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Today, I'll share the real ups and downs of my journey to success. You'll hear about the tough choices and hard work that got me here, and why having mentors can make all the difference.

I'll also talk about some financial mistakes I made and what I wish I had known sooner. Plus, I’ll share some eye-opening stories from my recent Alaskan cruise that show what dedication really looks like.

Are you stuck in a business that drains you, or are you doing what you love? Join me to get inspired and take a step closer to your dreams.

Show highlights include: 

  • Are you chasing a successful business or a successful life? [06:09]
  • Is your business killing you slowly? [07:55]
  • Learn how to find relief in a community of support. [09:44]
  • How to build a relationship capital [13:49]
  • This is what you need know about life insurance [17:32]
  • Discover the key to recognizing your value [21:07]
  • Find out more about the power of knowledge [22:23]
  • Do you want to count yourself among the winners? [27:38]

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Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the making of a DM Ma, what type of business do you have? There's only two choices I'm gonna share with you. Not only that, I'm gonna give you a live update from this amazing Alaskan cruise. So with that said, let's get started TV. Mark Evan's deal. Evan's deal. I'm hurting helping teach him what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Evain's when he stepping the dial. He's closing deals. I'm just telling what the deal stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker.

0:45 Hey, there. It's your boy. Mark Evans, D, M, Special Edition today, as I'm sitting here talking to you, I'm in the middle of somewhere Alaska on a massive, actually, not even a massive, a regent cruise ship, about 750 guests. So it's not super big, like the four or 5000 persons cruise ships, but a very cool cruise ship. I'm at the front of the home, just sitting here checking it out and from my room, and I'm sharing this not to impress but to impress upon you know, this is a six figure trip for myself, my wife, my two kids, and I'm in the best room on this cruise ship. And I'll share more of that, maybe later. But, and again, it's not delay. Oh, you know, he's cool. No, it's not that. It's that small town hillbilly kid from Ohio is sitting in this room talking to you today. It's unbelievable. And have to show you some pictures or something. If you follow me on social media, I'll post a couple pictures I haven't posted since I've been on the boat, very little, limited internet and cell service, actually, multiple days without it, to be honest. And it's actually pretty cool, but I'm sitting here. The waves are happening today. We were just in the Hubbard Glacier, which was really, really cool.

I had breakfast the dining room table looking at this about point four miles away, which is like, literally right in front of you. This thing is massive. It's beautiful. It's like 76 miles long. Saw a couple of things fall down. Glaciers fall down in the water, create this huge rip Riptide, like, you know, water, and then it's cool when you're outside hanging and just listening to a crack. It's really neat. So anyways, I'm just very humbled to be here today, very excited to share some stuff with you. This is the making of the DM. That's right, yes, you are the DM, the dream maker, deal maker of your life without you, whatever you want doesn't exist, right? So appreciate everyone. Shoot me a message. Last week's show was a bomb in a good way. A bomb show, amazing show. Lots of people loving it. Thank you guys for all the shares. Thank you for all the messages by going out there and touching your dreams. If you haven't listened to that show, please do so. It's getting a lot of downloads, a lot of people messaging me about it, so I appreciate that, and I'm just sharing. I'm here to share. So I'm sitting here thinking, I'm on this cruise ship. We're almost done with it. It's a seven day cruise. We're getting ready to come up into anchorage in the next day or two and meeting a lot of cool people on the boat, a lot of guests, and, most importantly, a lot of staff. And a lot of this staff is from the Philippines and India and such. And I met this one guy, his name was king, and he come up to me, you know, he started talking to me. And again, don't believe all this BS about, you know, watches and all this stuff. The guy recognized the watch.

He had a conversation with me because of the watch, and we started talking. He realized that he wanted to know what the DM brands stand for, because I'm wearing a DM hat and a DM sweatshirt. And we keep talking, and he shared with me he's been on this boat for 21 years, as he's gone on his 20 month year being on cruise ships and over half his life. And he has a five year old child at home, and he wishes he knew a better way. So we're talking about this kind of stuff, because I'm at on this boat. He saw the watch, he wanted to have a conversation, and we started talking. That's how life works. If you're not into watches, whatever, if you're just put yourself in the right situations, have the right conversations, you'd be amazed at what you can learn about people and just understand. But what I find interesting. The reason I share the story is these individuals that come on these cruise ships literally sign a nine to 10 month contract away from their families. This guy has a five year old child. He's literally only seen her 15 months in five years. I want you to think about that. Think about that fucking dedication this guy has. All these folks have our butler. He literally has been on the boat 20 years. And again, he's gone for nine to 10 months a year. He's 41 years old, and we're talking to him. I'm like, dude, like, you know? He's like, Well, it's, it's the land of the opportunity. He's like, Dude, we get on these boats. We don't have. Any expenses we make, you know, two to three grand a month, and we send that money back to our country, to our families. That's a very, very big deal. It's very powerful, very amazing. And these people are happy. They're smiling, they're very hardworking. They get the job done, and they're not complaining, at least I don't hear it or see it, not saying they don't. But it's not showcased on the front. And I'm always amazed by that, because I talked, you know, so many people in the world are so just weak, I couldn't imagine, honestly, me being my age, 46 years old, or even 40 or even 20 back then, but being gone from my family for nine months to pursue a better life, to help, like, not see him.

See, why are we doing all this? I personally, I heard some guy recently talk about how, how he's so glad he literally, you know, disseminated his family. He was married kids. He never went to any other games. He's like, bragging about this shit. It's the dumbest thing I've ever heard. He's, I built a successful business. Well, dude, you ain't fucking successful. To me, successful business is not what I'm chasing. I'm chasing a successful life that starts with life and business, not the other way around. And you have to be careful who you listen to and what you're chasing. If not, you will end up with a life you do not want. And unfortunately, you can't unwind that clock when that happens when you realize it. So I want you to take stock of what you're really doing and what you're really saying and what you're like I said what you're really doing to get what you think you want. What do you really want this game to do for you? Because most people follow me are willing to do whatever it takes to get the job done. However, that's what they say. Unfortunately, very few will actually do the work to get the goals. Very few, they'll talk the game, but won't actually go do the game. So I was talking this kid named King, this guy King, and I'm just impressed that they're willing to do this for nine months a year. I look at my little Draya bear, I look at my son Mark, and I couldn't imagine being gone nine months a year to make money. Money's important to me, but it's not my life. There's so many ways to get money, so many ways, and that's what I want to talk to you about. Because do you have a suck business or a love business? You're like, Dude, what are you talking about? A suck business versus love business? Let me explain. So what does suck mean? Well, suck means a shitty business, an unfulfilling business, a costly business and a killing you slowly. Business, S, U, C, K, that's a suck business. It's worth reset, repeating again. Do you have a suck business? Meaning, is it shitty, unfulfilling, costly and killing you slowly. I've had many of those.

I never realized it, though, because I was willing to do whatever I had to do to make a couple bucks. This is pre kids, pre wife. Or do you have a love business? What do you mean love? Well, do you have a lucrative? Opportunities galore? A valuable is an enjoyable with enterprise value. Again, love, it's lucrative. That's the L, opportunities galore, O, V, it's very valuable. In E, it's enjoyable, and it has enterprise value, meaning that you're building something. You're not just building a job, you're building a business, you're building a life, and you're building something worth value at the end of the rainbow. How bad do you want this game? How bad do you want it as I sit and watch, you know, we are in a very interesting time. There's a lot of people acting very fucking strange right now in the game of business. They've said they're business owners, they said they're entrepreneurs, but I tell you right now, their actions and their way they're acting and responding to the market is not entrepreneurial tendencies. It's fucking crybaby maniac, psycho bullshit, and it's hurting them. It's hurting them because they're making irrational decisions in the moment that are causing long term effects and for them and the family and their friends and their finances and everything in between. They're not slowing down. They don't have the mental skills I know all of you guys want to jump in advance. I've been at this game 28 and a half years. I'm telling you right now, there is no way I'd be able to handle what I handled today when I first started, unless I went through a bunch of shit to get there. There's no shortcut. There's no secret. Now, don't get me wrong, when shit hits the fan, having people in your corner that's been there, done that, that you can conversate with openly and have like, direct conversation with, and get into a community that they understand where you're at and where you're going and what you're about to deal with, that takes a lot of weight off your shoulders. But most of people. Oh, listening to my voice, I would never pay for a mastermind that's a waste of money. Okay, cool. So keep dealing with all the bullshit yourself and try to navigate the waters I'm on this big ass cruise ship. I know how to drive a boat.

There's no way in God's country that I'm getting on this boat by myself and trying to cut across Alaskan waters by myself, I would have experts. I would have a team of people around me to help me accomplish that goal. Well, that's called your life. The boat, the vessel is your life. Why are you trying to do all this shit on your own? Because my uncle John said, that's a scam. Fuck your uncle John, do you do you have? Does he have what you want? Look at his life. Does he have what you want, if so, listen to Uncle John. Listen to him. If not, he holds zero weight. It's the 400 pound guy telling you how to lose weight. Stop it. Stop it. Everyone has these bullshit thoughts, bullshit conversations with people that have bullshit lives and you believe the stuff they're saying. I would not be in this suite. Look it up whenever you get a chance the Regent sweet on the Regent cruise lines. See what it costs. Book it, book it. Put your money where your mouth is. Pony up. Get in the game. Now, listen, don't go finance the house. Don't go in debt to get a six figure suite for the week. But that should be something you should be striving for. Yeah. But Mark, I could sit in the bottom of the boat and go to the same place. It's cool do that. That's not what I'm aspiring to do. That's what I'm aspire to teach. I aspire people to be better, to be bigger, to be bolder, to live a life that is created by you. And if you want to be at the bottom of the boat or the top of the boat, it doesn't matter to me, but the people I'm rolling with, I want to inspire. So it's cool with the suite I got. I got private diner, a private butler.

We got, you know, pretty much 100% as many spa treatments as we want. Actually, as soon as I'm done with this podcast show, I'm going to get a massage, which I'm not a huge into those, but it's part of the spa thing. Why not? Let's do it. Let's kind of relax for a minute. But what I've done is down at the cigar lounge, they have a cigar lounge on this boat, and at the restaurants and stuff, you meet a lot of the same people and it's like, hey, what do you do? What do you do? Where are you from? Where are you from? Blah, blah, blah, right. Well, I had one of the biggest doctors in the country. I met Jeff. Have another guy, Paul owns a very large insurance company out of Jacksonville, Florida. And his father in law, Garfield, he was hanging out. He was a very successful guy in his own right. But another guy, Steve, owns a very large construction company out of the Maryland area. Another guy, Wes, owns two quarter of a million square feet of storage facilities in Mobile, Alabama, right 1600 units total. Give or take another guy, Barry out of Texas, successful, retired guy in his own right. And I said, You know what? I get? Part of the sweet package I get, I get to do parties in my room. This is a room everyone talks about. Everyone wants to be at because most people won't pony it up. Even though a lot of people could afford it. They don't invest the money in themselves. I invest in myself. I invest in my vision. I touch my dreams all the time, just like I shared last week with you, I'm doing exactly what I'm doing and sharing with you live, real time. It's not bullshit, it's not theory, it's real. So anyways, I tell my guy lashmear, I'm like, Hey, here's the four people I want to invite to the room. And he sets up a nice invitation for the next day. And at five o'clock, we're up in the room hanging out, and they're like, all my god. And then we're connecting. And just like, Dude, we're fast friends. And then Paul's like, Dude, you're coming to my event hang in March. And then Garfield is like, you, I can't wait to see you in March, because it's a son in law, right?

And then Steve, like, this is how the game works in real life, I'm making deposits in relationship capital now. Some may come to fruition. Some may not. I don't carry the way. These are great guys. I've had a great time and learning a lot about them, what they do, how they do it. And then just like, Dude, you got to know this Pe guy. You got to know this guy. Hey, this guy. You know he's building these 17 buildings over here. You should know this guy. Hey, come on, Alex, come over here. Man, meet this guy. He's out of Houston, Texas. That's how this game works. When you're in the right room, in the right environments, and you position, like when I come on these things, I'm asking myself, How do I turn a liability, I cost money, into an asset? Use this liability as an asset. How to use it as an asset? Bring people to the room, expand their vision. They're like, damn, this guy's got balls I didn't have. I knew my wife said I should upgrade, but I didn't. I played it small. They come in the room. They realize, you know, we're cool, just like them, or just like them, or no different and then we start talking, we start connecting. We start linking people together. You know this person, I know that person, you know that person, you should know this boom, boom, boom, boom, speed of relationship. Capital gets compounded quickly. It's a beautiful game. It's a beautiful sport to play. What are you doing in your life, in your business, to grow these things you. I'm bouncing around here a little bit because my mind is just like, like, ready to explode, because I've literally been on this boat for five, six days and just hanging out with thoughts, writing them down on paper. I want to share some stuff with you. Some other stuff I wrote down as I was smoking cigars yesterday, on my notes section, on my phone. I just said, Hey, I created this life me. No one else. My mom and dad gave me life, but I created this life. No one gave what I have. I have earned every piece of it. I've been in the trenches. I've been dry heaving. I've been ready to lose everything multiple times. I've been backed in the corner 1000s of times, not knowing which way to go, to figure it out, to discover to call people, to ask for help, to literally ask for help.

15:55 Is it easy? I don't know, but I can tell you this, it's worth it. See, I realized in life I'm gonna have to choose my heart. I'll work hard and relentless to have an easy life. Me, not fucking handouts. I don't need anything from anybody. I will wake up and I will work hard daily, and I will do the scary daily to have an amazing life for myself, my family and the people I care about. As I get older and wiser, I could have done all this game so much smarter and again, I have 28 and a half years and the game of entrepreneurship. So I'm sharing with you real stuff. This is a quick bullet point list. There's a lot more on this list, but real things. One thing I did do, or I wouldn't be here standing talking to you, as I always have, invested in mentors. Six months after I got out of high school, I understood what a mentor was, and I invested in masterminds and mentorships and and buying connections and speed. There's a reason you belong to clubs. There's a reason you have triple A there's a reason you, like a lot of people, are doing this. They're just not doing it intentionally or on purpose and in the right environments. But if I wanted to learn something, specialty thing about real estate investing, which I did, I hired a guy, paid him $2,500 went and saw him speak for three days, and I learned how to do that, and then I hired him again to, you know, join a mastermind. And then I learned more, made more connections, met more people, learn more stuff. And I've been doing that my entire adult life, and I still am in multiple today. Here's some things I wish I'd done sooner.

I wish I'd bought life insurance sooner. The truth is, it's really, really, really, drastically different, priced when you're young, drastically different, right? Right? The problem is I just never knew who I could trust. It was a conversation no one really had with me, and if it was, it was a guy trying to sell me insurance, and they weren't even good at selling because I didn't understand what the hell they were ever saying. But you know, for me, I like index Universal Life, iuls, I like these kind of policies for many different reasons. I'm not here to sell insurance. I don't sell insurance that I'm just sharing. I wish I'd have done a lot more of that sooner. Now I have lots of policies, so don't be hitting me up for policies myself, my wife, my kids, we have policies, not for the death benefit, but for what these policies can do for you talk to an insurance policy person or an insurance company, have them like the specialty product. Make sure that's all they do. Make sure you understand the game. And always negotiate the terms, because these terms are negotiable. They will change pricing. I wish I would have learned more about taxes. My biggest expense in my business for many, many years was taxes. Even though I was in real estate, I just didn't have good tax advisors. I thought they cost money. They don't if they're good tax advisors, they will make you a lot of money and keep money in your pocket. I thought I was smarter than I was. I wasn't hire great tax advisors. Invest in these people. They will make your life easier, better and stronger. I wish I became a leader sooner.

I've talked about this before in the past. For the first eight years of my game, I always wanted to be the boss because I thought that's what bosses did. I wanted to be the boss. Everyone knew I was the boss when I walked in the room. I was the fucking boss. But now looking back knowing what I know now, I wish I'd have learned leadership differently. I was a crazy, psycho boss. I was a micromanaging maniac. To my credit, I didn't know any better, but I pulled my head out of my ass one day, and I said, I don't like being the boss. I want to be a leader. I want to hire great people, allow great people to do what they do, and we all will benefit better. And that's what I did. And it's worked out not to say there's not challenges with that, but it's a journey. I wish I would have done bigger deals quicker. I do some decent sized deals now, and I'll probably say this for the rest of my life, 10 years from now, say, Man, I wish I would have done bigger deals again when I was in my 40s. But I'm conscious of these thoughts. I'm conscious of these actions. I. These conversations are stewing. I wish I'd have done bigger deals. I did a lot, many, many, many, many 1000s of deals in the 50 $250,000 range. If anything, I should have probably done 1000 deals in the multi million dollar range and beyond. I'd have made more money. I'd had to work. You know, it's just different. It's just different. I wish I realized my value sooner. This is actually an interesting one. This is a big one. I think a lot of people listening to a voice, they don't understand their value and to themselves and into the marketplace, if you, if you're good at what you do, and you've created some success in whatever right, that means at level, that means to you, you have value to folks, right?

If I went to China and I was teaching Chinese how to speak English, I could do that. I know how I know more English than you know the person I'd be teaching. So therefore I'm an expert, right? Just based off of that premise. However, I'm not an English major. I don't understand English like that, but I could teach them the basics in business when I realized my value, and I'm still learning more about my value. You guys, I have people investing hundreds of 1000s of dollars in themselves to learn their value. I've spent millions, millions of dollars. I have millions of dollars of education. Not only that, I have million dollars of multiple, millions of dollars of practical application marketing, building companies, messing companies up, doing companies right. What I would have done different that is very, very fucking valuable. So don't think if you've had a failure, that you're not valuable. The truth is, you might be more valuable than the person that's only winning. Right? I always hear this guy talk about alcoholics and drug addicts. Their past is what made them powerful for today and the future. Their their past, their negative past what we'd call negative, right? They're alcoholics. Well, the people, if they're ex alcoholics, and they're helping alcohol anonymous, they're helping a lot of people through their pain. Their pain is their opportunity to help other people. So when I started realizing my value, I learned how to generate millions of dollars in knowledge. Knowledge is very powerful, and the older I get, the more I will make. I mean, do you think Warren Buffett is going to have lunch with you for a million dollars? You're fucking crazy. But if someone said, hey, I'll pay you a million dollars to have lunch with you, you would think they're crazy, right? Think about this. What is your value? I wish I held more assets for longer term cash flow.

I used to hold a lot, and then I realized I was just in the churning business because I built a company in the turnkey space. I was just buying and selling, buying and selling, buying and selling. I always held some just because that was part of the cycle. But looking back, if I'd have held on and created like a fund, style business fund, F, U, n, d, that is, I would be worth a lot more money. I'd paid a lot less, you know, had a lot less tax, you know, going out, but I'd have made a lot more money just in appreciation, cash flow and everything, everything would have been better, so I'd have held on to it. But some of this stuff is timing, right? This is my last one on this here, and then I'll continue. But I wish I'd have built a company sooner. But Mark, you've been an entrepreneur your whole life. You're right, but I had a job disguised as a company without me, it didn't exist. That's not a company. That's a job. If you're sitting here and you can't take off for seven days, 10 days or 30 days without things running. And it might not run as good without you, but it can still run and maintain and you know, ideally grow without you for 30 days or less, you don't have a business, you have a job. And this was something that really punched me in the gut hard, but also I knew the pain was going to be way harder in the future if I didn't dial this in and start building companies correctly. So I had to hire people to help me build organizations. How to hire, how to move people around, how to pay them, how to bonus them. I mean, this is still a process that we deal with every single day in all of our companies. It's an ever changing process, build a company, not a job. Those are some things I've written down as I've been on this boat ride and it's helped me.

24:43 I'm conscious I'm making pivots, just like you should be making pivots. I'm looking for a players all the time. I'm moving people around all the time. I'm looking for the opportunities and the obstacle all the time. I. I'm very conscious of what's working and what's not. I'm paying attention to data, not drama. There's a lot of drama out there right now, and if you ain't paying attention to it, it's going to snag you really bad so be careful with that. And again, back to what I asked earlier. Do you have a suck business or a love business. Do you have a suck business or love business, a shitty, unfulfilling, costly and killing you slowly business, or do you have a love business, a lucrative opportunities galore, very valuable and an enjoyable with enterprise value business. These are choices I remember when I changed and transitioned from being a contractor to an investor. I was scared to death because I knew what I knew in the contracting business. What's interesting looking back, I could have always went back to it. It's not like you cut it and it goes away forever. However, that's typically what happens when you decide to cut it and move? But if you're worried about making a decision that might be, you know, catastrophic, just know that at the end of the day you could always go back to it. You already know it, but you'll never know what you're capable of unless you make a pivot into a bigger opportunity. Until you look at this game differently, I would ask you, I'd love to know, what do you generate a year in net revenue? Is it five grand, 50 grand, 500 grand, 5 million, 50 million, what is your net income? I genuinely love to know. Shoot me a message on Instagram. At Mark Evans DM, at Mark Evans DM, say, podcast, dash, net revenue equals. I would love to know how much you generate per year, because that allows me to help talk to you, guide you with where you're at in this journey. There's a lot of people listen to the show. Very few of you actually take action and send me a message on Instagram, and for the ones that do, thank you so much. It just shows that you're engaged and you're connecting, and you realize that I'm here to help you, as opposed most of you guys will sit there and around and so no one wants to help me.

I'm a victim. Well, dude, I'm asking you and for questions pretty much on all my podcast shows, asking you to reply back, and yet, have you ever it's not that hard, but yet, some people like to make a mountain out of a molehill, and that's how they generate their that's how they create their life. That's not what I do. I win with winners. I always want to win with winners, and I want more winners in my life. And I want to know if you're a winner, not a Wiener, not a whiner, I want winners in my life, and I work really hard to provide amazing value. Sitting here on my beautiful cruise while my family's hanging out, having lunch, and I'm talking to you getting ready to go to my son on my my spa treatment, because I fucking care, because I care. I want to see you succeed. I want to see you win. I want to see you in the six figure suite next time we're here, well, you can't be here because there's only one and I will be in that fucking suite if we're both on the same boat, trust me on that right? But we can win together. We can win this game. If you win, doesn't mean I have to lose because we're all playing different games. What size of game are you playing? You might be trying to make 5 million a year. I might be trying to make 500 million a year. There's people trying to make 50 million a year. There's people trying to make 5 billion a year. What game are you playing? Have you identified it? Are the efforts matching? Are aligned with the efforts, with the results? See, the thing is, is too many of you are having mental masturbation. You're too busy worrying about things that don't matter never will matter, and it's holding you back from massive success. When is enough enough? When do you get sick and tired of being sick and tired of having a suck business when you get back in the game and fall in love with the bit game and fall in love with the business. Have the right business, the love business. Win. You can only make that decision.

I cannot make it for you. I can guide you to the water, but I can't make you drink it. Stop being so fucking hard headed. Look at your family. Look at your life. Is it working great? Keep doing it. If it's not, we have to make a change. We have to keep our head on a swivel. Right now. People are crazy. People are acting stupid. People are making irrational decisions, like I said earlier, it might even be you. You're cutting things off. I don't need that anymore. Man, it's a waste. Is it? Is it? Are you a waste? Are you fucking around? Are you playing small? Are you getting scared? Are you shrinking? Are you growing? Get truthful with yourself. Get truthful with you. Shut off the noise. Get honest with yourself. What's going on over there? What are you doing? Going. Where are you at? Are you ready to win? Are you ready to earn the money that you've set out to create? Ha, I hope so, because you earning doesn't take money out of my pocket. I hope you have a service action can give you money. I hope you have a product the value that you bring to the market, bring to my life, that I can pay you. You see when I'm sitting in a six figure suite, I sit here and look around the Regent Suite, unit, 1400 almost 4000 square feet, with the patio and deck. It's way bigger than that. Got the sauna, got the hot tub, got these heat and lay down things in the bathroom. You got a full spot. I mean, it's stupid. They build it for someone. Why not you? Why not me? The lady that was in here prior to me sold a company for $6 billion last year, six with a B billion. I'm not there yet, but I can tell you this, I'm in the same room. I'm in the same mindset. If someone's generate, if someone sold a company for $6 billion you would know the company. By

31:17 the way, $6 billion is in the same exact room as I am. What do you think could happen now? I'm not saying you have to be in a six figure room to get wealthy and to become successful. I'm not saying that at all. I'm just saying for me personally, this is what I've done to touch my dreams to create the reality that I want to create. I got to see it. I got to touch it. I got to feel it. I gotta see it. I gotta smell it, and I gotta experience it. And it's worked out really well for me over all these years. And I'm continually to push. I'm continuing to prod. And it's scary when you make the decision, but when you get on the boat, you're like, Fuck, I'm glad I made that decision. And then when you do this and you do that, and you meet this person and that person, this liability, could very well potentially become a major, major, major asset. I told my wife, before we got on this boat, I was Idina. My intentions is to generate at least a million dollars in opportunity and the next 12 months from the people I'll meet on this boat. I can't sit in the fucking room and do nothing. I can't I can't sit and think about it. I gotta get out. I gotta go mingle. I gotta connect. I gotta talk, I gotta conversate. I don't drink. I'm hanging out having na beer. I'm smoking cigars, having a couple cigars here and there. I'm hanging out with the kids club by the kids club, with the other fathers out here and the mothers, right? What like? Connect, create relationship capital. I'm in the trenches with you, is what I'm trying to tell you. At all levels, no matter what, we got to step up the game. It's go time. I'm thinking about you guys. I got to go spot people just called me. I'm running late. But guess what? It doesn't matter, because you're way more important than a spot treatment will ever be to me. Trust me on that. Let's kick ass. Make today. Count thinking

33:08 about you to discover freedom. There ain't no question I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm the kick over to the DM project, small town. I know how it is, and I come from a lot of money. I remember as a kid wanted to make a money brag. See, no one making more than that graduated high school with a 1.8 sure they held me back. All my principals and teachers are alive just to witness this. I'm on ball. Somehow you're running to a bigger businesses. Walk away from it, y'all, and I'll be good. But I've been called to help people just like y'all learn again. It's come to Paul everybody chasin the money, but I'm not chasing the money. I'm out here chasing the purpose. Yo, I've been working my whole life. That's where we had is it gonna get us where we want to go? To push time to learn, come to grow Kevin's team. I'm hurting helping teach him what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question more Kevin's when he's stepping it down. He's closing down to tell him what the DM stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. Deal maker,

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