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Without headaches or hassles

Today I'm cutting through the noise to talk about the real grit of starting a business. Forget about fancy tools and complex setups—it's all about making money first.

I'll share my own grind, from knocking on doors to handing out flyers, and the hard work that paid off despite the rejections. I'll also give you solid advice on finding financial freedom and why enjoying the journey matters.

Tune in for some serious business talk you can't afford to miss!

Show highlights include:

  • How to prevent focusing on the wrong thing at the wrong time? [04:07]
  • Learn the basic tools for entrepreneurial success [08:46]
  • Are you selling your services for free? [11:51]
  • Here is why you must build a relationship capital [13:57]
  • Learn to conquer your fears and make a fortune [18:24]
  • Discover why you need to create value for yourself [24:38]
  • Do you know about having knowledge equity? [33:26]
  • Find out how to take control of your financial life [37:45]

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Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the making of a DM Ma, stop trying to build a business right now. Instead, do this. If you dare to succeed, this show is electric. Shut the door, hide the kids, because what I'm about to share with you is going to be very, very passionate and the most real I think I've ever been with you my entire life. So with that said, let's get started what I know and how I did it. To discover freedom. There ain't no question. Mark, Evan's when he stepping the dial, he's closing deals. Time to tell him what the deal stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker.

0:57 Hey there. It's your boy. Mark. Evan d m, welcome to another making of the DM. That's right, you are the deal maker, dream maker of your life. We need to treat it accordingly. Today's a beautiful day sitting here down in the cigar lounge at the house here in Ohio, perfect weather. It's almost like fall out there already. But I wanted to come to you guys today because I have something big to share with you, and I have to apologize. I'll get to that in a second. If you've been following me listening to this podcast show today, I need you to share the show. Pause this. Share it on social media. Give a five star review, please share the show, because what I'm about to talk to you today is literally going to melt the podcast shows. All right, I'm being a little dramatic, but it is going to be very powerful, and it is going to go against the grain of what most people say. And my apology is this. My apology is, I've been talking over your head, as many people have.

2:08 The truth is, most of you listening to my voice are trying to build a business when you don't even know how to make money. You need to make revenue to build a business. Ouch. It's true, if you don't know how to make revenue, you can't build a business. It's not like you buy a business or build a business without making revenue. So you're trying to skip the biggest step, the hardest lessons, the most important lessons, of creating revenue.
Inside of creating revenue. It's going to give you confidence. It's going to give you insights that you could never, ever, ever, ever, ever read. That's me like you reading a book how to ride a bike. And I'm going to say, listen, and now you're going to fall and you're going to get a boo boo on your knee, and it's going to feel like this. You need to get in the field, you need to get your hands dirty. You need to get people yelling at you to get off the lawn, or I'm going to shoot you. You need to look them in the eye. Connect with an audience. Connect with an individual. Shake their hand, hug them. Understand what their real problem is, and sell them. Solve their problem. Sell. It takes work.

3:24 You're trying to avoid the work this is going to give you so much confidence. You'll see the truth is, you'll see if you're even cut out for the big leagues, I'm not trying to be a Debbie Downer today. I'm trying to give you the truth, the hard truth, the real truth. Most of you listen to my voice, will never build a real business. It's hard, it's daunting, it's challenging. But I'm sitting here, I was talking with my mentor. I invest 120 grand a year with this guy for for 90 minutes a month. I was talking with him. I'm like, dude, most people are suffering because they're focused on the wrong thing at the wrong time. If you're sitting there as a solopreneur, you don't know how to create revenue, but you're creating SOPs. You're trying to build up the best CRM, and it's you, it's you, it's only you. And yet, you have the best LLC, you have the best structure, you have the best CRM, but you can't make a cell to save your life. You're screwed. You're gonna get depressed, you're gonna get frustrated. You have massive anxiety. You don't know what the hell it takes to make this work.

4:39 In today's show, I'm gonna give you exactly how to make this work. Now let me be direct again, as I will this whole show, and I will always be. This is not popular, this is not scalable, this is not sexy, and you're not doing nothing. You will have to. Wake up, you will have to execute. You will have to get told no. You will get rejection after rejection after rejection for direction, and you will make cells. But most importantly, you're going to make money. You're going to help people. You're going to make money, and then you're good, then, then we can move on. We can mature the business, and then move in to scaling, move in to building a company. Move in to talking with HR, move in to talking about proper infrastructure. Move in how to finance right now. I don't care if you have a pot to piss in. What I share with you today, you could literally go out today and start generating some revenue. I'm excited. I hope you are excited, because these are things that all of us can do.

5:52 I talk to a lot of real estate people. There's a beautiful thing, if you don't even know about real estate, you know, there's a thing called equity. Here's what it means, if your house is worth a million dollars, you owe $500,000 you have $500,000 of equity. Sounds pretty cool, right? Well, you can't pay your bills with equity, and you can't eat equity if you don't know how to tap into it, if you don't know how to exhaust it, if you don't know how to gain access to this money, it's pointless when worthless. It's a vanity number, vanity. I'd rather have sanity. But the truth is, every single person listening to me, if you don't even own a piece of real estate, has a beautiful thing called Knowledge equity. Yes, you I don't care who you are, where you're from, what you look like, what you do or don't, do you have knowledge equity, you'd want to do things that I don't want to do and many other people don't want to do. Even as stupid as it may sound, you have opportunity. The truth is, most of you listen to my voice probably has never even done a lemonade stand. You wouldn't know how to go about sourcing the cups. Oh, I'll go to Walmart. I'll buy some cups, and I'll buy some beautiful pink lemonade, or whatever stuff you come up with cool. What's the p and l look like? Meaning, what's the cogs? Cost of goods sold, generating revenue. How much time did I spend out what's my average cost to acquire what's my average customer value? These are things real business owners know real business owners, and it's okay if you're not. I'm trying to give you an out. I'm trying to give you a break. I'm trying to give you an opportunity to change your life. Because there's too many people telling you, go out, build a business. Build a business. Hey, listen here. You can't build a business if you don't understand how to generate revenue, if you don't know what it looks like, you can't do it, no matter how many times I tell you, and other people tell you, you're dumbfounded, you're clueless, and you feel like a loser. You're not a loser. It's just you're accelerating the thought and you're never going to get there ever and if you do, it's going to be very painful, but most of you will never get there. It would be literally me dropping you off and say, we're going to climb Mount Everest. You're like we are. It's easy because I've done it 50 times. Let's say you've never even knew it existed. Then now you want to do it, but you don't have the right shoes. You're not equipped to do it.

8:28 No matter how hard you try, you're not going to make it that far if you're not equipped. Today's show is about equipping you with basic, fundamental tools to give you a fair shot at succeeding at entrepreneurship, true business ownership. I'm excited for this. I want you to take a minute and think about this. What do you do daily? What's your day look like if you have a friend come in town, are you good at putting on parties? Are you good at craft beers? Are you do you understand a lot about bourbon? Do you understand a lot? Are you a foodie? Do you understand all the local food joints? Are you a big town historian? Are you good at organization? Are you good at paperwork? Are you good at accounting and bookkeeping? Are you good at building with your hands, like bocce courts, right? What's that other game everyone's playing? It's like tennis, but it's not tennis. Whatever the hell that game is, paddleboard or what I don't know what's called. Are you good at these kind of things? Swimming. I have a college swim coach. I pay $150 a week to come here for an hour to teach my kids to swim better. A college kid an hour, 150 bucks a week, yeah, but Morgan, I don't really have time. Fuck you. Get off the show. You don't have what it takes period. That's the truth. You need to make the time this is your life. You have one shot at it, one What are you going to do with it? Make excuses or go execute relentlessly to accomplish what you only dreamt of.

10:42 You can change your life, your kids' life, your grandkids life, your parents life, your grandparents life, everyone's life that you want to change because you do what we say today and beyond. Are you good at writing? Are you good at editing? There's ghost writers. People are paying 2030, 4050, $100,000 to write a book to a ghost writer and editor. Are you able to help people with tech? Maybe you're really techie, by the way. I don't care if you're six or 60 or 70 or 100 it doesn't matter. What are you good at?

11:37 I want you to stop trying to be Mother Teresa over there too. I help lots of people do tech work. Are you charging them? Well, they're my friends. Fuck them. They ain't your friends. They're taking free labor from you, and you actually can't, even barely pay your bills, and you're over there hanging out for three hours helping them instead, tell them to go hire someone else. If they're your real friends, they'll pay you to help them solve their problems and charge them to solve their problems. There's nothing wrong with that. For fuck sakes, they're paying Apple they're paying all these cable stations, they're paying Netflix and Google and all this other shit. Why can't they pay their friend to solve a real problem that they need help with?

12:20 This is the mentality you need to stop. Stop it.I saw my mom and dad do this for years. They still do this shit. They're helping everybody, but they can barely help themselves. It's hard just let them know. Listen, it's a business. I help people with their technology. I help people start a party. Me and my wife just did a 10 year anniversary party. I didn't know what it cost, but call it 15 or $20,000 for the event planner. She's amazing. She has a team out there. She puts it together. She sees things differently than I do. She has relationships and connections that I have. Not only that, she has time. This is all she does. She's a professional. Well, guess what? You don't need to be a professional. Start with a bar mitzvah. Start with a simple party. Start with a kids party. Start with a local event mastermind. Start with an entrepreneur party. If you want to be an entrepreneur, get around entrepreneurs. How do a party with entrepreneurs? Fucking easy. But Mark, where'd I do it? Do it at your house. Do it at a restaurant. Do it at a local park. I don't care where you do it, just do it.

13:35 That's it. Charge $20 get 20 people in there for what is that $400 but it's not about the $400 it's about the connections that you'll make, the conversations you create, the relationship capital that you start forging with the right people. Maybe you're a consultant. I invest 10s of 1000s, hundreds of 1000s of dollars a years on consultants. Me and my businesses, we all do consulting, tech consulting, tax consulting, financial consulting, sales, consulting, onboard HR consulting. What are you good at? What do you do all day? What are you like? What's so easy for you to do that? If you got paid to do it, it would just make it better. Don't worry about scaling. Don't worry about running ads. Don't worry about if I should set up an LLC or not. LC, just figure out how to sell it and get the money. That's all we need to do help the older people. My son's nine years old. He loves cleaning cell phones and computers. Dad, the phone's so dirty you barely hear out of the microphone. Let me clean it. That's a business. Cleaning phones, cleaning.

15:00 Computers helping people elderly. I'm not elderly yet. I'm getting there better than the alternative. But the thing is, is there's a lot of stuff on the computer. I don't know how to do my computer. I'm under utilizing it by 99% I'm sure of it. If I had someone sit beside me they could charge me to guide me, help me send $100 for an hour, sit in front of me, help me download my pictures from my cell phone onto my computer. So if I lose my cell phone, I don't lose my memories. What's that worth? What's your memories worth? But Mark, maybe they're already saved cool, we'll discover that in the $100 our consultant fee. Think about this. It's so easy. Stop worrying about your problems, start helping other people solve their problems. That's how you get wealthy. But again, you got to take your hat out of the gutter. I'm going to buy a business. I'm gonna, I listen to Cody, I listen to this guy, I listen to this girl, I do this, and I'm gonna buy a business. I'm gonna raise all this money, and I'm gonna make millions of dollars, and I'm gonna do nothing, I'm gonna travel the world. It's gonna be so easy. No, it's not. No, it's not. It's hard as hell. And it's, it's damn near pretty much impossible if you don't know how to generate revenue, no one's going to believe you when you get hit in the face with reality. You don't know how to make a pivot. You listen to all these podcast shows, pivot here, pivot there. Do this, buy this. Scale here, sell here, enterprise value. None of that shit matters if you don't know how to make revenue.

16:47 Revenue, you no one else. I'm not outsourcing. Most of you have fucking 14 vas, and you don't even make money. You don't even know how to but I got 14 vas, cool. What do you make? What do they do? How do they do it? Is it duplicatable, replicable? Is it making money? Is he scaling? What's the year over year growth? What's the month after month after month growth? What do you got? I don't know. I got 14 vas, exactly. Fire em all. You get to work, you make the calls, you learn the data. You who you if you're in front of me, I'm beat red. If you can't tell by the mic, I'm sweating like a maniac, because this is so life changing, important to getting you to the next level. This is the only way to do it. There's no shortcut. Solve busy people's problems. Have money. I like to solve rich people's problems. You know, those neighborhoods, those big houses, the ones you might be intimidated to go to. Well, guess what? If you're intimidated, the majority are intimidated. Walk up to the front doors. Ding dong, door knock. I want you to listen to my voice if you're just out here, just starting to generate revenue, find your niche and go get go, knock on 100 doors. Talk to 100 people. That's step one period, do the work.

18:34 Hi Nancy, how are you connect? Find out how to intro the conversation. Find out how to deal with resistance. When you get told, get the off my lawn. I'm gonna shoot your ass. Smile and say thank you. Have a great day. Shut the door, walk out and smile to the next one. If they do that again, go to the next one. Smile and intro because the third, fourth, fifth, seventh, 20th, 100th, one. One of them is going to say yes, one of them is going to be nice. One of them is going to give you a referral. Because you showed up. You connect. But this is where most people quit. They get cussed out. I Knew this wouldn't work, damn it. I want to go watch a football game. I'm going to the bar. I want to go smoke a joint. I'm going to do this. I'm going to do that loser game over, and you're trying to figure out a skill. You're trying to figure out what enterprise value is. You're trying to understand here's what a P and L looks like when you don't make any revenue. Zero.

19:34 I don't need to learn how to read a fucking P and L. It's 00, truth is, most of you have negative P, L, why? Because you bought all this dumb shit and you're not generating any revenue. It's negative. PL, your profit and loss is lopsided. Why? Because you don't know how to generate revenue. I don't care if it's $1 on it, it's negative. $1 you're buying all these CRMs. You're. I had all this cool software. You're looking good with this fancy little logo because you're cool, and you got these cool little cards, and you got a bandit sign, or you got this sign, or that sign in this car sign, but I'm gonna buy this car because I get depreciation, and this dude get the work and go make some money. Go make some money. That's how it solves the problem. That's how it gives you the confidence, that's how it gives you the grit. That's how you meet cool people, and you'll see if you're cut out for the shit, and if you're not, that's cool too, because maybe you're a great number two, because I'm cut out for this shit. I will get in front of people. I will go door to door. I will go toe to toe with anybody to get the job done. In my vertical, in my niche, in my category, I will stay up late. I will get up early. I will make the uncomfortable call. I will do the uncomfortable presentation. I will be consistent and persistent, not overwhelmingly dickhead persistent, but persistent in a cool way. I will figure out how to hack I will figure out how to drive into the conversation. I will figure out how to ultimately be there when they're ready. Will you
that's the separator.

21:23 But step one is show up. Have something of value.Maybe you're good at sorting out email. I suck at that. Maybe you're good at Search Engine Optimization. Maybe you're great at AI technology, artificial intelligence. If you have an advantage in there, you could literally charge a guy like me 100 200 500 bucks an hour, depending how big you sold the idea, or how big the solution is I'm looking for, or how deep you could literally, like, connect with me on it. And like, Dude, you're trying to build this billion dollar i ai idea. I know X, Y and Z to our console, $1,000 I'll come to your office. I'll come to your house. I'll come wherever you're at. Let me know. It's a G, here's the link. Let's get this shit done. Why wouldn't someone like me pay that? If I'm interested in that, I would, and I have many times over, and I will continue to do so. Recently, I had an HR guy at the office pay for this shit, pay people. I need help. Here's what we're dealing with. Here's the vision. I don't know how to get there. It's foggy. Give me some clarity. He's behind the scenes in between businesses, every day, all day, for the last 25 years. He's worth something.

22:58 What is he worth? Whatever he says the number is because he has brand, he has value, he has equity. Knowledge equity, and you do too. I don't care if you're a dipshit at 18 years old and you don't know the difference from your ass in a hole in the ground. You have equity if you know how to position it. Why? Because you're 18 and you're a dipshit and you got hard work, and you show up. You have value to me. I need my trees cut down. I need extra help labor on my farm. I need people like you charge for it. Show up, let me know you exist. Everyone else is complaining there's no workers out there. No one wants to work. You do show up. Cha Ching, it's that easy, but now you gotta do the work my garage, my wife's always on my ass. I buy all kinds of goofy stuff for the kids. I got 10 electrics, four wheelers and motorcycles and this and that. We don't need them all. But you never know right, wrong, maybe. But my wife, depending when you knock on my door, catch me in the stream or hit me up. Hey, Mark, I know you got these things. Let me take them off your plate. I'll split it 5050, I'm gonna throw it up on Amazon, you know, Facebook marketplace. I'm gonna do XYZ, and when we sell it, if I you know, what's it worth? 500 I sell it for 300 I split it 5050, with you. 150 Do you want? 150 and your wife off your ass. Don when can you start?

24:34 You're creating value. You're solving my problem at that moment. Now, I don't just the only one that has this problem. Every person has a time problem. I've never met someone that said, Man, I have too much time on my hands. And if they say that, run, because they're not losers, they're going to do bad stuff with that time. You. And they're gonna pull you into it. There's so many ways. Maybe you're a great designer, maybe you're a great photographer. Shit. I paid my photographer $8,000 I think, give or take, I don't even know, because I don't look at that number. Why I look at my wife. I trust my wife and I let her handle it. She loves the photography. I love it. I'm not shopping dollars. I'm shopping the moment, right? Because some of you like, Dude, I only paid 1200 cool, they look like shit, and, oh, by the way, only half the pictures turned out. I'm not saying, if you're cheap, that doesn't work. I'm just saying, from my experience, you get what you pay for.
Just know who your target market is, because that's how I buy, that's how my wife buys. Don't be that dipshit that tries to sell discount, because that's what you buy. Understand who your target market is. By the way, the best way to learn this is when you get told no 15 times and you're scratching your head like, Dude, I do great work. I'm charging less than anybody, and I keep getting told no why? Well, either they don't trust you or you're not charging enough. That's it.

26:14 Maybe both. But the more you charge, as crazy as this sounds more the trust factor.
It sounds absolutely crazy to say it out loud. The more you charge, the more perceived value you have to the right customers, the right customers again, knowing who your target market is. The only way to know this is by diving into the game and being conscious. Every door you knock, every conversation you have on the phone, every communication you have to Facebook marketplace, if that's how you're advertising. Man, this guy just said, No, I had 17 messages with him. I thought he was in what did I mess up? Where did I go? Review, learn next one. Get better. See, the thing is, is when you understand abundance, there's not just one lead out there, trust me, there's not just one person that has the same problem as me or you. Lots of people do shit. Maybe you just like window washing. I made a 19 year old window washer making $275,000 a year. You know what his biggest problem is. He only working seven months a year. And half the kids go back to college because he hires college kids to help them. A quarter, $250,000 plus a year washing windows. Can you clean gutters? Can you clean driveways?

27:54 Can you hang out bandit signs? Can you hang Christmas lights? Can you hang Halloween decorations? Can you take them down? Right? The truth is, I love hanging Halloween directions with my kids. Guess what? I hate taking them down. If you came over and took them down and put them in a nice, neat pallet that's worth some money. What am I willing to pay for it? I don't know. Depends when you catch me right now, it's not a problem. Why? Why haven't put up the decorations? There's no pain there. But if you're talking to me at the right time, in the right situation, in the right conversation, and it makes sense, I'm in cool dude. Stop over blah, blah, blah date. Yep, take them down, man. I'm in. 350 bucks in See, the thing is, there's money everywhere if you start opening your eyes again, my goal is to teach you how to make revenue. I know how to build businesses. I know how to sell businesses. I know to scale businesses, create enterprise value, but none of that matters if you don't know how to create revenue.

28:55 And I apologize to you. I'm sorry. I'm sorry, because for too long, I've been teaching you how to grow real big businesses, because that's where I'm at. That's what I do every day. I'm that's my life. But I started right where I'm telling you today, hustling, door knocking. This is pre internet days, by the way. Everyone listen to my voice. The truth is, you have it 10 times easier than I had it. If you're starting out to create revenue, you can post on Facebook marketplace. You don't listen. You don't even have to believe me. Go on Facebook marketplace and type in whatever you want. 16 foot trailer, four by four, four wheel, Truck for motorcycle, four wheel, whatever contact them all. Half of them will already be sold. The other half will probably not even contact you. A very small percentage will contact you back and say, hey, it's available. Or they're horrible business people, by the way, they're not. Is this, people on marketplace. Typically it's mom and pops, just trying to sell something in their garage. When that happens, you should be thinking, market advantage. What's your market advantage? I need to make money. I'm going to arbitrage opportunity. Mark's going to give me a motorcycle. It's worth 500 I'm going to post it in line for 300 I'm going to get 17 contacts. I'm going to communicate with six. And out of that six, three are going to show up. And out of those three, one's going to buy for 150, or 250, or 300 or 175, or 285, whatever the number is. But you're going to create a structure.

30:40 By the way, everything I just shared with you is called an SOP, systems, operations and procedures. You don't even need to worry about that yet, because you're doing it. I
remember this guy used to work for me. Well, like I said, used to why, because the guy could fucking build the best SOPs, but to implement it was he didn't know how to make a penny. He know how to spend money and spend time. He knew how to talk a big game. Very, very terrible at making money. Well, non existent. That's why he's not with me anymore. That can only get go on so long if you don't know how to make money, I don't need you because I'm in business, and just like you're in business, if you don't make money, well, guess what? You don't have a business. Learn how to make money. I don't know why you're not making money. Actually, I do, because you're too busy trying to build a business. Stop worrying about building a business. Stop worrying about scaling. Stop worrying about efficiencies. You will learn that through doing. You will learn that, and you'll you'll realize, like, and guaranteed you're going to be in the wrong vertical. You're like, oh my god, oh my god, this is not scalable at all. Why did I pick that? And then your next thing? Because now you know what to look for.

32:20 Could be the thing I've never met one person in my entire life that their first entrepreneur venture is the thing they stuck with to build the brand or the business or the billions or the 100 millions or the 10s of millions of dollars in their life. I started selling shit at five, six years old at school. All my buddies have been hustling, slinging candy, slinging Barbie dolls, slinging motorcycles, four wheelers, trailers, boats houses, slinging
there's not one person that's built a real business that hasn't done what I'm talking to you right now about not one, not one, not one. So don't think your little ass can get away with not doing this work. You have to do the work. Knowledge, equity. You have it. What's it worth? I think when someone comes and cleans my windows here at my house in Ohio, it's like 700 or 1200 bucks. I don't remember. One house is 700 the other 112's 100. To just clean the it's a one day job with one guy. It's a long day. Are you too good to do that?
Go to your neighbor's house. Go to the local party, hanging out. Connect with people. Ask them curiously. Ask him What's the biggest issue you're dealing with in your life, if you could solve it and make your life better?

34:09 Well, honestly, I wish I had a dog walker. I wish I had cleaner windows. Dude, I can't find anybody to install a pool. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, like they're telling you what they need help with. It's never been easier. It's never been easier. I want you to knowI'm not mad at you. I'm excited for you. This is an amazing time to be in the game. It's hunker down season, shut off the TV and go get to work. Shut off the noise. See, the thing is, you don't have time to talk shit. You don't have time to talk about this or that what's going on at Politics or this or that, because you're too busy doing the work, connecting with humans, realizing what it takes to make money, realizing what it takes to deal with customer service, realizing what it takes to put these jobs together, showing up relentlessly, not when you want to, but every single day, day in and day out, seven days a week, not six, not five, not six and a half, seven days a week. Some of you will learn how to work efficiently and effective in those moments. If you have kids or no kids, this is a different strategy. Why? Because you Yes, you have to figure out how to work properly, to design what you're trying to accomplish. What I do forget. And I'm not saying this in a dickish way, I forget. Most people listen to my voice. If an extra 1000, 2000 $5,000 a month came in their bank account, it would change their life.

35:58 I forget those times. I forget those days, but when I was starting out $1,000 a month as a game changer, and I was willing to do whatever it took under God's green earth to make that happen, are you? Help people solve their problem. Don't do it for free.
Who are you helping? You're not helping anybody. You're you're actually hurting everybody involved. They're not appreciative of your time. They're going to constantly call you all the time. Now you can't pay your bills, now you can't meet a new client, now you can't make more money now you can't live your dream. Now you can't solve your problems. You're losing all around Yeah, but, man, they're a good person. Cool. Give them the good person fee, then good person price. My family at church 3x why? Because they're fucking 10 times harder to work with. They call me all the time. They ask me all the questions they don't do out any of the actions I tell them. Charge them more. You have to realize you only have one shot at this thing called life. Treat it accordingly. These minutes matter. So powerful, you're so close to another life. If you're listening to be still, I'm telling you, your life will be changed forever if you can wake up every day, every single day, for the rest of your life from this moment forward, knowing that you can earn money on demand. You now you're in control. Do you know the feeling it is when you can wake up knowing you can make as little or as much as you want today?

37:59 Not like Well, I gotta go my job. I work eight hours a day, and I get, you know, two weeks of paid time off, and I get this, you're a fucking slave, slave. And listen, if that's what you want to be cool, work on results. I don't care if it takes you a minute or 100 hours, this is what you signed up for, get to work, get results. The only person that cares how hard you work is you. Anyways, no one cares. And if they act like they do, they're lying. Oh, Johnny, you work too hard, man. You should try to ask for a raise. Fuck you, Johnny. I'm getting results over here, homie. I'm growing a relationship. I'm connecting. I'm learning so much about how to conversate, connect, close. The truth is, some of your hardest deals that you do are the biggest lessons that you'll carry on for the rest of your life in business. These are what's going to give you the decision points when you have those tough decisions, when you are scaling, when you are growing, when you're getting ready to exit, and someone's trying to screw you on the backside, and you see it because you've been there, you've done that, you've done the work. That's when it gets interesting. That's when you realize it works. But guess what? You have to do that 1015, 20, maybe even 30 years from now, that's gonna happen.

39:30 Haha, that's what that dumbass meant me. Is the dumbass, by the way. That's what that guy screaming at me on this podcast show was talking about, I want you to win. I want you to win big, huge, ginormous, bigger than me. Doesn't take away from me. It doesn't take away from my life. I want to meet you face to face. I want to shake your hand. I want to hug you. I want you to know I'm on your team, but you. Got to do the work. You can't be in the environment. You can't be on the team, if you're a loser, if you're non action taker,
winners. Win. Lot of people are getting beat up right now, and they're slowing down. They're stuck, they're stunned, they're sitting. It reminds me of that Mike Tyson punch out when he's like in a daze. It's like the bird. In the days he's like, the birds are chirping around his head, dude, stop it. Wipe it off. Make the calls. Get in the trenches. Have the conversations. Knock on the doors, go to the networking events. Shake 100 hands a day. Have 100 conversations a day. Have 100 messages. Go out today. Connect, connect, connect. Generate revenue. Let them know what you're up to. Let them know what they need help with. Where are they at? What's going on, what's your biggest struggle, what's your biggest opportunity. What do you need help with? Who do you need to connect with? What's going on? Boom, connect.

40:53 I can help you there. What are you willing to solve that problem for? What does that work to you? 10 grand. Cool. I sounds like two hours worth of work. I can get in there. Help you out. Two hours worth of work. 175 bucks an hour. 350 I'll show up tomorrow. What time you wanna do it now? You wanna do it tomorrow? I'm in. Let's go. Kick it up.
Kick it up a notch. Quit fucking Lily dilling around like, let's get to work. Let's get results. Let's get the money. If you ain't fired up after the show, literally, I can't help you. I'm fired up. I'm ready to run through the wall. I remember when I was 18 years old in the, you know, shit void, tennis shoes from Kmart in the rustler jeans from Kmart in the pocket T with a homemade fucking rainbow spouting sign on the front of it, door knocking, door knocking, flying at Walmart, flying at Myers, flying at Kroger, flying at Kmart, putting them in there. I don't know what the hell I'm doing. I'm just putting signs in cars getting chased off by security. You can't do that. No soliciting. I didn't know what soliciting met. I was too busy working. I got time for that shit. I got soliciting. What? What does soliciting even mean? I didn't have Google back then. I couldn't check. All I knew is it worked.

42:14 Cool. You chased me off 182 flyers out on the windows. Someone's going to call someone's going to see them, someone's going to yell at me? I'm good with that, because I'm going to go get the money. I'm going to get three conversations in one job. Let's go. Are you willing to do this? Do you really want this life? Because this is what it takes. There's no shortcut to this next step. This is what you will appreciate. Like, I get emotional because this is what made me. This is what forged me. This is what gave me these ideas and these insights, and gave me like, listen, you're going to get punched in the face. You're going to everyone's trying to take it from you when you start getting it. But you learn these skills by doing the work, having the conversations, understanding how powerful it has resources and and you know, good mentors and good associates on your side, people you can call and consult with, pay other people money to consult with. It's what the DM alliance is all about. They invest 1000 a month. They get access to 150 plus people, and they connect every week, and we connect every day and every hour, some of them, opportunities galore. Solve each other's problems, help each other. Don't do it for free. Make it affordable, make it smart, make it work, make it make sense for each party.

43:38 And when you do this over and over and over. And I'm not talking for weeks, I'm talking for years, multiple years. There's nothing that can stand in your way, that can't you like you can literally make money anytime, anywhere. And when you have that confidence, it changes the game. And then the truth is, and I'm telling you a little bit advanced stuff here, the real truth is, this is when you start getting bigger, if you hear people say, you got to start getting good at saying no, because you got so damn good at making little money compared to where you're going, that when you're making start making real, real money. I'm talking like hundreds of 1000s, if not millions of dollars a month. You got to start saying no to the little things. No, I don't want 1000 bucks a day from you. No, I can't work for $1,000 an hour. It's not worth my time. You mean $1,000 an hour's not worth my time? That's right, depending where you're at and where you're going, you might be stealing from yourself 1000s of dollars an hour. That's where you're going. If you start today, start today. When to now? Right now, guys, gals, I'm fired up. I gotta go take a shower. I'm going to my neighbor's house to play some bocce, hang out with my old school buddies. I.

45:00 And I say old school, 70 something year old neighbors over here. It's going to be amazing. I'm excited for you. Keep up the great work. Keep pushing forward. Let me know this podcast show you it really hit like hit home. I promise you I'm on your side. I'm rooting for you. I'm doing exactly every single day what I'm telling you to do every single day, generate ref, generate rev, generate rev, everything. Nothing else matters. If revenue is not coming in the door, you are in business to make revenue. And if revenue is not coming the door, you have no business. Don't get this twisted ever. And if you do, you won't have a business, you'll be bankrupt, and you'll always have a job, and you'll always be miserable. You will never have be happy like you have to make revenue, provide great service, give good value, charge accordingly, and keep the process over and over and over. So with that said, is it, what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he stepping the dial, he's closing deals. Time to tell him what the DM stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker, the journey where it says it's all about the process. I'm the kid over to the team and project. I'm a small town in Ohio, so I know how it did. And I come from a lot of money. I remember it as a kid. Wanted to make a money. Brat. See, no one making more than that. Graduated high school with a 1.8 it should have helped me back. All my principals and teachers are alive just to witness this. I'm almost I'm out here running two way figure businesses walk away from it. Y'all can now be good, but I've been called to help people just like y'all learn again. It's come to Paul, everybody chasin the money. But I'm not chasing the money. I'm out here chasing the purpose. Yo, I've been working my whole life. Else where we at is it gonna get us where we want to go? I'm hurting helping teach him what I what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question more Kevin's when he's stepping to die, he's closing deals. I'm just telling what the DM stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm working here, deal maker, deal maker,

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