maybe it's not you, maybe it's just them, and you're allowing it because you know better. We have to detach. We have to have that uncomfortable conversation with them. Yo, homie. You and I just don't see eye to eye anymore. It's cool. I wish you the best. But where I'm at my life and where I'm going, I just don't have the energy to exhaust into this relationship. Let them talk shit. Let them say stupid stuff that's on them. They've probably never had someone radically honest with them. The truth is, you might not even know the effect you're going to have on the end of the individual until it's years down the road when one day they come to you, seven, 510, 20, 100 years later, if ever, they come to you and like, dude, that day, you were honest to me. I reflected on it, and I knew you were right, but I fought it every second of the way. And now today, because you said that to me, I'm in a better place, then we can revisit that conversation. But until then, get your shit in order. I ain't got time for my stuff, barely. How do I have time for your bullshit? You're having these hard conversations every day with yourself or with them.
You know, when you're not giving it your all. You know when you're detaching from situations because they get hard, hard is good. Hard means you're actually moving forward. Have you ever seen someone in the gym work easy? What do they look like? Have you ever seen the guy work hard at work? What's his results look like when they work hard in the gym, what's it look like versus easy when you work hard on a relationship, versus easy on a relationship? What's it look like? We can't always see eye to eye. We're two different people. It's okay to have hard conversations if you're coming from the right place. I want to see you win. There's nothing in my fiber that wants to see anybody lose. It doesn't do anything for me, by the way, even if you're in my so called competition, I'm there to win, but also I'm not hoping you lose. Do you understand that I can still want you to win, but I'm going to win. Well, why can't you win too? Because, by the way, in entrepreneurship, winning is it's relative. Winning to me, might be making a billion dollars a year. Winning to you is like, Dude, I just want to make a million a year. We can both win, but I can't win with the loser. By the way, even if you're making money and you're a loser, I don't want you in my life, because there are some people that are losers that make money. I'm not in this game for money. Money comes with territory. Already, I'm clear on that. Just like if you go to the gym every day and work out really hard, the muscles and the physique come with the effort. I show up every day as an entrepreneur, and I do the work that will never be a problem for me until they plant me in the ground. But I can't win with a loser, no matter how hard you try. And the day I divorced the old version of me, and by the way, there's multiple divorces, because I'm constantly evolving. I have mentors. I've been part of mastermind groups. I get I get to see what another level looks like. Constantly, I could put on a new lens. What got me to a million a year? Ain't going to get me to 10 million a year. What got me to 10 million a year isn't going to get me to 50 million a year and beyond.
I have to divorce the old me. What the old me thinks I know, I think I know a lot, until you realize you don't know anything. This is why mentorships, mastermind groups, expedite results. Borrow belief systems, expedite everything in the game, if you're showing up to win, as opposed to showing up to talk shit, talk negative, talk down to people, shit on their dreams and goals, all you could do that. Why can't I have you done it? What are you doing? See, it's funny, right? Like the people closest to you typically will tell you what you can't do, true story, they'll always tell you what you can't do. Cool, tell me what I can do then. And this is typically what they'll say as an entrepreneur, to an entrepreneur like you and I, well, you can go get a good, secure job and get a solid 401, K and hope you don't get fired. That sounds like a terrible fucking ideal. Steve didn't last week. You just tell me you hated your job, didn't you tell me you don't get vacation days anymore, didn't you tell me you didn't get a pay raise, didn't you tell me blah, blah, blah. Like, look at them and look at where you're at, where you want to go, if they're where you want to be, and everything they say is on point. Listen to them, if not one ear out the other. You got to understand they project. They only know what they know. They're not listening to an entrepreneur podcast show like you right now. They're listening to the fucking Sports Center. Listen to the same goddamn stats. It's been shared 17,000 times in the last 12 seconds, and they know every stat about every player, but they don't know shit about their personal life their spouse is about to leave them. They don't even know their kids' birthday. They don't know what they're supposed to do. They just know they're going to show up on Friday at 4pm and start drinking beers with their buddy at the Applebee's for half off discount appetizers, because that's what they do. If that's the life you want, I'm not your guy to follow. Divorce the old you. If you want a new you, you can't carry this baggage on any longer. Admit it, address it, and let's go get to work. We have to as a collective work together. Do you know there's a world that exists where they talk positive, they talk exciting. They're in the game. They want to grow with you. They want to see you win. They don't care about your ideas. They want to inspire your ideas. They're not going to steal them. They're not going to take your money. They're not going to take your ideas. You know, ideas are pointless. Effort is where the magic is.
19:28 You are better at executing than you give yourself credit for. You are not giving yourself enough credit for your courage that you have deep down inside of you, you're a fighter, you're a go getter, you're a doer, but you've allowed the old you to show up constantly, because that's just what you know. And that ends today. You're going to push so hard and move so fast to so many bigger. Levels that you didn't even know was possible, but you've been dreaming about them, you've been scheming about them in your head. Write it down. Let's get a plan. Let's get a path. Let's get a destination, right? I don't call like, everyone's like, Dude, this is a journey. I call them checkpoints, not destinations. A destination is where it ends. To me, a checkpoint is where it starts, because once you realize what you're capable of, you're like, Dude and I, and again, I'm talking about I wanted to make 100 grand a year. And once I did that, I was like, wow, I can make 500 grand a year, maybe, and then I do that. I'm like, Dude, what if I could turn this into a million dollars a year? And then I did that. What if I could do a million dollars in a month? And then I did that. What if I could do a million dollars in a week, and then I did that. What if I could do a million dollars in a day? No fucking way that could happen. And then we did that. What if, just what if? What if I created something in one hour, I could sell and in one hour I could make over a million dollars in one hour. And we did that the old mark, 1996 laying in my mom and dad's house and my bed, building my seamless gutter company, hoping, dreaming, praying, trying to figure out how to make $100,000 a year, working 16 hours a day. 365 days a year, the old me would never, never even thought, let alone try to figure out how to do to make a million dollars in an hour. Hear me out, the old you is the old you. Divorce it. Divorce it.
You're better than that. I was thinking about Ed, my let, recently we were hanging out, and he was talking about a story about how his father's a recovering alcoholic and drugs and all that stuff, and the individual that saved him, his father, the individual saved him was a recovering alcoholic himself. His mess. He probably burnt down relationships, ruined things, messed things up in his life, until one day he just admitted it as like, I need help. I'm divorcing the old me. More importantly, I'm going to share my story. I share my journey. I'm gonna share my mess, because it's my message, it's who I who I was, it's what I did, but it doesn't define who I am today. But I could take that mess and I could help a lot of people, even if it's just one, and I know he helped at least one person's life, directly, but indirectly. He helped many people's lives because he helped Ed's dad. He helped Ed right? Because Ed gets a reflect. He gets results of that, his sisters, his mother, and all their friends and family members and everyone else they touched. And then his father goes on to help other people as well, because one individual is willing to divorce his past. Realize it is what it is. I can't do anything about the past, but I can do something about the future. See, the thing is, is we're all going to die in one day. They're going to be like, Man, if you looked at Mark's life and connected the dots, he had a plan. But when you're living like just so you understand, when you connect the dots, you can't connect the dots moving forward. You only connect the dots moving backwards. There's no dots forward. I'm creating the dots in the future. So it's scary. It's a known, possibly could not happen. Oftentimes, you're erasing dots and recreating new ones, right? She's like, Yeah, I'm pivoting. I'm doing this. I'm doing that.
What are you going to do? What are you going to change? This will give you direction. Direction will give you confidence. There's going to be a lot of unknown times. Don't let life just happen to you. Life is happening for you. You're listening this message for a reason. You're here right now for a reason. Why is it by accident, maybe. But what you do from this point forward might not be accident, if you do something about it. What do you want this game to look like for you? I had my son with me on the jet. I had amazing guys on the jet. I had 10 guys on the. Jet with me. Awesome guys, guys that own, you know, one guy has 13,000 real estate agents under them. Another guy owns many, many different companies on multiple verticals. Another guy owns a trucking company doing millions of dollars a year. One guy has a very large trading company. Another guy is a big financial planner. Lots of cool people doing really cool shit. Guess what? Not one person on that plane felt like we were doing anything. We're there to learn. We're there to engage. We're there to indulge and understand. What can we do more of? Who can we collaborate with? Who can we become? It's very powerful environment to be in. My question to you is, are you putting yourself in those type of environments, or are you hanging out and going to the discount restaurant with your 3456, buddies and just being the ultimate King of the dipshits? Because who you hang out with and what you talk about will be a direct reflection of what you have at the end of the day. What are you talking about all day? What are you thinking about all day? Who are you talking about? This stuff all day with these are very important things to pay attention to. Audit your circle. Audit your days, audit your efforts, audit your energy. You ever go in a room and you hear all these people shit, talking about other people, and you're like, you gotta go home, take a shower. You're like, Dude, I feel like crap. This just sucks the energy out of you, makes you see the world in a different light, not in a good one, either. Do you get in a room where people are like, Dude, you can do what? Yes, you can do that and beyond.
Man, you wait. You want to do that. Yeah, you got to know this person. You should know that person. Man, if you need help, give me a call. You got this stay focused. Or are you in a room where, like, that's a scam. Steve, if that was so good, why wouldn't everybody be doing it? Well, motherfucker, I'm talking to you. The reason they're not is because stupid ass is like you the way you talk to yourself, by the way, listen, if they talk to you like that out loud, I can only imagine how they communicate with themselves internally. It's cancer of the brain. You're here to grow your mindset. You're here to grow your mindset, which grows your bank account. That's why you're here. That's why I'm here. Me. Sharing my voice with you helps me gain better become better public speaker. I have three books in writing right now. I have 12 I've already created in the past. I want to do a book every year. Why? Because that's what I want to do, to give a journal to my children. Daddy's growing every year. Here's what daddy's journey is. First it was real estate. Second was real estate. Third was mortgages. Then it was this, then it was that, then it became about business owners, then it became about magician versus meal. Then it came about the economy, the me. The economy, the me economy. What's about me? And then it became more like give, you know, the giving muscle, right? Relationship, capital. I'm evolving with you. I'm not stagnant. I'm not taking it easy. The truth is, if anything, I'm working harder because I'm realizing I'm 46 and my time is running out, and I want to get everything out of my brain and heart and soul into books and audio and video, not just for you in a selfish way, my children and my children's children and my children's children's children, we have the capabilities to record stuff today, right now, that could be seen and heard forever. Remember, back in the old days, I remember at my grandma and grandpa's during holidays, they pull out that big old camcorder. My Uncle Jim, he had one. They pull it out sitting on your shoulder in a VHS tape. That was like a big deal. Now I could use my phone, ie super computer in my hand. Divorce the old you. There's so many people out there that you don't even know it exists. It's cool, because when I'm talking to my son and my daughter, I always tell him, my son's nine, my daughter's five, almost six in April, I'm like, Drea bear Marco, do you realize you've never met your your best friend? Do you realize you've never met your spouse yet? Do you realize you're in charge of your future? Think about that. Why do you think inside the deal maker Alliance, a deal maker family, I always talk about your one relationship away from a different life.
29:36 I need money for a deal. I'm hanging out at a a local chapter meetup of some sort. I shake it in with an individual. His problem is not my problem. His problem is they have too much money. My problem is I need more money or vice versa. See, the thing is that when I went Sean's event, there's 120 150 people there, give or take, I'm there with 10 other guys. I'm not there to connect with 150 people. That would be awesome. I. Yeah, I'm there to connect with them, I guess, on a one to many concept, but a deep relationship, I can only handle one to three. Maybe I'm busy. They're busy. My job is to share broad and go deep with the right ones. I can't follow up. I'm not good at following up with 150 people like that. I can't do I don't know how to do that. Not only that, I'm not for everybody. They're not for me. That's cool. There's nothing wrong with that. See, the old me was such a people pleaser. I tried to please everyone, and what I realized they can't even please themselves. So how can I please them? That's the old me. I divorced. I divorced them. I'm still looking where I'm weak. I'm still looking for where I have challenges. This is why I always talk about win with winners. I love seeing people win genuinely, deep down, I love it. Because, guess what, if they're winning, that means I can win. I love it. Why would I want people to lose? There's nothing a winner wants more than winning. But I don't want to lose either, and I don't want to put like, Man, I hope they lose.
Never comes out of my mouth ever. We can all win, because you gotta understand, we're all playing a different game of life. We're all in different seasons of life, and I realize life is in cycles. Sometimes we have winning seasons and sometimes we have losing seasons. There's nothing fun with the losing season. I was in one last year. It's not fun, but I keep on winning. But Mark, you just said you're losing seasons. You're right. It's a cycle, but I'm winning today. I woke up I won. I have my health. I won. See when you're in these seasons, pretty much every day, you need to be thinking and be positive about what you have. Entrepreneurs hold a lot of weight about what's in their bank account is what they're worth. A lot of times your bank accounts very rarely a reflection of where you're at. But we hold a lot of weight to that. Oh, man, only have 800,000 in there, man, I I'm a loser. Or 8080 whatever the numbers for you, 8 million like it's relative. Do you think if Jeff Bezos woke up with $8 million in his account, that's all he had to his name, he'd feel like a loser. You bet your ass that's no money at that skeletal relative to you, could be life changing. But I want you to grasp this concept, divorce your past self, leave
32:50 them behind, bury them, shut them down. You're not the same person. The old you is the old you. You're a special individual. You're one out of like 8 billion people, one no one else is like you. Stop trying to be like other people. Be inspired by other people, but be the best version of yourself. That's what gets me excited. That's why I love the deal maker Alliance and the DM family. I get to work with amazing 150 200 people every single week. Connect with them, talk with them, see them grow. One of our clients just, literally, one of our members, just hit a million dollars a year in his business. That made my day yesterday. Seriously, that made my day. Yesterday, I was more excited about that than anything else I was working on, other than hanging out with my family. I love to see people win. I love to see people grow. I love to see people push past themselves. I'd love to work with you. It's the deal maker Alliance. I can get you a link. Shoot me a message on Instagram, at Mark Evans DM, at Mark Evans DM, say, podcast, dash DMA, and I'll shoot you a private link. It's me, not someone that works for me. It's me directly. I'm in this game forever. As an entrepreneur, you're capable of so much more, and I can't wait to work with you at any level. Keep me posted with your progress. Keep me posted with your journey. Let me know the day you got a divorce from your old self. Shoot me a message on Instagram. Divorced this day. Put a line in the sand. Stand up for yourself. Stand up for something bigger than the old you. You're a powerful human being, and I promise you, whatever you're doing, you could you're at like 3% of what you're capable of. I want to be on this journey with you in any way, shape or form, like I said earlier. Let me know. Shoot me a message on. Instagram at Mark Evans DM, divorced my old self this day. Can't wait to see the messages, share the show, connect with individuals, win with winners, and enjoy the journey. So with that said, make the day count.
35:21 What I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he's stepping to die, he's closing deals. Time to tell him what the deal stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm the kid over to the team project, so I know how it is, and I come from a lot of money. I remember it as a kid wanting to make a money. Brat. See, no one making more than that graduated high school with a 1.8 sure they owe me back. All my principals and teachers are alive just to witness this. I'm almost I'm out here running two way figure businesses. Walk away from it all, and I'll be good. But I've been called to help people, just like y'all learn again. It's time to pause everybody chasing the money. But I'm not chasing the money. I'm out here chasing the purpose. Yo, I've been working my whole life. Guess where we at? Is it gonna get us where we wanna go? Time to push, time to learn, come to grow. I did it to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he's stepping to doubt, he's closing down time to tell him what the DM stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm the kids over to the team project. I'm working here. Deal makeup, deal makeup, makeup, deal makeup, deal
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