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This episode is extra special because I'm sharing nine important lessons I passed on to my son, who just turned nine.

We'll also talk about some unique experiences, like the “millionaire mansion experience” which I hosted, which is all about inspiring people to dream bigger by letting them live those dreams. Being in the right environment and around high achievers can expand your vision and open up new possibilities.

Tune in for insights on family values, entrepreneurship, and making your dreams come true. Let's make it happen together!

Show highlights include: 

  • Here are some life-changing insights for your kids. [07:58]

  • The importance of preparing for the worst [09:19]

  • How to be a successful human being in life [13:04]

  • Do you know what the ultimate loss in life is? [15:56]

  • Discover what’s stopping you from dreaming big [20:47]

  • What drives you when you want to quit? [27:38]

  • Unlock the power of experiences and discover your true calling [31:03]

  • This is the simplest strategy to get the desired results [39:24]

  • Find out how winners think and be one [45:19]

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Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the making of a DM warning. If you have children and you're listening to this podcast show today, I get a little excited midway through towards the end of this podcast show, don't say you haven't been warned. But with that said, I also am going to break down nine things I shared with my son on his ninth birthday as well. When's the last time you've touched your dream? This is going to be a powerful one. So with that said, let's get started open to

0:40 I'm the mark Kevin's deal. I'm hurting helping teach him what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark Kevin's when he stepping the dial, he's closing deals. Time to tell him what the deal stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker.

1:00 Hey there. It's your boy, Mark Evans D, M coming to you from the cigar bar here in Ohio, at the house, sitting here hanging out. Got a lot going on. I'm gonna share a ton with you today. I'm super excited what I have to share with you today. Today's a very special day, actually, when I'm talking to you at this very moment, something really cool is going on in my life. Two things, actually, I'll get to that in a second. If you're brand new here listening to the making of a DM, that's right, you are the DM of your life, the deal maker, the dream maker of your life. I'm going to share some insights and guide you, and share just how I messed up a lot of stuff, and hopefully you don't mess up as much as I did, because my goal in over 28 years of being an entrepreneur, business owner, is to shine the light on up and coming people and just entrepreneurs and, you know, mastermind people with people that want more out of life than are big givers, big doers, and create a better life. That's what we're here for. If you've been here. You know what the show's about. I just want to say thank you to everyone here. And I always talk about this like, when you're listening to a podcast show, I do this every day.

I send three to five out a day minimum. But when I'm listening to a podcast show, I'll stop it and I'll send it to a buddy. Yo, Patrick, you should listen to this between minute 14 and 17. It's fire. Check it out. Hey, Nate, what's up, dude? Hey, I know you're working on this newsletter thing. Check this out. And I do this every day. It's literally a seven day a week thing. I'm listening to podcast shows just like you. I'm learning, I'm knowledgeing up. And hopefully this show and something I share today will inspire you to share with a friend, a colleague or someone you want to connect with, by the way, and or share on your social media. A lot of people share the show on social media. If it really hits, tag me at Mark Evans DM on that, and we'll reshare it with you. And hopefully you pick up some followers and get some people connecting with you as well. And a great community of human beings in the DM community, it really is a very special place. So if you get a chance to do a five star review over on any of the platforms you're listening to me on, it'd be much appreciated. It's a great way to connect with more people, by getting up in the algorithms, letting them know you love the show, and let's go. So I'm sitting here today, I'm at the house here in Ohio, like I said, just had a cigar, just had a couple meetings with some lawyers and partners and some big stuff going on.

And today's my son's birthday. He's nine years old, the big nine, and I shared some stuff with him this morning. I think it'd be very powerful to share with you as well. And nine things, nine lessons. I call it the talk, right? I give mark the talk every year on his birthday. I share last year, I shared eight things with them. This year I shared nine, but I want to share them with you. And also, today on the show, I'm going to share some other big vision stuff with you I think would be very important for with where we're at and what I'm seeing you guys. One thing behind the scenes that I get to do is I get to see and connect with amazing human beings of all walks of life. I have conversations with some of the best of the best in the games. I don't care what industry, marketing, fund managers, business owners, blue collar, white collar, it doesn't matter. I mean levels on levels, billionaires, multi billionaires, 100 heirs, 1000 heirs, multi millionaires, et cetera, right? So my job is to decipher all these conversations and give you the bullet points and decipher, you know, just the shit to give you the reality and give you the real stuff to expedite, like I'm not here to waste your time, is what I'm saying. It's like, give me money. Cool time way, way more important to me. Why? Because time you can never get back. So I take this very serious. So as I'm looking at my notes here, let's get started and talk about these nine things I talked to my son about, but it was kind of cool. I was talking to my wife this morning, and seven o'clock ish, my wife's water broke nine years ago. Give or take, I was actually working at a coffee shop in Ohio here, and she called me and said, hey, it's time water broke. I'm like, Cool.

We're all natural home birth. So, you know, instead of everyone like, you know, they create the story. Like you freak out, you jump in the car and you go to the hospital, and it's so hard, it's so crazy. It was nothing like that. Was very peaceful. We I picked her up, we went and walked around the grocery store, went to Best Buy, walked around moving, moving, right? She just kept moving. And they're called the doula, the midwife, and all that stuff. Got everything ready, got back to the place. I mean, we were going to do a water birth. That's where we initially thought we were going to do but we got in there, and she's like, Ah, just not comfortable, which is fine. And then at 7:48pm my son, Mark, was delivered. I became a dad. For the first time. To say it was emotional as an understatement. I'm a very emotional guy in general. I love life. I love people, and especially love having a new son. Now keep in mind, we didn't know if it was a boy or girl, nor did it matter. We didn't we didn't do any of the tests. We didn't do anything. We knew we were all natural home birth. We're going to have what we have. So some people that like to know that stuff freak out, like when we tell them with both of our kids, we didn't know any of that stuff. We just say, Hey, we're gonna have an amazing human being.

That's what we're gonna have. And they're like, Well, how are you gonna paint the room? It's like, dude, first of all, they don't even sleep in their room for the first year, it seems like and secondly, like, it's paint. It's not the end of the world. It's not a big deal. Like you just zig and zag. It's simple. The probably the coolest thing the world's done with media is for weddings and birthing. These are, like, amazing, expensive things where people just get obsessed and over obsessed, where they buy so much shit they'll never even open, let alone use. And we were just like, it's not a big deal. Our parents, our grandparents, our great grandparents, like that, has way less than we have already did. Okay, so we'll be fine. So we just kind of rolled with it. But at 7:48pm as I'm holding him and I saw him come out and all this stuff, and cut the umbilical cord and did all these cool things as a as we get to do as a dad, I thought about one thing that was interesting, how much time I wasted. Right? If you've ever had a kid, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Like, we had a lot of time we wasted prior to kids like you realize, realize how much more we're capable of. I've always said this since having children, most people think they don't have enough time to be successful. I truly believe most people, actually, all people, have too much time on their hands.

They're they're thinking too much, not executing enough. And if you're thinking all the time, but not executing, that's time you're wasting not getting closer to your goals. So anyways, I digress. It was a beautiful moment. I'm very honored and proud and happy to be a dad. I think it's one of the best gifts in the world. I love it. You know, everyone's like, Dude, I love when people call me boss, or blah, blah, blah. I used to like, blah. I used to like that. The best thing I've ever been called is Dad. Dad. It's pretty powerful. So I want to talk to you guys these nine things I shared with him this morning when he woke up, was getting started with the day. And maybe there'll be some helpful for you. Maybe if you have kids or whatever I got to do this last week, actually, last Thursday, at 8pm I got to talk to 200 kids aged from five to 18. It's awesome because there's kids coming in from India listening. They're traveling with their parents, and they're calling from India at 530 in the morning. I thought that was pretty cool. Most parents, you know that trying to learn how to be wealthy and rich, and this is an eight year old kid, but most parents that are trying to be wealthy and rich have all the excuses why they can't show up. She just figured out to make it show up, and her parents weren't even there making her do it. She wanted to be there. So I have a feeling she's gonna do big things in life, which is really cool. So these are nine things I shared with my son. I told him, you know, he's getting older, he's starting to understand what I'm actually really saying. But I'm like, Mark, you get to play a lot man in life. You know, it's all about hunkering down.

Though, there's hunker down seasons that a lot of people don't talk about. They're not fun, they're not cool, they're not sexy, and you'll, you'll feel like you're doing a lot of work and not seeing a lot of results. But just know this is where the champions are made in the hunker down season. So when you see daddy hunkering down, which I have been, I've been hunkering down for a long time. I've been talking about this for over a year now. About it's hunker down season. You know, get your businesses in order, get your family in order, get your finances, make sure you have shit ready. Because if you think it was hard when it was easy, it's gonna get real hard. When it gets real hard, right? It's going to be damn near impossible, so talk to him about that. The first second thing is, be grateful. You know, it's like Mark. You have so much. His name's Mark. The third, you have so much to be thankful for and grateful for. Every morning you wake up grateful. You know you can see, you can touch, you can feel, you can smell, you can laugh, you can hurt. Like these are things to be grateful for. Life is happening for you, not to you. Just know that forever, be grateful. Third thing, go for anything you want in life, but have grit in it. See gritty people win the game of life. You have to have grit. And for some reason, it's being stripped out. Well, not for some. Reason. We know the reason why, but it's being stripped out of the world, out of people. And resistance and grit are what build character, build winners. Do you think in the gym, if you can go in there and you can curl 10 pounds 100 times, do you think the growth is done in the first 100 or the second 100, it's gonna it's gonna be the hardest part is where the growth happens. And a lot of people avoid pain and grit because it is gritty. It's not sexy, it's not fun, it hurts. I want to quit, right? Fourth thing is like, bud, you only got one shot at this thing called life. I want you to live to the fullest. I want you to live to the fullest. You only got one life. Make the most of it.

10:48 Be an investor, right? Be an investor. He loves understanding money and investing and you know, we talk about all time in my house, but be an investor. Be an investor of life. Invest in memories, invest in time, invest in money like invest be an investor. Not just a consumer. The world is full of consumers. Be an investor. People are just consuming, to consume, to consume, to consume, consume. But Mark, if you're an investor in life, you'll create memories that you would never thought you could create. You create amount of money as you never even thought were possible. Just invest in your health, invest in your success, invest in your life, and, most importantly, invest in yourself. Very powerful the next one. If you want to live life to the fullest, the best thing I can teach you is how to earn money. It's the best thing I can teach you listening to my voice right now, and it's the best thing I teach my family. I want to teach you how to earn money so you can control your time. You don't have someone's thumb over top of you. You can literally print money on demand. You understand value proposition. You understand what your time's worth, your product's worth. You understand the value that you're solving. You know if you're solving a problem, you understand the value in that. If you solve small problems, you charge small prices. If you small, solve big problems, you you can solve.

You can charge big numbers. Pick to solve, but always be solving. What I always want, just to distract from this is, I want my kids thinking about solutions, not just problems. We all have problems. We all have these problems, or whatever. What is the solution? Mark, great problem. What's the solution? Buddy? Blah, blah, blah, cool. Is there another solution you can think of, like, stop giving them the solution. Stop handing them this shit. You're making them weak. You're making them, you know, dependent on you. And I said this true story, you guys, my wife, there's going to be a point in your life, bud, one day, I know you're only nine, but there's going to be a point in your life where daddy's not there. Mommy's not there. We're not there to give you the solutions. We're not there to give you the solve. We're not there to make it easy for you. Now, I'm not here to make him suffer. I'm here to give him the tools to be successful human being in life, and I want to do that, not just for him, but you as well. See, we've never been taught this. I wasn't taught my dad. This was just pure grit. Where I come from, my mom dad busted their ass, barely to pay the bills, barely to pay the bills, barely to put food on the table. I saw them work their ass off. So I learned through a different strategy, a different method. Most importantly, I invested in myself. I knew I couldn't learn it from them. I had to go learn it from the books. Learn it from mentors. Learn it from masterminds, learn it from other people. He has a direct front row seat in my life to be able to help them, and I hope it can help you, too, Mark, you got to learn the giving muscle. You know, Daddy's always talking about the giving muscle. I know your experience of giving muscle. And then I asked him, What does the giving muscle mean to you? Mark?

He's like, Well, we pay for the people behind us at all the drive throughs. I was like, that's a start. But you can give your time, you can give your resource, you can give your money, you can give your knowledge, but most importantly, give it to yourself. Give, give the gift of giving. It's a gift to even have the mindset at nine years old, to be able to know that when we go through a drive through Dad, you were paying for him behind you, yes, yes, we are right. It doesn't matter if it's $1 or $70 we're paying for the person behind us. We don't even ask. Here's the card. Tell them thank you. Make it today an amazing day. These are things we can do today. You don't need a lot of money to start the giving muscle for yourself and your family. Kids will remember this. I'm implanting it, not just talking about it through action, they're seeing it Mark, when you take an L in life, when you take the loss, it's a lesson. The biggest thing you could do is learn from that buddy. But if you never hear a word from me ever again. About this. Don't soak in the L for too long. Take it, learn from it, and go execute relentlessly. The reason I bring this up is I've seen amazing, amazing human beings. They can't bounce, bounce back from a loss.

There's still people in 2020 24 talking about what happened in 2008 oh yeah, man, the market really got me. It's like, Dude, that's a long, long time ago. Don't let an L define you. Let it teach you. And go out and learn from it. Go through the cycle whatever it takes. But the key I'm telling you, too many great people stay in it too long. I used to be this guy. I would take l's and it would literally just weigh on me forever, until I realized it's not serving from me. And the truth is, the losses, I'm still losing if I'm losing momentum, if I'm letting the loss lose my momentum. And the ninth and final thing, I said, just be a great human all around. Be a great brother, be a great friend, be a great dad, be a great husband, be a great human. And inside being a great human, you have to audit your circle constantly. You have to be honest with people, even if they think it hurts, because honesty sometimes does hurts right now, with all this bullshit going on, with all the he, she, hit it, thing, whatever, dude, a girl is a girl and a guy is a guy, period, period, I don't need to talk about it anymore, because that's the truth. There's no bullshit story you can tell me that could tell me any different. Be a great human, be direct.

See all these things, these nine things, aren't just for a nine year old, they're for all of us. We can all learn from this. So I hope these nine lessons helped you, maybe gave you some insights of how I'm teaching my kids. I do this with Draya bear. She's only five, though, so some of this stuff's a little different, little bit, you know, piped down a little bit, so she understands, and maybe with the Barbie doll. And like, you know, you have seven Barbie dolls, we give one the giving muscle. Here's what it does. And there's kids that don't have toys and kids that would love to have this toy, and we have so much be grateful, you know, like there's ways to teach them in these lessons of interaction and doing and smiling and laughing and talking and playing with them. Parents, be present. They need you more now than ever. There's no amount of money. There's no amount of deals that will ever suffice being able to spend time with your children. They're going to turn 18, they're going to be out of house. One day, you can go do those deals again. I'm not saying don't do deals. I'm not saying not not to go out and pursue your goals in life, but like, not at the sacrifice of your children. They need you. It's the best gift you and I have got, if you have children and if you don't, it's an amazing gift. Amazing. All right, I want to talk about something big on top of what's going on. Actually, I'm getting ready to leave for Alaska tomorrow. Um, as I'm talking to you, I'm getting ready to go on a pretty cool trip. I'll share more. Maybe I'll do a podcast show while I'm on the trip.

Actually, I will be doing one, and I'm excited. I've never done the Alaskan cruise. It's going to be over the top, and I don't share too much, but it would be cool. And you'll The reason I'm sharing that is it's going to segue into what I want to talk about now. And what I want to talk about now is something I see so many people not doing. And what is that I see a lot of you with dreams dying inside of you. You don't have anybody to share them with. You're not out executing because you just kind of giving up on them. You're just not taking massive action. And if you are, it's Matt, is it missed the it's misdirected action. Because you're you're like, Yeah, I'm just going to deal with what I deal with. That's it just is what it is. I want to talk to you something about, help me. It may sound absolute crazy, but it is the God's honest truth. When's the last time you went out and touched your dreams? Yes, you when's the last time you've touched your dreams? You'd be like, What the hell are you talking about? Evans, let me share with you. I don't care if you have money or don't have money, I'm going to share a bunch of different types of ways to touch your dream. Small town kid Ohio. Me 650 people my town, that's how I grew up. Went off to Columbus, Ohio at 18 years old, scared to death.

My mom's like, don't look up. Don't flash your lights. Keep. Your doors locked, keep your windows up. People are trying to kill you. Okay, mom, love you. I move into an apartment, and I've always been an entrepreneur. And I remember I was like, Dude, I want to know what wealthy people look like talk. I literally thought every wealthy person wore suits, listen to classical music and smoke cigars. I swear on my life, that's what I thought. I used to watch lifestyles in the rich and famous. This is pre internet days, pre Instagram days, where you could see highlight reels of real people and fake people and realize what you don't have and all that, right? But like lifestyles in the rich and famous was my social media outlet. It's what I saw. It was my insight to what wealth could look like. For me. I could dream. See, it's hard to dream big when you're in a small bubble.

20:46 Where I grew up, I didn't know anybody made more than 50,000 a year where I grew up, I didn't know anybody that was an entrepreneur, necessarily. Everyone had a job. So if I told them I didn't want to work, they'd be like, What the hell is wrong with you? Are you sick? Are you lazy? Right? That's when, when I was growing up, an entrepreneur meant you were lazy trying to get out of work. True story, right? Oh, you're a mama's boy, huh? No, I'm fucking going to go make my own money. Actually, I've never even borrowed money from my parents ever, right? As an adult, I don't I always knew I'd work hard, and this is even when I almost went bankrupt and I'm sitting in an efficiency apartment. Efficiency apartment with no electric and gas and got my repo truck. I never they never even knew, because it wasn't their problem. Is my problem. Too many people out here make their problem, everyone else's problem. It's fucking man up. Man up. Evans, that's what I would tell myself. Man up. Evans, you got this. You'll figure it out. See, the thing is, is, for me, I've already touched my dream. How did I do it? I used to go to the Hyde Park in Columbus, Ohio in $100 JCPenney suit when I was 18 years old and grab a cocktail. Actually was the cocktail for me, was a Sprite with a lime in it, or some kind of soda water with a lime in it to make it look like it was alcohol. I was sitting there listening to wealthy people at the bar, just listening, right at the high top.

I go to the high top, sit there and I'm listening. They're talking about tax advantages, they're talking about hiring, they're talking about firing, they're talking about expansion. They're talking about this thing, that thing, Hey, man, I'm going on this field, this golf trip with my buddies. Hey, I'm doing this. I'm buying this car, I'm buying this house. I'm buying this I'm buying this beach house. I'm gonna go there two weeks a year. Cost $2 million I'd hear this shit just hanging out. I got into an environment that was conducive to listening to these conversations, because where I come from, we'd go to the bowling alley or VFW, and everyone's talking shit, getting plastered. Not saying these guys, people have money, don't get plastered, but they're talking about different stuff. I promise you this. I'm not knocking I'm not throwing shade on it's just how I grew up. They didn't know better. Guess what I did? Because I knew I didn't want that bullshit. I don't give a fuck what someone did seven years ago to their to their ex girlfriend or boyfriend. What are we doing today? Where are we going now? How big can we get it? Who do I know to help you make it quicker? That's the shit I wanted to hear. That's the shit I wanted to learn. That's the stuff we do still today, every day, it's my life. Can't tell I'm getting excited about it. I used to sit in there and just listen and soak it up. Many, many, many, many, many, hundreds of days I'm going to be wealthy. I'm going to get in a circle. People don't come and listen to me. I can't wait to meet that person. Then I started getting the courage. It started getting normal. Started getting comfortable. You ever get you ever go to a place and you feel so out of place?

Well, I was out of place. I'm 18, oh 10, $100 JC, Penny suit with everyone wearing high end suits, big money guys from all walks of life, and I'm sitting in this room and I'm like, Dude, I am a fucking fish out of the water, and I'm scared to death, but I love every fucking second of it, because I will be here one day. Well, I was in there, second time, third time, fourth time, fifth time, then all of a sudden, you start making friends with the valet, start making friends with the bartender, start making friends with the server, start making friends with the front desk. Person like I started becoming someone I wasn't big shot. I was barely able to pay my bills. I'm 18 years old, living in a shitty apartment. When I showed up there, I didn't bring that problem, I didn't bring that baggage, I didn't bring that I came there to learn. I came here to get inspired. I came in there to connect. I always knew relationships, what I call relationship capital is, is ultimately the play of the game, right? Everyone talks about it's not what you know, it's who you know. Well, I think it's both. Michael Jordan doesn't know any but very few people, compared to what buys his product and wears his product all over the world, they know him, but he. Do the right people see, it's not just who you know, it's who the right people you know are who can get done, who can get results. That's the secret. So that's a free way just go there and hang out, get water with lemon in it, for God's sakes, right? I would go there and just hang out. Maybe go touch your dreams at the Four Seasons, or the Ritz Carlton. I remember in Palm Beach, Florida. You go down there.

I would go to the four seasons. I still go there often, but I'd pull in there. They valet. You're like, what do I gotta do? Oh, my God, it's gonna be hundreds of dollars. It's free having lunch. Yes, go out to the back have lunch. You know, you don't have to stay at the Four Seasons to eat lunch there. So I'd Park, go back there and have a little bite to eat. I'm gonna eat lunch. Anyways, man, when you go out there and you sit there and you see the ocean, you smell that salt water, taste it, feel it, see it, and then you realize the rooms are 1000 to 5000 10,000 a night. Proximity brought me some power. I'd get inspired at lunch, get excited about what's possible, guys, I grew up a small town hillbilly Ohio. There's no way I even I didn't even know what four seasons was when I was in Ohio. True story. But I got out of my bubble. I started realizing, start learning what their struggles are. Hey, man, where are you from? Oh, I'm from Jersey. Cool. Man, what do you do? Yeah, in a manufacturing company, maybe. Well, you know, cool. That's awesome. How big is your team? I got about 400 employees. Wow. How you been doing that? Oh, it's second generation family. That's cool, man, what's your biggest struggle? Four employees? That's a lot of employees. What's your biggest struggle? Then I'd create a conversation, a genuine curiosity, of what a 400 employee company struggle is. At this time, I had, no I had, like, three employees doing basic construction work, right? I'm learning. I'm excited. I'd leave that lunch fired up and I'd be full execution mode. When's the last time you touched your dreams at a car lot? Some of you may or may not know this, my dream car was always a Rolls Royce, always Lamborghini Ferrari.

Rolls Royce, I've been driven by those cars I drove. They drive me to do better. They drive me in dark times, they drive me when I want to quit. Still today I get excited when I see a nice car, and I have all these nice cars, but what you may or may not know, I didn't get my first Rolls Royce until I was 12 years in the business. 12 years I didn't get my first exotic car until I was 30 years old. And now I've had them for so long I forget what I'm even then, even though it's cool, but it's not like, Oh man, I'm getting in a Rolls Royce or a Lamborghini, like, I get it, but I've been doing it for 16 years. It's kind of my normal now, even though it's not so normal, but it's my normal. What's the next level of normal? Normal, then the next level of that normal, right? Well, I'm glad you asked. I remember when I got this big house at 18 years old. Excuse me, 30 years old, I got a 16,000 square foot mansion as well. In Atlanta, actually, Chateau LAN in Georgia, Brazelton, Georgia. It's cool to have a big house, but, you know, it's cooler sharing it with other people. And let me go backwards, back in 2000 early 2000s I did a charity event. I paid, I invested $2,500 in a charity. I wanted to meet this guy that was running it, and meet this guy that was actually doing the hosting of it. And part of the thing was, you get to come to a 30 something million dollar house on the ocean in Manalapan, Delray Beach area. So I'm like, wow, I gotta be convinced to create my giving muscle, by the way, this is on my path of giving muscle too. Is I gave $2,500 to charity, and I went to this event in Delray Beach, Florida, and I met these people. And I remember we took a little bus over to this house. It's 30 something million dollar house, and as soon as I stepped foot on the grass, I'm not joking, my life changed forever just on that one step. Because when I started stepping towards the house, I met the guy buying the house, and I realized

29:34 he was no different than me. He just had more money than me, and he's been at the game longer than me. It's just a matter of time catching up with me to be in that position. And not only that, I never, I don't know about you, but I've never been in a 30 something million dollar house. I didn't even know they really existed. I heard about them, but I never really seen one in person. So I got to touch the dream. The carpet was $1,500 a square foot. I mean, they had like. A million dollars in carpet in the house, literally, right? And you go out and it's on the ocean and it's just beautiful, and it's just sitting there. And what's crazy is the guy literally only comes there one to two weeks a year, his five other mansions like this across the world. I shook his hand, I met him, looked him in the eye and realized, if he can do it, why can't I? But I got to touch it. I got to experience it. And by the way, if you don't like this materialistic stuff, that's cool, too. I wanted the relationships as well, right? I heard someone recently talk about this, if it's not materialistic for you. And let's say you want to go, you know, do charity at church. Well, take off an entire day and go do it, or a week you could go touch it. Now, if that's what your life calling you feel is doing is calling you to do that, why can't you go to church and do that now for a week, taste it, touch it, experience it, and maybe you realize maybe that's what you want or don't want. Because through this journey, it's more about what I don't want, as I get older than what I actually do want. I already have everything I want. Really. I want more stuff, but just different things, and it looks different at different times. But I bought that. I got that house, 30 16,000 square foot place at brasilton, Georgia, and I was like, Man, I want to share this with other people. I want to change people's lives like my life was changed. I want them to step foot on this big ass house and see that I'm a cool dude, hillbilly guy, just like them, if not dumber than them.

And I could do it. Why can't they? Swear to god, this is my thought process. Sit down with my team, and I said, guys, we're going to do something. We're going to call it the millionaire mansion experience. Some of you listen to my voice may have been there. This is back in 2008 to 2010 I did many, many, many events there. I literally bought a monster truck, limo. People would stay at the hotel. We would do an event at the hotel. We'd do two parties at the house, one on Friday night, one on Saturday night, all fully catered. Great music, great people, great food, great beverages. It was a blast. A lot of people's lives changed because of that event. See, I'm getting these things. I was a liability. It turned into an asset. That 16,000 square foot house made me money. I didn't lose money. I made money every single month with that place. Not only that, I got to share it with other people. I got to connect with people. I loved it. I enjoyed it. I still do today. So I'm here talking to you for free on this podcast. I don't have to do this. I want to do this, and I hope you realize that. But when's the last time you went to a car lot? Maybe you're into Ferraris. Maybe you're into Corvettes. Maybe you're in the mustache, I don't whatever you're into. What is that dream car? Go to a car show. See it, touch it, sit in it, see what it feels like. Spell it, smell it, sensory overload. Before I bought my first rolls, Royce, I had Chevy S 10. I had a little Chevy C 10. I think it was ladder act siding, window gutters. Had another Chevy 2500 truck with a plow on it I had, then I got a Land Rover, then a Range Rover throughout the years, right?

And then a G wagon. But when I was in all these cars, you could not have told me ever that I wasn't driving a Rolls Royce. I would have the window down. I'd be smoking a Swisher sweet. I'd be listening to Tony Robbins or something of the like, on a CD player with a rubber band around it to keep it from skipping, playing through my tape deck, getting motivated, inspired. I this is when I had a lot of hair. I'd be driving down the road. I'd be burning a quart of oil a day in my truck. And I was in, I was in the Rolls Royce. I was visioning. I was I touched that felt it some you could not have told me I wasn't in it. It was so ingrained to me. I always knew I'd have them. It was just a matter of time. When's the last time you've touched your dreams? When are you even thinking about your dreams like that? Because you got to get in the rooms where people are dreaming big or bigger than you. It's very important, very, very important, that you're in rooms where people are dreaming and have a bigger vision than you ever thought possible. Another cool way I talked about it for a second is charity events. You know, this is an amazing place to meet top tier people. They're givers. Giving muscle is not normal. A lot of people don't talk about it. They don't think about it. They just live life like, one day I'm going to give, one day I'm going to give. They never give until they die. You. Yeah, well, that seems shitty to me. The best part of giving is seeing the impact that you're making while you're alive. Yes, it's scary. Yes, it's, you know, it is what it is. It's amazing to give. But every charitable event I've ever been to, I meet so many amazing human beings that I ultimately do stuff with, because they're leading by giving. It's very powerful. I hope you get out there and experience it. You don't have to give a lot of money.

Maybe you're giving your time. Maybe you go donate your time at the charity event. Help them organize it, put it together, clean up, whatever. Just get in the room. So I talked to you about the millionaire mansion experiences. We've done another thing I do, and I do the private jet experiences, or the god experiences. I've been doing this before. Everybody did, by the way, I did this back in 2008 right? People have been copying me now for pretty much since then. So because they see the impact, and I'm fine with it, they want to copy it, as long as they're impacting people's lives, that's all I care about. That's that's the name of the game. But they act like they've created it, like they've run to something big. And it is what it is. But these private jet experiences and private yacht experiences, you know, I did this event. I was going out to Salt Lake City to speak, and I got a big, heavy jet, G for 12 seater. It's 100 grand round trip from Florida to Utah and back, right. It's round trip. It's $100,000 so again, that's a liability that costs money. And what I did was like, I could go do that by myself. Cool, but why would I take 1011, amazing people with me? One they can experience and touch a dream for $10,000 that they would never be able to touch for less than 100 because that's what it cost. And not only that, we'd have VIP backstage. We'd have VIP parties. We had a VIP connections. Everything would be over the top. VIP value proposition, is what I'm saying. Hopefully you incorporate something like that in your business, and literally, within 24 hours, we sold all tickets to let them touch their dream. Every single person that touched their dream in these kind of environments go on to do big shit, every single one of them, because once you touch it, once you see it, once you smell it, once you do it, you want to kind of figure out how to make that normal, and then you start getting out of your own way, because it costs money and a lot of money to create that life. So now I gotta learn how to be more valuable. I gotta learn how to focus on bigger problems. I gotta maybe re engineer my clientele list, maybe all of the above. But now you see what's possible, because you touched your dream. You lived it for a minute. I do this on the yachts. When we do the yacht trips, you know, we usually have 10 people come on. It's five grand a piece to rent the yachts, $40,000 for the day.

We ain't written some little dingy boat, by the way. This is amazing. 100 plus, 125 usually plus foot yacht. Captain, crude, drinks, food, anything, water, toys, all that stuff. And we go out there and we connect. But boy, all you do is make money on these. I'm not doing it for the money. I'm doing it for the relationship capital. I'm not I'm not spending a day to make five grand. I can do that, sit and do nothing costs money like I'm doing experiences. You got to bring people in through experiences, let them touch and smell, feel, experience the dream, so they can get on board with the bigger vision, the bigger life of what's possible. I hope this is starting to make sense to you, because I'm sure a lot of you listen to my voice, may do this, or may have done this, but maybe haven't done it intentionally enough lately, since one thing I see is when things start getting hard, we stop dreaming, we stop thinking about big stuff. We just like, man, it's so tough right now. It's hard, and then you start talking to the same people, keep saying the same thing. It's hard, it's hard, it's hard. Guess what? It's going to get harder if you keep talking to harder people, Hey, it is what it is. This is this where we're at? This where we're going, let's go. Do you think anybody at all cares about how hard it is, zilch, zero, except you? So why even talk about it? It is what it is. I'm gonna suck it up. I'm gonna get to work. I'm gonna tell my mentor and the coach, and I'm gonna give me guidance, and I'm gonna go execute, and I'm gonna get the goal, I'm gonna get the results. It's that simple. It really is.

39:26 So as I'm talking about these things, hoping they're starting to connect the dots. Connect the dots, I want to ask you, I want to challenge you, over the next seven days, what are you going to go touch? What dream Are you going to go touch? What dream I would love to know? I genuinely love to know if you could shoot me a message on Instagram at Mark Evans DM, again on Instagram at Mark Evans DM, shoot me your dream. What you're going to go, touch, say, podcast. Dash, my dream is, boom. Uh, touch it, talk about it. Tell me your dream. I have big dreams, big visions, big goals. There's nothing you can say it's going to scare me. There's nothing it's going you can say that's going to have me talk you out of a gore dreamer saying, Oh man, I can't be done. Oh man, that's impossible. Oh man, no way. Oh man, get a life. When are you going to get a real life? When are you going to get a real job? You'll never hear that bullshit from me ever, and that's what we need to talk about. A lot of you right now have lost your vision for your family, for your business and for your life. I want you to get in the dream board. I want you to get in the vision board. Leaders need you. Dreamers need you. They need you to have a big vision where they can see their dream inside of your vision. If you're a small minded dreamer, visionary, how do you ever expect to get a players to come join you, to participate with your growth, reevaluate where you're at and where you want to go, and then multiply it by 10, because you're better than that. You can't attract a plus talent with a D class vision. It will never happen.

Ever. It starts with the vision. What do you see? Do you think Robert Kraft could recruit the team he created with Tom Brady and Belichick and all them with a small vision? Hey guys, um, you know we're gonna, we're gonna win 20% of the season this year. You guys ready? Let's go. Fuck no. Hell no. We're gonna win this shit. We're gonna take it over. We're going for 100% wins. We need the best of the best that takes tough decision making, that takes tough work, it takes long hours. But if you're willing to do that and you're still listening to me, you are with me, and you're a winner, you need to get on board, and that's just the start of it, because we're gonna grind you out. We're gonna have you try to quit, but if you keep going, guess what's gonna happen? We're gonna win the fucking games. We're gonna win the playoffs. We're gonna get the fucking ring, because we're gonna win the championship. That's what I want on the team. I don't want crybabies. I don't want whiners. I don't want Debbie downers. I don't want tire kickers. I don't want shit talkers. I want winners. That's how you fucking get a players. That's how you get with winners. That's how you become a winner. Are you winning? Do you have a vision like that? What's it look like? I can't even sit down and say this shit. I'm pacing down here. Draws an emotion. It brings people to you. Guess what?

Though it's gonna push the fucking weak ones away from you. That's what you want. These might be your friends. These might be your high school buddies. These might be your employees. These might be your other partners. Get on the fuck out of your life. If you want to win, you gotta win, and you gotta do what winners do win. But it starts with a vision. What does it look like for you? Are you sick and tired of fucking playing small? Are you sick and tired of all the bullshit you got to deal with for the Mickey Mouse payoffs? When does it stop? I hope today. I hope today, because if you're my kid sitting in front of me, I'd be doing the same fucking shit I'm telling shit I'm telling you right now. True story. This is what gets me excited. I was never taught this shit. I learned it through effort. I learned it by mentors. I learned it by being part of mastermind groups, mentorship groups, and reading books, connecting with winners, seeing what winners do different than what losers do. I know what fucking losers do. I saw it in my whole life. I tried to fix them. You can't fix a fucking loser. They can't even fix himself. Win with winners. Win with winners. What do you do? Win with winners. But you got to be a winner. To win with them, you got to start today. No one gives a fuck about your past. No one cares about the loss you just took yesterday. Get it out of your mind, just like I told my son, stop soaking in it. Stop talking about it. No one gives a fuck. I remember when they got one day true story. This guy, he got a divorce the beginning half, two years ago. He's sitting there. It's all he talked about, yeah, man, I'm getting my life back on track when I get this divorce done. Hey, man, yeah, this divorce really tend to told me. I was like, Dude, you need to shut the up. The divorce. No one cares. They're trying to listen to you. They're your butt. They're listening but. They're being nice.

No one gives a fuck about your divorce. Get over it. It sucks. We get it. What can we do about it? Nothing. What are you good at? What do you want to do? Where do you see yourself in three years? What's the goals? What's the plan? That's how winners think losers like to hang on to the past. That's all they talk about, because that's all they know. It's all they think about. It's tacking it wears you out. It's not fun. Most importantly, there's no everyone's broke. Guys, we have one shot at this thing called life. I'd hate to see you lose it with a bunch of losers. I'd hate to see Listen, it sounds harsh. It is what it is. It's the truth. I'm excited. I'm fired up. Today's my son's birthday. I'm ready to go fucking run through a wall, to be honest with you, right now, I have so much cool shit going on. Yes, I have bullshit going on too, but you don't care about that. No one does. You know, who does my lawyers do? Because they get paid. That's the only ones that care about it. And then they act like they care because they want more money. But that's part of the game we live in. It's called life. You have to get it out of your head, that it's hard, that no one's willing to listen, no one believes in your vision, but you don't understand, I don't need to understand your bullshit story you've told yourself.

We all have them, these stories that allow us to be minimalist, that allow us to play small, that allow us to constantly keep losing, but yet we could re recreate the story. That's why I want to get you out there, touching your goals, smell it, see it, feel it, believe it. Stretch yourself. Stretch yourself. Get in a room where you're uncomfortable. That's why the deal maker Alliance stuff like that exist. There's 150 amazing badasses in there that want to see you succeed, that will talk big vision. It talks big goals. That has big things going on. Yes, we have problems. Yes, things happen, yes, situations going but we're winning together. Don't you want more of that? Winning is contagious. Most importantly, who's in your corner when you're down 14 points in the fourth quarter with a minute left and you have the title on the line, who are you pulling power from? Who are you getting connected with? Who are you? Who's? Who are you calling when you're down in the trenches to pull you up, not to give you a hand up. But do you have a hand up to let you know I'm here for you? I got your back. We got this. You got this. Let's go and you just keep pushing and pushing and pushing. Please don't ever stop pushing, executing relentlessly for me without me touching my dreams, thinking about my dreams, writing down my dreams, most importantly, executing to accomplish the dreams.

48:12 It's what you want, I promise, when you can look at your family, all of them, your immediate your spouse, your kiddos, your grandkids, your in laws, their family, my parents, their parents, your whatever I'm talking the entire family tree, knowing that you fucking done it. You did it. You have enough financial resources to be able to weather the storm. You have enough financial resources to help give them amazing things to make their life just a little bit easier, if that's what you decide to do. But that's the key you're in 100% control. You get to make the rules. You get to call the shots. You get to make this thing called life a reality, your reality. You no one has their thumb on me. No one I've created a life I didn't even dream about. Truthfully, I didn't even know this life existed to this level. And there's two sides of that. One, thank God. And two. What's crazy? I feel like I'm just getting started. I'm 46 healthy as a horse. My kids are amazing. My wife's amazing. We're in full steam ahead. We got amazing shit happening. And if bat shit happens, it's going to be amazing, because I'm going to keep fucking running harder. I'm going to keep pushing. I got the right teams, the right people in my life, because I me just like you, created a vision, shared the vision over and over and over until it becomes a reality, not just for you, but for everyone inside. Of it, there's someone right now, if you had a big enough vision and you shared with them at the right amount of time, consistently, they will come into your life and they will make your vision way closer, way clear and way bigger. I promise you that. So if this show's been impactful today, because I'm fired up, if it's been impactful, please, please let me know at Mark Evans, DM on Instagram, go over to Amazon or prime, or wherever you know, iTunes, wherever

50:38 you're listening to this, leave a comment, leave a review, a five star, let me know. I'm in the game with you to win. I do not here to lose. I'm only here to win. I want to win with amazing people. I want to see you live the best life possible. I want you to take care of your family like you've never dreamt of. That's what we're in this game for. No more, no less. So with that said, make today count, I'll be thinking about what I know and how I did it to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he stepping the dial, he's closing. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker. But I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm the kid over to the DM project. I'm a small town in Hawaii, so I know how it is, and I come from a lot of money. I remember it as a kid. Wanted to make a money. Brat. See, no one making more than that graduated high school with a 1.8 sure they held me back. All my principals and teachers are alive just to witness this. I'm on ball. Somehow you're running to a bigger businesses. Walk away from it, y'all, and I'll be good. But I've been called to help people just like y'all, learn again. It's come to Paul everybody chasin the money, but I'm not chasing the money. I'm out here chasing the purpose. Yo, I've been working my whole life. That's where we had is it gonna get us where we want to go? To push time to learn, come to grow Kevin's team. I'm hurting helping teach him about what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question more Kevin's when he's stepping it down, he's closing deal. Time to tell him what the DM stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process.
Deal maker, deal maker,

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