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Without headaches or hassles

In today’s episode, you'll get my straightforward advice on aligning your business with what really matters to you, overcoming fears, and setting clear goals for your life. From my recent trips to Canada and an Alaskan cruise to pulling off a property party with almost no sleep, my life’s been a whirlwind.

I'll break down how to stay focused on your big dreams and not settle for less in business or relationships.  Find out why aligning your business with what really matters to you is key.

Tune in for some straight-up advice and real talk about going after what you want in life. Let's get into it!

Show highlights include: 

  • Do you think growing up is overrated? [02:29]
  • Here is why you must be willing to do the work truthfully [05:58]
  • Discover how you can get what you want [09:26]
  • How much time are you investing in your goals [14:05]
  • The key is to focus on what and how to learn more [21:38]
  • Learn how to talk about opportunity [25:38]
  • Why you need data, not drama for success [28:07]
  • Can you imagine your bank balance in the next five years? [32:57]

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Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the making of a DM Ma, how much time do you spend on what you want? Let me say that again, how much time do you spend on what you want? The show is going to change your trajectory. So with that said? Let's get started

0:30 What I know and how I did it to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Evan's when he stepping the dial, he's closing deals. Time to tell him what the deal stands for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker.

0:46 Hey, there. It's your boy. Mark Evans, D, M, welcome to another making of the DM. That's right, you are the DM, the deal maker and dream maker of your life. Sitting here, finally, back here in the Treehouse, here in Ohio, beautiful day, 68 degrees, sunny as all get out. Family's hanging out. It's the holiday. Happy Labor Day when I'm recording this to you. Wanted to get away, get on the office and get some stuff done and labor I just want to say thank you guys so much. Last week's show had so many shares and comments about what type of business do you want? Do you want to suck business or a love business? If you haven't heard that episode, recommend go listen to it. Last week we dropped it. It's getting a lot of play, a lot of shares. So thank you guys so much for that. We gotta keep that going. You know, if you haven't given a five star review yet on whatever platform you're on, please do so take three minutes and out of your day and knock that out. It'd be a huge help for us. Gets us in the algorithm and lets other people realize that we got cool people out here. I'm not here to sell you anything. I'm here to help you. I'm here to guide you. Here to give you the truth and the plan of how to accomplish whatever size of goals you want. And I don't care what level you're at or where you're going, the opportunities are abundant for all of us, and I'm excited to be here on this journey of life with you. As I'm sitting here, I keep thinking about this thing, that term. You remember that term, FOMO, fear of missing out when I was on that boat, I kept thinking, I'm more of a fogu guy, F O, G, U, fogo, fear of growing up, I don't want to grow up. Growing up is so overrated when I watch my kids and just how free they are and just hanging out. And you know, they get upset when they got to do something for 12 seconds and out of their schedule, and not even a schedule that's just out of their moment of living. And fogu. Fogu, fear of growing up. Why do we have to grow up? I get it. We have to take care of things. We have to do stuff and responsibilities and all that. But growing up,

2:55 What does it mean? I see a lot of people that really are stuffy, that feel like they have to be a certain way, because that's what they should be like. And then I met a guy on the boat, 83 years old, and he's like a very free, laid back, very successful, wealthy guy, and very childish, like, I know many people like that, actually, me included. Now, listen, there's a time for business, but at the end of the day, it's like, just enjoy life. We got one shot at it. Everyone's so stiff, everyone's so uptight, everyone's so, you know, whatever, living on the edge, you can't really enjoy this thing we call life. So I have this thing called fogo fear of growing up. How about you? Are you more of a FOMO person or a faux goo person, right? You know, we gotta, we gotta talk more about that. But I am back in the saddle. It's been a long 14 days. We were in Canada, then we did the Alaskan cruise. Soon as I landed here at noon on Thursday, I went straight to a property we have where we're doing a party on Saturday. And you know, I want to talk about this, because I think it's important to talk about what success looks like, what winners do. So I got up, we left the boat at nine. Would be 1pm on Wednesday, East Coast time, and we got home at 12 o'clock noon on Thursday, I may have had one hour sleep in that time. Then I went out to our property, and I was out there till I didn't get to bed till about 11 o'clock that night. So that was a long day. The reason I was out there, I was talking to the contractors, talking to the ground, the grounds people, what's working, what's not. You know, there's some rain issues going on on this property, a lot of dirt moved around, gravel situations, tents being put up, people driving in the lawn, on soft ground, which never turns out nice, because you got to pull them out and fix holes and add dirt and, you know, put a new seed down, and totally changes the appearance of what we're trying.

5:00 To go for and I was out there all day. Thursday, I was out there all day. Friday, my party was at six o'clock on Saturday, with all these people coming in town, and I was out there Saturday from 8am until 3pm came home, cleaned up, boom, out there, smiling, as if I just arrived. And that's what success looks like as I'm out there, weed eating, helping the team, doing whatever I can to help get this thing to the vision that we set out. You guys understand as you as the owner, the leader, the driver, there's nothing below you to do actually. We have to do it all. And what's cool about that is, when we have to do it all, we don't have to do it all, because we have great people around us helping us do pieces as well. But during the 11th hour, when things are going on, you need to be on premises, you need to be hand all hands on deck, and you need to be willing to do the work. And I see a lot of people just not willing to do the work truthfully. And there was my, me and my wife's 10 year anniversary party. Many of you may or may not know this, but me and my wife got married in Malibu, Malibu, Rocky Oaks. You can look it up. We got married at this house. We ran this house out in Malibu. It's first saw right now, I think for about 50 million we got married on the helipad out there is me, Dina's mom and Dina, my wife, and obviously the guy reading the vows and event, a person playing some music. We had more camera people there than we did.

6:31 Yes, obviously it's just my mother-in-law, but I wanted to keep it small. Why? One, I'm very emotional in those situations. I'm like, I cried every wedding. I cried every baby birth, I'm I'm very emotional with that stuff. It's very important to me because it's like a big deal, and we'll talk about that today. Why it's a big deal, because I see a lot of people, you know, getting divorced and all that. And if I could just inspire one person not to get a divorce, especially those with children, it's very important to me as a man, as a dad, as a father, as a husband and as a leader to talk about that stuff. I'm in no way shape or form, and my relationship counselor, but me and my wife's been together now 19 years, and obviously I went through some people prior to her, never was married or anything like that, never even anything that serious, because I was not willing to settle. And I see a lot of people settling with their girlfriends or boyfriends, right? And don't settle. There's so many people in this world you do not need to settle. And I'm talking about settling with people. I'm talking about settling with partners, talking about settling with business ideas. We're gonna talk a lot about that today, but we gotta stop settling. Stop settling. You're better than that. There are more people out there. Is it convenient? Maybe. But I can tell you right now, from my experience, if you settle with the wrong partner in life or in business, it becomes very hard in the future. So we always know, pick your hard. Do you want to pick the hard now, or do you want to pick the hard later? Because it's coming, and the problem is, when it comes later, it's very fucking hard, and it's very costly. And if you have children involved, it's ultra costly, not to just you and the spouse, but to you and these two little, these precious kids that had nothing to do with the situation.

So be mindful about this stuff. Be conscious about it. Let's talk with my buddy. He just had a baby recently, and he's an awesome dude, him and his wife again, another guy not settling. He just literally was like, Yo, this kind of person I want. He literally mapped it out and he created, you know, he found the woman, the woman he wanted, and which is awesome, and that's what it's about. You know, have an idea of what you want. Let me stop for a second ask you a question. Do you know what you really want, and if so, how much time do you think about what you want? How much time do you think about what you want in life? What do you want? It's very deep question, because most of you listen to my voice, don't really know what you want, but I can tell you right now. When I hang out with people, they'll tell me everything they don't want or what they don't have. I'm like, Dude, why don't you do Oh, I got no money. Oh, that costs a lot of money. Oh, I don't have that. Oh, I don't know anybody that does that. Well, go online and find them. If you want something, you can go get it, big, small, little, medium, whatever. It's never been easier. It's your mental operating system. It's your mindset. What do you want? Do you want more wealth? Do you want more health? Do you want more love? Do you want more money? Do you want more time? What do you want? Do you want more cars? Do you want more houses? Do you want more watches? If that's materialistic stuff you like. I like that shit. I want more of it. I window shop all the time on that shit. I like looking. I just look looking at a $40 million property, 6200 acres of Montana. Today, I'm not looking to.

10:00 Buy something today, but I love looking at it every day, because I want that in the future. I want more cars. I know what collar they are, I know what year they are. I know what the inside guts look like. I know what the exterior paint looks like. I know the speed they go. I know the horsepower. I know how much it costs to maintain them. I know exactly what it cost. I know the top three sellers of them. I know what I want. Do you what do you want your real estate portfolio to look like? What do you want your business to look like? What do you want? What do you want when you have a spouse, some of you are listening to my voice and you're already married,so you gotta start editing what you want,
because you might have never even asked it. What do you want your spouse? What do you want out of your spouse?

10:50 I've always known all my life, I've wanted a spouse that is a ride or die with me, and I'm in charge, straight up. Some of you may like that or not, I don't give a fuck because I'm not living your life. I'm living my life. I don't want the wife. It's like I am the one I lead this family. Fuck you. I'm the man in this house. Now I'm not saying not to be independent. I want an independent, secure, strong female. That's my wife. It's what I always wanted when I had anything else less I didn't respect them. That's not their fault. That's my fault, right? I'm not the one that's like my wife and I are fighting for schedules like, No, I'm going to go do this. No, I'm going to do me and us as a family, and you're rolling with me if you've ever seen me at events. 99% of time, my wife and my kids are with me. My life is my life. If it's personal work, I'm It's my life. Truth is one of my mentors, and I'm sharing real stuff with you guys. I was talking with my mentor, and he's like, dude, like, how was the trip? Blah, blah, blah. It's like, it's cool, but the truth is, I love what I do. I'm not trying to escape what I built a life to do. I love it. And he started laughing. He's like, You and me are the same exact person. Pretty much every true entrepreneur that's succeeding gets to do like we get to do this life. We worked really hard to get to a point where I don't have to escape it. I love the hard. I love the easy. I love the in between. I love the challenges. I love I get to do it now. I'm not saying I didn't enjoy the trip. It's just, it's just a trip. I more enjoy it because my kids get to experience stuff that I never even thought was possible to experience as an adult, let alone a child.

12:49 So I love that aspect of it, but me sitting around just looking outside at the seas in Alaska, that doesn't do anything for me. Me talking to you, me connecting with people, my team, projects, visions, ads, etc. Like I love that shit. I enjoy it. See when you build a life, when you don't settle and you build a life by design, I don't worry about balance. I worry about progress. I already have guardrails in place. My family's number one period. Everything else will take a back seat. But also my family's very, very communicative about it, like, hey, the season we're in today or this month, this year, whatever is XYZ, and this is what it requires to accomplish that some days will be crazy, some days won't, but just so you know, we're in it together. We're driving this machine, and we're going to accomplish our goals. So how much time are you investing on what you want. You know, I want you to think about this, because, again, I've been guilty of this. I'm talking straight with you where I come up with an idea, and tomorrow I have a business doing it.

14:13 It's stupid. It's very dumb. Why? Well, because the next 10 years of my life is going to be busting my ass to try to make it successful and or going through the heartache of dismantling dismantling it because I didn't put any thought into the beginning. It's kind of like a divorce in a business if you don't think about it before and you don't know what you want, and you're making irrational moves just to make moves because it's easy, quick, simple, convenient. Well, the further you get down that road, I guarantee you it won't end it well. It just won't end well. Very rarely, very rarely. Think of. About this, whatever idea you have or whatever, like I look back, I've been doing real estate 28 and a half years. It's a long time. It's a long time. But is it? I had a lot of distractions in that journey. My portfolio should be way bigger. I'd have way more money if I didn't do what I just said. Have an idea.
Start a business tomorrow. I meet someone. I like them, they like me. Boom, we're in business next week. Now I'm not knocking that. I still do that, but I also has to be in alignment with where I'm at. I say no 98% of the time to opportunities now, compared to 100% of yeses back in the day, not all opportunities are opportunities. A lot of times what seems like an opportunity is a massive, massive distraction on what you got, your objection, your what you plan to accomplish. So put some time into that. What do you want to be known for?

16:10 If someone came to me right now and said, Mark, I want to, you know, start a liquor business with you, I'd like say, No more. I'm out. I don't drink. I've been drinking two and a half years. It's not a part of my life. It's not even a thought in my life. I'm not knocking it. I just do stuff that's aligned with what I believe in or what I what I like to do. I know there's going to be a lot of hard work. I know there's going to be a taste testings. I don't taste it, I don't like it. I don't like the taste, so I'm not a good partner. Anyways, yeah, Mark, but you have the money. Okay, money's not all I'm chasing. I'm chasing legacy, chasing stuff that I care about. What's cool about that is we can all do it. What are you chasing? What are you building towards? What do you want? The biggest reason this is important is the older you get, the more important this becomes. I'm 46 now. 46 if I'm making dumb decisions like I was when I was 22 I'm gonna wake up at 66 in a worse position. Time is not my friend, as you are listening to my voice, depending where you're at in the journey of the game, 1020, 3040, years deep or more, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Our energy is not there for that. Our focus is definitely different.

17:48 We have to be dialed in. You ever think about that? You spend your like literally, you'll spend minutes on an idea, minutes on an idea. It came from an idea. It's like, ding, oh, I got an idea. Or you meet a person like, dude, I'm in to invest the rest of your life to accomplish and or fail at all I'm asking you to do is slow it down for a minute. Slow it down. Slow it down. And I'm not talking about a piece of real estate that's easy. I'm talking like when you're starting a real business, taking on real responsibilities other people, bringing on product, bringing on services, bringing on inventory, bringing on all this debt, etc. Just slow it down for a second and ask yourself, what do I want this business to do for me?

18:47 As long as you have a plan of what this business can do for you? Because here's what I see all the time. Listen inside the DM Alliance and DM family, I've coached 1000s of people over the years that I've seen this happen many, many times there are nine or 10 in the game they're playing. They're good. The problem is they're in a two or three category. They could be the best in the world, but it's only a two or three opportunity zone. I'd rather see it be a two or three and a 10 opportunity zone, way more money, way more opportunity. It's just way bigger. So I see the game differently. I'm not trying to be a 10 in a level two game. I'm trying to be a two and grow into a level 10 game. Slow down if you have the hamburger joint and you're the best in town. That's what I'm talking about. It's a level 10. Maybe that's being at a 10 The best and a. Level one game. It's your town. Yes, you can make an okay living doing that, maybe. But are you in this game of life to make it okay living? And if you are, keep doing it, but if it's so good, why not start thinking about how to turn that into a franchise, how to turn it into a licensing agreement, how to create a merch game, how to create, how to get other people, like across the country, pushing it and growing, and turn it into something way bigger.

20:26 There's a lot of opportunity out there. I would just hate to see you live below it because of what you're thinking about or how you're playing the game. Because the truth is, and again, I know this is the truth because I've taught many, many, many, many, many, many people in this space of business and real estate, anybody trying to get money. But most people create their ideas in a broke environment. Being broke, you might be financially broke, so what happens is you're writing to the broke person, because that you're talking to yourself. So like when I started in real estate in 96 I lived with my parents. I had no cash, I had no credit. I never had a credit card, and I told myself, I'm going to be a real estate investor about six months into after graduating high school. It's not like who would sell to me? Why would they sell it to me? I don't have any money. Fuck that. Nope. I don't have any money checked. I don't have any credit check. What do I need to learn? And how do I need to learn to do deals without cash and credit? That's the strategy I'm doing. My first deal, I made almost $15,000 I think, give or take with no cash or no credit, I knew what I wanted I want to do real estate. I knew what I didn't have I didn't have cash, I didn't have credit. I knew what I wanted to do real estate. To do real estate, I had to actually make phone calls, knock on doors, have conversations. I had to learn new strategies. I had to get out of my own way. I had to change my mindset about money. I had to change my mindset about what people really wanted. Do you realize in real estate or business in general, you get paid to solve problems?

22:11 I've never had any. Do you go to your doctor and say, Hey, are you happily married? Are your kids good? Show me your doctorate degree from your college. What did you graduate with? I need to see your exam scores. Nope, you go there. You pay them to solve your problem. Period. We when we're broke, have these broke mentalities. Well, I can't afford that. Oh, that would never work. Nope, that's a scam. Nope, you can't really buy a house with no money down. Are you fucking crazy? You could buy anything with no money down, anything, anything that doesn't mean it's not your money no money down. Ie no money of your own money down. I know people, it's about billions with a B of real estate without ever utilizing a penny of their own money, creative financing, private money,
setting up a fund. Lots of ways to do it. You could do the same way thing with buying businesses. You just need to think different. You need to know what you want. You need to be willing to do the work to get what you want. Oh, that's why we really don't want to identify what we want, right? Because we got to do the work. We got to kind of change how we think.

23:43 So I like that song by mace. Back in the day, Money comes and goes. You don't still have the same first dollar you ever made. Nope, comes and goes.What are you doing to get what you want?One we have to identify what we want. Very crystal again, slow it down, go in the woods and write for three days. What do I want my life to look like when I wake up 10 years from now? I was talking with a guy, literally, who's about to be broke two years ago, two years ago today, he's worth $ 350,000,000.02 years ago, he was about to be broke. Not to say that's amazing, is an understatement to accomplish that. But this guy's a machine, and I'm not saying I want his life, because he's on the road 250 days a year the last two years, but his kids are out of the house. It's him and his wife. They're a team. They love it, and they're doing them, and I respect that. He has a goal, he has a plan. He knows what He wants. He's willing to do what it takes to get what he wants. Are you?

25:00 Do like, when do you get sick and tired of being the victim? When do you get sick and tired of like, watching everyone have what you want, knowing that you can go get it, but you're not willing to do the work to get it. I always say inside the DM Alliance and family is like you're only one relationship away from a different life. You got a deal, either a real estate deal or a business deal, you need a million dollars. You don't know anybody, because you live with broke people. You hang out with broke people, you talk with broke people, and everyone's broke mindset. But if you're in the right room and you're talking about opportunity, and you learn how to talk about opportunity, because it is a skill. You have to learn how to present. You have to learn what makes the investor want to invest. You have to realize what it takes to make that deal happen. You have to know how to underwrite. You have to know how to perform. You have to know how to execute, and you need to know how to present. And then you need to have to need to know how to close the deal. But if you're in the right room, it gets a lot easier. There's money everywhere, everywhere. Problem is, if it's not in your bank account, it doesn't matter.

26:10 I'm amazed at growing people, growing adults. When I'm like, go buy that. It's 500 grand for a property. It's making seven grand a month. Go buy it. Oh, I can't, I don't have any money, huh? What do you mean? You don't need your own money, yeah? But, you know, I just, I don't have the good credit, huh? You don't need good credit, yeah? But that's probably a scam, and I think it's, you know, what are you selling me? I have nothing to sell you. I'm telling you right now. Find someone willing to put the down payment down. Find someone to go on the first, you know, right? Underwrite the deal and go on. You know, get the loan with you. Put two and two together, and you're in the deal for no money down.
Not only do you get equity, potentially, you get cash flow, and you put all this stuff together because you became creative, because why you know what you want, and you've learned how to go get it. I'm amazed that you listen to my voice. Most of you, you know about your next fucking vacation. You know where you want to go. You know how many beers you're going to drink. You know how many nights you're going to nights you go stay out, how many days you're going to sleep in. You know everywhere you're going. You know all the shows. You know this, you know that, but you have no fucking clue where you're going in your life.

27:33 Think about how stupid that is. It's absolutely dumb, and you're better than that. Gain direction and effort knowing what you want. If you know what you want, every day, you'll wake up excited to go get what you want. You'll do whatever it takes. If you come to me and say, hey, that's what I want, and I say, okay, cool, you got to make 100 calls today. I can't do that. Fuck you. You don't want it. Then, period. Data, not drama. Baby data, not drama. If I know what it takes to get what you want, and I'm telling you what it takes, and you're not willing to do it, you don't really want it. You just want to say you want it, there's a big difference. Are you a talker or a doer? I hope this show really truthfully. Throat punches you because we don't. We can't get this time back. This time is going to come and go. I want you to live the life you want, not the life grandma and grandpa wanted you to have, not the life your mommy and daddy wanted you to have, the life you truly want. I'm talking fucking balls to the wall. Ball out. Get the biggest room, the biggest cars, the biggest houses, the biggest businesses, the biggest bank accounts, the biggest life, the biggest family, whatever you want you can have.

28:58 Do you believe it? I know it's true. It's interesting. At my party, 10year anniversary, it's just family, just a very small, intimate family party, everyone coming up to me at the end, Mark, you always do it top notch a class. You always do it right. You know how to do it right. Bubble up and I just smile and say, Thank you. You know why, because I fucking know how to do it right. Because I know what I want. I want attention to detail. I want everyone to have a great experience. I want everyone to look at me and say, How the fuck did he think of that one I want that. I think about it, I dream about it, I learn about it, and most importantly, I execute the fuck out of it. I do the work this shit just does not happen by accident.What.Do you want this? We had 10 minutes of fireworks over the pond. It was amazing. But I didn't even tell my wife I did this.It's like, hey, you know nine o'clock, we all got back. Kind of like, Hey, we're gonna cigars out back. Of course, we are got back. And then, boom, boom, boom, boom, boom. It was insane. The kids are having a blast. The adults are amazed. They're like, Dude, what the who? What the hell is going on here? In a good way, what do you stand for? I swear in my life, I'm not exaggerating. I had two or three people that worked at the no three people that worked at the facility that you know, catering and photography and all this shit, which is awesome. Come up to me and want to do something with me if you're hiring them in I'm not there to even work. I'm there to hang out with my family on my 10 year wedding anniversary. Dude, this shits contagious. Man, I don't even know you. I want to be a part of this. I swear to God, this happened.

31:02 It happens at every event I do, because they see how much attention we put into it. They see how much we care about the people we're talking with. They respect it. They want to be a part of it. No one wants to be part of Hey, Steve, folks, yeah, man, I don't care where you put it. Wherever you want, man, it's let's be fun, dude, lackluster, basic shit, cheap out everywhere. You know what sucks about that? I could do it and everyone could still have an okay time, and they would still come. But why isn't your job to uplift people, and give them a bigger vision of what they're capable of doing, not just by talking about it, but by showing them. As you know, it's coming up, November, Thanksgiving, the turkey bowl. I do it every year. Takes time and money. Last year we had fireworks. We run out on the field. I have an announcer. I have cheerleaders. This is a fucking family football game, guys with my dad, my father-in-law, 75 years old. We're playing it. It's just meant to be fun. But I like to go over the top and create experiences, memories anchor this stuff in everyone says they're doing it for their family and all this, but every time I see what they do, they're only doing it for themselves, making more money, parking in the bank, making more money part of the bank. Give your family, give the people you care about, the experiences that you want to create. I'm getting sidetracked a little bit, but I think it's very important to understand is like you are capable of so much more.

32:43 You know that right how much time are you spending on what you want? Time on it. Pay attention to it. How much money is in your bank account in five years? How did you get that money in your bank account. How much? How liquid are you? How much equity do you have in your company or your real estate or both? How many big is your team? What does it look like? What does your day to days look like? What do you want the best place to be in life is when you wake up wanting to be exactly where you want to be, right where you want to be. That's what we want. That's why I'm here. That's why I have the DM Alliance. That's why I have the DM family.I work with winners that want more to gain clarity of what they want. Because a lot of times, let's be honest, we get lost. We all do hell. That's why I still have mentors. But I'm on both sides of this now. I've seen the game I've been in a pretty long time, gonna be in it forever, because that's what I want.I want you to have more and not only that, let's stop for a second ask, what does your wife or husband want? What does your partner want? You know, Saturday was Dina's dream party, not mine. Dina's. I just wanted to throw an extra icing on the cake, if you will. And we made it happen because her dream's my dream. We've talked about it, we've dreamed about it,
and that takes time, takes energy, takes money, takes effort. And Sunday, we woke up, and she's like, my dream came true. I was like, that's awesome. Tell me some more dreams you have. She started laughing. She's like, you don't stop. Because I know in life, if you stop dreaming, it's a scary place to be, and she has lots of cool dreams. She loves to travel. And again, that's not a part of my dream, by the way I travel because I love my wife, and her dream becomes my dream. I want to be happy with my wife. Mm.

35:00 Right? And if I take some traveling, I'm willing to do the work. I'm willing to do the effort. Not say I don't have fun doing it sometimes. But it's not like where I shine. I love
doing what I get to do every day. And when you're in, you know, the middle of Italy with limited cell phone, or in Alaska with literally, three days of no internet or cell phone,
I can't do what I love to do. It's at the end of the world. It's just I realize every time I go away, how much I love being here in the game with you. So when you're making those calls, I'm making calls when you're making tough decisions. I'm making tough decisions right beside you when you're childhood challenges with team members I'm having. We're all have the same challenges. I just want you to have more to show for it. And the way to do that is know what you want and keep getting it and growing it and getting it and growing it. But we have to know what we want first. I want to grow the DM Alliance. I want to grow the DM family. I want to impact more people's lives. That's what I want to do. That's what I will do. My team's on board. I'm on board.

36:13 The community's on board, because the bigger the team and community gets, the more resources we have access to as a collective, we all can win bigger. It's starting to come together, pretty cool. And if you've ever thought about joining the DM Alliance, you should hit me up. It's not a sales technique. It's not a sales no pressure. Talk to myself or my right-hand guy and see if it's a fit. It's $1,000 a month. That's it. If that's a lot of money, well, we got to teach you how to go get more money, and I know how to do that. Shoot me a message on Instagram at Mark Evans, DM and just say, podcast, dash, DMA, dealmaker Alliance. Love to talk to you. Love to connect with you. But more importantly, take a moment and ask yourself, what do I want?

37:07 This is not a one minute discovery. It's not a one week discovery. I'm still discovering what I want, because a great way I've discovered what I want is I start with what I don't want. I don't want to suck business. I want to love business. Listen episode last week, you'll know exactly what I mean. And in the meantime, it's getting dark. Here soon, I want to go hang out with the fam. I want to love on them. Hang out with them. We got something cool happening tomorrow with them. I'm excited to share that with you maybe next week. But I'm telling you this. I know for a fact, if you're listening to my voice and you're not a part of the DM Alliance community, you're missing out. I know how to generate millions of dollars in revenue. I've done it many years, and many people in the group are doing it. And I'm not guaranteeing it. I'm just saying, if you're if you're stuck at a number, and you're beating your set hut against the wall, and you know, there's a better option, well, then you're just being dumb. Stop being dumb. Shoot me a message on Instagram at Mark Evans. DM say, podcast, DMA, let's talk, see if it's a fit, and let's go get that money. Let's solve the problem. Quit soaking in the problem. Let's go solve it. That's That's where we're at today. So again, thinking about you guys.

38:22 I'm helping teach him what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he stepping the dial, he's closing deals. Time to tell him what the deal stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's wearing dead. It's all about the process. I'm the kid over to the team project. I'm a small town. I don't know why, yo, so I know how it is, and I come from a lot of money. I remember it as a kid wanting to make a money. Brat. See, no one making more than that graduated high school with a 1.8 sure they help me back. All my principals and teachers are alive just to witness this. I'm on both. I'm out here running two way figure businesses. Walk away from it all, and I'll be good. But I've been called to help people, just like y'all learn again. It's time to pause everybody chasing the money. But I'm not chasing the money. I'm out here chasing the purpose. Yo. I've been working my whole life. Elsewhere we at is it gonna get us where we want to go? To push time to learn, come to grow? Evan’s deal, I'm hurting what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question more Evan’s when he's stepping to die, he's closing down time to tell him what the DM stand for I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm the kick over this team project here, deal maker,deal maker, deal.Go.

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