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Today, I want to share some tips on how you can make real money through smart real estate and business moves.

Imagine making $50,000 a month or helping rich clients with their problems for big fees. And the best part? You can do it without using your own cash. I'll talk about partnering with investors, starting niche businesses, and using connections to make big gains.

You don’t want to miss this—tune in now!

Show highlights include: 

  • Discover the secrets to earning $50,000 extra a month. [06:46]
  • Become an authority in high-skilled knowledge. [09:36]
  • Changing this will change your entire financial life. [12:37]
  • How can developing a niche elevate your success? [18:21]
  • Hear how you can source, create, and raise $10 million. [23:52]
  • Want a secure investment with high returns? [28:40]
  • How can hiring a team skyrocket your profits? [31:45]
  • Discover how to secure capital and equity. [35:34]
  • Learn why getting involved in mastermind groups is essential. [40:39]

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Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the making of a D, $50,000 extra a month. Would that help you? Today's show, I'm gonna open your eyes to a whole different world. I believe this may very well be my best show I've ever shared with you or anybody for that matter. So with that said, let's get started to discover freedom. There ain't no question Mark Evans when he's stepping to die, he's closing down to tell him what to deal closing deals. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker.

Hey, there. It's your boy. Mark Evans, D, M, welcome to another making of the DM podcast show. That's right, you are the deal maker of your life and dream maker of your life. Thank you so much for being here. We have an awesome show we're going to share with you today. It's something I don't really do a whole lot. I need to do more of it. But to give you some big ideas, $50,000 extra a month, that's what we're going to talk about. Different ways to generate or create an extra $50,000 a month. Now some of you might not even be making that yet a month, but listen, you are not that far away. There's a lot of opportunities, and I hope today opens your eyes to how close one is. And if you're brand new one day in business, you're not going to do this, but it's going to give you a framework to start building that muscle to get to that point sooner than later. Don't think this happens overnight. I'm not giving any financial advice. I'm just sharing crazy ideas if I drank, and it could be like drunk ideas or something, but these are just ideas and strategies and thoughts and things I know lots of people have done to generate way more than $50,000 a month. So we're going to share that here. But before I do, I want to ask you a real question. You're a listener of the making of a DM podcast show, and I want to say, thank you so much. If you're brand new, thank you as well. I'm direct, I'm straight, I'm genuine. I have nothing to sell you. I simply want to help you, but I can't help people don't want to help themselves, but I love that you guys keep showing up.

I see the stats. You keep showing up. You keep listening. If you're listening while you walk, run, jog, drive, work, whatever it is. Thank you so much. But I have a question, and I'd love for you to respond to me on Instagram at Mark Evans DM. It would allow me to know what this show does for you. Does it give you clarity? Does it let you know you're not alone? Have you generated new revenue because of the show? I hope so. Have you got more focus on the vision, the goal, the objective, I hope so like, what, what do you have going on? What does this show do for you? Does it pump you up? Does it get you excited? Does it depress you? What does it do for you? I'd really genuinely love to know. And if you shoot me a message on Instagram at Mark Evans DM, just put podcast slash, and then what it does for you, just I know what it does for you, and I know who you are, I will look at that message. I will respond to the message, as I always do. If I miss your message, by the way, ping me again, because sometimes Instagram is funky about how they position that kind of stuff they like. Either it goes to spam and I never see it, but please, I'm responsive. I check it out daily. I will respond. So I'd be interested to know. And by the way, if the show is helping you and it's doing cool stuff, and you have good ideas from it, leave a five star review on whatever platform you're listening to me on, and share it with your friends. You know, I walk every morning. I'm listening to podcast shows, just like you guys and gals, and every time I have a show, I make an intention to share it with at least three people.

You know, it could be my wife that day. It could be my buddy, Patrick, could be Nate. Could be it could be all types of people I connect with, Zach, Dan, Josh, Terry, Tim. I mean, all types of people. And it's just my intentions every day. So it keeps me focused on learning and being conscious of people in my life that I care about to give them a little bit an advantage, I can source their con I'm listening to the content already, and if I know they're struggling with something and such, it allows me to really like getting, like, help them solve a problem. So enough about that. Appreciate you guys as we're. Really what I want to say really, I really, do. You know, it's always weird. Today, I'm sitting in the tree house here in Ohio, and I'm overlooking we had some crazy storms. Power was out for four days, which is awesome. Kids love it because we kind of go hang out at cool hotels and just do stuff locally that we normally wouldn't do. It's just kind of fun. That's why we never did a generator at the house, because it's like it only goes out three or four days a year, and it gives us a reason to do stuff we normally would never do. So just a thought, and we got a big month this month, you know, me and my wife's 10 year wedding anniversary is coming up on the 28th of August. August, 31 we're doing a 10 year wedding anniversary party, which should be pretty cool, very intimate, you know, very small and intimate with a bunch of cool people that we care about as well. Before that, we're taking a 10 days off to go do a Alaskan cruise. I don't know if you guys ever done an Alaskan cruise. I haven't. I'm not a huge cruise fan, by the way, but my wife said I love it. Stop doing it, but it good for me the kids to really expand and do some cool stuff and live. Guys, remember, the reason we do all this shit is to live, have a badass life, do cool stuff, and maybe I'll share more about that experience because it is pretty over the top.

I don't want to share about that now, because I haven't done it yet. We're leaving in like five days to do it. So should be pretty cool. I'm excited to share updates with you, and maybe I'll do a podcast show from the cruise, which actually more than likely, I will do one or two of them, and I'll keep you guys updated. So let's get into the show today. As I'm rambling, I'm excited to talk to you guys about this subject, $50,000 extra a month. Now, when you hear that number, depending where you're at in the journey of life, financially and mentally and all that, you might be thinking, dude, are you out of your mind? If I made 5000 extra a month, I'd be set well, that's a problem in itself, because $5,000 a month, okay, it's a start, but it ain't where we're at, or where we're going. We are going way bigger than that. The reason this subject broached my idea, my thoughts today, is I was talking with a buddy of mine. He makes that over a million dollars a month, net, and we were just talking and stuff, and like, you know, like, hey, this what I'm doing. This what you're doing. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It's like, we create competitions. We create little games, like, dude, like, you know, okay, cool. You're making a million a month. How do I make an extra 50 grand a month on top of it? Right? Because sometimes we think we're tapped out. We're tapped out. We're doing everything we can because we're in execution mode, not creative. Creativity mode, I can barely say it creativity mode, right? So it's different sides of the brain, and what it does is it creates, it opens up a new dimension in your brain. So when I was very young, I read a book called 101 ways to buy real estate with no cash, right? It sounds crazy. There's 101 ways.
Those are actually more than that, but that was the book back then, 101 ways to buy real estate with no cash. Now keep mine. I lived with my parents. I had a seamless gutter company. I could barely pay my bills, and I was going to be a big time real estate guy, but I have no cash and I have no credit. I'm 18 years old, so I'm reading this book, learning about creative ways to do real estate. See, the thing is, a lot of people get stuck on the problem. I get excited about the solution. There's always a solution to the fucking problem. Always right? The solution for me was find creative ways, learn about them, put them into practice, get real life feedback, and enjoy the profits. And that's exactly what I did. I went on to generate many millions of dollars in real estate. I did 1000s and 1000s of real estate deals a lot of times with none of my own cash. Many, many, many, many times, most of my buddies in the real estate world, they own hundreds of millions of dollars of real estate, and they've never put one penny of their own money in the deals. They've used other people's money. OPM, right. So we'll talk about that stuff. But, like, I want to just share big picture stuff. Maybe listen to show a couple times, just to kind of open up your mind, get creative again. I'm talking to a lot of people here, so I'm going to try to do my best to paint the picture as much as possible at different angles, and we'll go from there. So a very simple path to an extra $50,000 a month is, if you are an authority, you have knowledge, high skilled knowledge that could make someone's life easier, better, more financially better fit. You know, maybe fit. Maybe they need help working out. Maybe they need help with all that, find wealthy people and solve their problem. They got money. So maybe you have a program. It's a 12 month program where you charge $50,000 a year. You. A 50k a year. And I know this can be done, because I have a group at $50,000 a year, and we have a lot of amazing people, people's been in there up to 10 years, paying a lot of money every month, every year, actually. And it's amazing. These are my best friends now. I do a lot of deals with them. I know their families. They know my family. We do a lot of cool stuff. They're like I said, my best friends. Now. So maybe you're thinking, dude, what do i How could I value 50? Well, maybe start off slower. Start off at $25,000

10:32 a year. Get some proof of concept. Get it under your belt, and now you're kind of in essence, a high level consultant or coach or mentor, depending what term or phrase or idea that you have with this. So you only need 12 people to pay $50,000 a year. I know a guy doing this in the health space. He has many clients paying anywhere from 30 to $70,000 a year to have them help get dialed in. And I'm talking very famous people pay him a lot of money. So there's a lot of cool ways to do this game. You know, if you're an accountant, a CFO, my CFO, a fractional CFO, tax advisor, I pay six figures a year to so you only need a handful of me if you're in that space and you're solving real problems for entrepreneurs or business owners or just wealthy people, you know what I mean. So think about that. Maybe think about the deliverables. And I'm not saying, create another job. Don't trade time for dollars. That's where a lot of people screw this up. They're like, dude, $50,000 a year. They're going to expect me to work 500 hours a day for them. Ah, well, that's how you sell it, maybe. But the thing is, is, if picture this, if it's a tax advisor, if a tax advisor doesn't audit, a basic quick look, audit, P and L, whatever, at your stuff, and they're like, Dude, you're paying $500,000 too much in taxes. There's three strategies that you need to implement that will save you $500,000 a year in taxes. You know, my program is five grand a month. Here's what it looks like, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.
They're paying that all day long. Why would they not? They're trading $50,000 $60,000 a year for 500 grand and the peace of mind and knowing someone's paying attention and knowing someone's on their team, in essence, you're paying them to work for you. In essence, they're getting paid to do work with you. It's very powerful. Change your mind, change your financial life, period. Okay? Maybe you're like, Dude, there's no way I could charge 25 or 50 grand for what I do. Okay, cool. Maybe you have a program where it's $1,000 a month and you only need to get 50 people in there. Guys, remember, there's like, 350 million people in the United States. There's like, what, seven or 8 billion in the world, we're only talking about 12 to 50 people so far. That's it. 12 to 50 people. If you can't close 50 people or 12 people, for that matter, you're simply don't have value, or you don't know how to present it, or you're just simply not doing the work, or maybe a combination of all the above. But maybe get 50 people at $1,000 a month, and then what you do is maybe have a four to six hour a month commitment to them. Maybe do a one hour event per week. Maybe you meet up two times a year in person. I mean, there's a lot of ways to slice and dice this, and I know it can be done, because I have a group. I have 100 plus people in it paying 1000 a month. And these are people I put a lot of attention to. I think about them a lot. I invest hours into that. And again, when I'm talking about generating an extra 50,000 a month, I'm not talking about not working for it. I'm not talking passive. I don't believe in passive income. I believe in a hybrid of act passive initially, and then it becomes an active slash passive income stream, right? So there's lots of ways to do this, and think about it, but 1000 a month, maybe you're consulting at 1000 a month at whatever niche that you're specific on, and you go find 50 people to make that investment in you and help them solve their problem. Maybe you have a lot of capital.

Maybe you have a lot of good connections in the business world. Go buy a business that could sustain a $50,000 a month distribution. That's going to take some cash. It's going to take a decent amount of money, possibly. But these deals exist. I want to get you to get your deal goggles on. Deals are everywhere, all around us. 24/7, I don't care if you're walking into the local hamburger joint. I don't care if you're walking into the local franchise. Guess who owns those franchises? Business owners. Business owners don't more than one business. Typically, if they own a franchise, they have problems. They have people problems. Clearly, because you're in a franchise, they have employees. They have staff. They. Have, you know, insurance problems. Because they have to have insurance. They have they've, we all have problems. Figure out how to solve them and charge for them. There's a thing called Trash Can assets. This is the thing. This is not my term. This is guy, Travis's term. But trash can assets, everyone I know, pretty much that don't know about this, treat their data, treat their you know, their buyer leads, their prospect leads like trash. If they don't close them, they don't follow up with them, and they forget about them, and they go focus on spending more money on marketing to get more money. Now, there's no right or wrong to that. That's not the best way, necessarily. And it's all cycles, if you will, depending where you're at in the journey. But you, because you have time and or knowledge and or both, you could simply find someone that has 5000 you know past people in their database. You know past clients, and you say, Hey, let me start nurturing and extracting from that database.

And anything we create, we split, 5050, 27, 2080, 3070, whatever it is, and we'll make money together. So you get to be sitting anywhere in the world sending out emails and text and creating opportunity for a business owner that's so focused on getting new buyers, they forget to take care of their original buyers. Which client do you think is easier to sell? A new buyer or an old buyer? Ding, ding, ding, ding, the answer is the old buyer. So you get in front of them, and you start building trust report relationship through email and text, and you start extracting opportunities that's been in their database the entire time. They just haven't taken the energy time or what. They don't know how the wherewithal to do it. And you do so. I have a buddy that does this for a business, and he generates about $5 million a year, net to himself. It's a very good business model, trash can, assets. Think about it, maybe you have some of your own. If you have a lot of capital, maybe you just park 5 million at 1% a month. It's 50 grand a month coming in like clockwork. That would be very initially, be active, because you gotta find the right players. You gotta find the right investment tools. And again, I'm not giving you investment strategies or idea. I'm just sharing ideas. I'm not giving you any kind of investment advice here, but these are great ways, and maybe you're getting 4% you go figure out how to get 15 or 16% right. Adds an extra 50 grand a month to your bottom line, right? There's lots of ways to skin this cat and again. Back to this. When I read that book, 101 ways to buy real estate. Without cash, it didn't teach me how to do real estate. It taught me how to think creatively. Big difference, and that's what I'm here today to do, to help you create different thoughts. Think creative. We're going to get deeper. Maybe if you're a software individual, or understand software at any level, maybe you simply create a very basic CRM contact management system or a simple follow up system for a blue collar business owner.

And if I, if this was me, I'd be very specific in my niche, I would simply help window washers or something simple like that, and charge them $100 a month, or charge $500 a month to hire ticket people, maybe HVAC companies, maybe coaches, a simple CRM, but just be niched, right? Because you don't want to be spending all your time and energy and money building and and prodding and extracting and having 14 different kind of clients get very simple. Again, this is all about simplicity. Is your friend. If you only had to focus on one or two three things Max, that are simple but yet are profound in results picture, if you had 100 people paying you $500 a month for a software program that you created. It makes them money. It makes you money. It allows them to communicate with their customers better and or maybe it's a team support system. I I'm just giving ideas. I'm not a software guy, but again, I invest 10s of 1000s of dollars a month across all of our companies and different types of software. My biggest complaint with software is they're too complex. Simple is our friend. Simplicity, let me say it again. Simplicity is your friend. You know, there is a world where you stop adding features and start taking them out, because features become complexity. Complexity kills momentum, and momentum kills results. There's a beautiful thing called affiliate marketing. You. Find a program. You don't have to have a program to make money. You just need to have a voice. You need to know people that come to you for advice, or you can create that right? So go out there and find nice high end products. So someone's charging $1,000 1000 bucks for something, negotiate a deal and say, Hey, man, I'll send you clients. Just give me 50% of the

sell could be higher or lower, right? But this is the affiliate world. This goes on every day, every second of the day on the internet, events. Maybe you're a very specialized individual. You have a lot of pin up demand in the marketplace. You're starting to think creatively about how to create massive amounts of opportunity for your clients and yourself. You say, Hey guys, I'm going to do events. I'm going to do one event every month. I want to have 10 people, and it's going to be very small and intimate. And impactful. It's two days, and the investments $5,000 now, depending on what part of the world you live in, or what kind of work you do, or what kind of revenue you generate, you might think, who the fuck would pay $5,000 well, again, you're thinking about the cost, not the value you're going to provide. Because I've had hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of people invest 5000 and beyond, to spend a day or two with us in a room talking about their business, on how to scale it, on how to monetize it better, on how to grow things and create more revenue than they ever thought was possible. Maybe you do the same thing again. I'm not saying this doesn't require work, but you only have to sell one person every three days, a $5,000 ticket. I'm simplifying it, but that's kind of the goal. 10 people at $5,000 is 50,000 a month. Charge 2500 now you need to sell 20 people a month. I don't know what, what you're comfortable with or not comfortable with. Just get started. Start thinking like this. What is my value to the market? What is my value to the market? What do people say I'm good at? How am I solving time problems, money problems, people problems, health problems, what kind of problems are you really solving, and what is that worth to the people I'm solving it for? The truth is, a lot of people that are listening to my voice are hanging out with people that would say, Jesus, that's a cult. I would never pay that. Okay, well, that's why you're broke, that's why you're overweight, and that's why you don't and you have a job, and you're not where I'm at. So you gotta be careful who you listen to. Go to any event. That's why I recommend everyone invest in events.

Go invest in an event and learn and watch and see the amount of people that will pay to participate because they understand time is money, and money is just simply a tool to get more time. So many people don't have money. Think money is home. That's a lot of money. It's $50 for a book to learn how to make get rich. Must be a scam. Well, if you keep thinking like that, you believe that you're going to live like that, and you're going to have the results of living like that. It's not a good life. Hang out with different people. If that's the people you're hanging out with. Here's a cool strategy. And again, I'm not giving any legal advice. Consult lawyers. Consult your whoever you consult. But picture someone's trying to raise ten million for a project. They're trying to raise ten million by the way, people are trying to raise ten million for projects every day all across the world. And you have these kind of connections. People trust. You know, you like you. You talk about business and investing and such. So you're like, and I don't care if you're in the white collar, blue collar investing it doesn't matter. You know, in real estate, this is very normal where people are sourcing capital to close deals. This is happening in business world, where people are sourcing money to close business transactions. You could be the finance guy or a gal. So you go and you learn. And by the way, you don't even have, let's say, let's talk, 10 million you don't have to have ten million truth is, you could have zero in your bank, but you have to know people that have access to that kind of capital and what they're willing to do for it.

So you could source a fund, create a fund, raise ten million and then get a piece of that ten million fund. Now, depending on how it goes, depending what you're doing. For example, my buddy recently brought me a deal. He needed to source 12 and a half million dollars. He brought a small amount of that, the rest he sourced from other people like me. This is a one day deal type of thing, but he paid us 1% and he got to keep a half a percent. So in that. Sense, he was able to generate $50,000 if that deal successfully goes from start to finish, just by connecting the dots and being a conduit of opportunity. He knew the buyer, he knew the seller, he knew the title company, he knew me and other people like me that brought capital to a deal, and then we were able to do the deal. We got paid. He got paid just by putting the pieces together. Not a bad deal for one day. Now, obviously it's one day of succession, but it also took many years for him to forge his relationships. And you might ask, where do you find these kind of relationships? Well, I'm glad you asked you find them in mastermind groups. You find them in. Could you know any kind of group that you belong to where you're providing value? Maybe you're investing to be a part of and you're nurturing relationships. It's the best relationship capital game that exists get in these rooms. So think about maybe you just put money deals together. There's many, many, many, many people that do this every single day. Some of them are called Real Estate Agents, or real estate brokers, or business brokers. That's kind of what they do. They're simply sourcing a buyer, sourcing a seller, connecting the dots and collecting the fee to do so. Now I'm not saying go do something illegal and act as a broker an agent illegally. Learn the strategies to do it right, and understand the game you're playing and understand the risk and reward factors, and if it fits your profile and your skill sets, go execute accordingly. That'd be my recommendation.

You could flip 12 houses a year and make 50 grand a deal, but Mark, I don't have enough time. I don't know how to flip but you don't understand. I'm in California. The market's different, okay? One, I don't need to understand any of your problems and stories that you've created for yourself to allow you to not make an extra 50 grand a month. But what I can tell you is, if you have a little bit of capital and or you know how to source capital, like we talked about earlier, you could connect the dots. Find an investor in a market that needs capital to buy and rehab properties, and then you find an investor that has capital that wants a good, solid return, collateralized against real estate. And then you put these two pieces together, you pay the private investor 10% on his money or her money. You find the investor that's on the ground, doing the work, investing in the deals, rehabbing the properties, getting it to market and selling. You put those two pieces together, and you get 50% of the net profits on that particular deal. And if their average deal is 100 to $120,000 which can be doable, you collect 50% of those that fee. So let's say 100 grand. You now made $50,000 without using any of your money by simply finding the guy or gal with money sitting in cash, or IRA or 401, K, showing them how to get that money in play.

They're making 4% they're now you're showing how to make 10% not only is it secured, but secured by asset like real estate, the property is worth 300 you're only in it for 200 so they're very secured. If the deal goes south, they have its 300,000 asset.
They only have 200 grand in it. But if the deal actually gets the fruition, it gets sold on the open market at 300 plus, you and your partner makes 5050, the private investor gets his money back, or her money back, and they make 10% on their money, 10% per year. So about what point 8% a month. It's a very good return for any real investors. So that's a great way to do it, and I know it works, because I've done this many, many, many, many, many, many, many times, and continue to do it. So if you ever have a deal and it has at least six figures of profit to be made and you need money, you should probably hit me up, because we do this every single week with individuals all over the country. So

29:08 that's a strategy, flip or wholesale one commercial property. Just do one. Maybe it's an apartment building, maybe it's a commercial complex, maybe it's a strip mall. Maybe you have an inside track on a deal that's worth a million dollars or 2 million or 3 million or more, and you simply figure out a way to get involved in the deal, via contract, via loi, via partnership, because you found the deal or you found the money, or you did both. There's a lot of ways to do this, but you simply pop off 600 grand on one deal. Yes, you can do that. There's a deal I know in particular, the guy's getting ready to make $4 million on a deal. Simply finding the deal, finding the buyer, putting the two pieces together. He never came out with any money out of his pocket. Pocket, and he's going to make around $4 million net on one deal. One one, not 100 not 1000 not 10, one, one deal. Open your mind to the opportunities every time you're driving down the road. Look at the properties. Pay attention. There's deals everywhere. The question is, do you know how to see them? That's where the magic is. This is a repetition game, over and over and over, and you're going to lose deals. You're going to win deals. Deals are not going to go as planned. Deals are going to go better than planned. It's part of the game. Think about it lots of ways to do this. All right, let's move on $50,000 a month. That's what we're trying to create. Remember, and again, I'm not saying it doesn't require maybe hiring an individual to help you execute. It doesn't mean it doesn't require you spending some time and energy on this. I'm just trying to get your brain to be thinking creative, not just simply execution. Maybe you started marketing or sales or operations agency, you know you get, you have people invest three to five grand a month for this particular thing that you want to do, that you're really good at, and you're going to help them. And it's going to take anywhere from 10 to 17 people paying you monthly to generate that extra 50 grand a month. And like I said, if you need to hire someone, add three to four people on top of these numbers.

Now you only need 13 to 20 people to net 50 grand extra a month, because you could hire people in here. Agencies have very high profit margin business very high. That's why a lot of people do agencies. There's very a lot of hand holding. That's why I'd hire one or two people to handhold the clients and manage their expectations and get them results. But this is an idea. This is a strategy that many, many people do. I actually, like I said, I invest six figures a year with a tax CFO advisor that just guides us on some stuff, and he just needs five of me, right? Maybe six of me. Go get six people paying 10 grand a month, hire someone at 10 grand a month to do all the work and guide them. It's a great employee. Great job for that employee, great results for the clients, and as the business owner, gets to make a decent amount of money extra per month. I hope this is starting to open your mind up to a lot of cool opportunities. I genuinely hope it is because this is just the start. When you get done listening to the show, I want you to start, get grab a pen and paper. That's what I'm writing. That's what I'm talking to you from. I write all this stuff down before I talk to you, I put some thought into it, but we got to start tapping into relationship capital. Relationship capital, let me say it again, relationship capital. I'll talk more about that in a second. I know the big thing right now is everyone talks about business buying. I want to buy a business. Okay, maybe that takes a lot of work, takes a lot of risk. It takes it just it's a lot. There's gonna be a lot of problems with that in the future, actually. Just pay attention. But let's just say we're just trying to create an extra 50 grand a month. Well, there's a lot of businesses that are for sale or aren't for sale that don't know how to sell. You could simply figure out a way, and again, consult attorneys and however you need to do this, but tie up opportunity and sell it to someone else for more money. This happens in real estate every day.

This happens in businesses every day. The only problem is most people like yourself, probably aren't involved in the middle of it to make money from it. So start learning how to wholesale businesses. Maybe find a deal, pop off 50 G's a deal. Or what I'd prefer to do is find one big deal and make 600 grand. I only got to do one deal a year to make $600,000 on that particular deal. There's lots of ways to cut that, lots of ways to dice that opportunity, lots of ways. Or maybe you do two deals where you net 300 grand per deal and or four deals or five, right? So pick the number. A lot of people these opportunities are around you. You don't even know they exist, right? Real estate agents and real estate brokers are doing this sort of they're getting involved in these deals, and from my experience, most of them are don't have a clue of what they're doing. They're actually just doing it because that's what they do. They don't know any better. So you know better. You're just not thinking creatively or thinking how to plug into these opportunities. Conduent your conduit of this opportunity, get involved in this deal. Another one. Let's go back to real estate. There's a lot of people in the real estate. It's called syndicating money. They syndicate opportunities, right? They find a property, they need to raise $2 million to take it down. They they've already raised 1.5 they need an extra 500 to close it out. And at the last 500 is the best. Because, why? Because now you can negotiate sometimes better terms. Get a better interest rate, get some more LP interest. There's get some depreciation, depending on where you're at. There's a lot of things you can do here. But what if these individuals, let's use $100,000 for easy math. Let's say you could go out and you know someone that has $100,000 in equity that they're trying to raise, well, maybe they're trying to sell it. Maybe they're just trying to raise it for whatever.

Maybe they have some overages. Maybe they need it to close out a deal. What you can do is go source that capital, get equity, pay the private investor a percentage, kind of like what we were doing earlier on, the partnership stuff, and then you get the equity, and you get to keep the equity 100% yourself. And or what if you figured out how to negotiate $100,000 in equity for 50,000 in cash? So now I go find an investor that has 50,000 in cash. I park it on my 100k in equity, and I give my investor maybe 25% of mine, $25,000 overnight. So they give you 50 and now they have $75,000 worth of equity and a great asset. Yeah, but Mark, it was 100 grand. I know I'm keeping the other 25 for myself, right? So there's lots of ways I'm not here to confuse you, because it can get confusing if you're not writing it down and seeing how it flows. But there's lots of ways to buy and sell equity in assets and liquidate and be creative. It's not like, hey, 100 grand, here's 100 grand. Well, lots of people do deals like that, but there's lots of ways. Hey, I'll give you 100 grand, but I want 300,000 in depreciation. Hey, I'll give you 100 grand, but I want it actually for 50 and I want double the amount of equity, and I want this kind of interest rate, and I want this kind of depreciation. All these things are negotiable. Did you know that this one show listening to my voice right now has taken I'm 28 years in the game of creative business. Started off creative real estate. Creative real estate taught me so much about what being creative is about, and I've incorporated this in businesses and real estate, and I still do today every single day, creative creative opportunities everywhere. There's great ways to join venture, there's great ways to buy equity, there's great ways to own assets without utilizing any of your own cash. By creating an understanding of how this process really works, start getting creative, it will serve you so well.

So let me talk about relationship capital. So like I said, I've been doing this for 28 plus years. My buddy's been doing it for doing it for many, many, many years as well. And I do have a group. It's $1,000 a month. If you think that's a lot of money, what I just shared with you today is worth millions. If you execute it, you never have to listen to another podcast show. You never have to listen to anything else I say, what I just shared with you is worth at least seven figures, many times over if you go execute now, I'm not saying you won't need a lawyer. I'm not saying you won't need to, like, figure out how to raise money properly. I'm not saying you won't figure out how to source deals properly, but the ideas are worth many, many millions, and it's I know because I've generated many, many millions, as well as myself, my friends, my colleagues and people in my groups, but doing exactly what I'm sharing with you here today, what I recommend, because a lot of you don't understand relationship capital or even understand What it even does, even though you have it, you just might be are you depositing? Are you withdrawing from your relationships,

39:10 and what rooms are you hanging out in? Right? You can't make $5,000 off of an individual if they only have $500 in the bank, and they're not creative and they think it's a scam. You have to find a business owner that has a real problem in in need, and you need to be able to solve that problem. And the problem is not about just dollars. It's about what can they earn? What can you take off their plate? What value do you bring? And they will pay $5,000 every single day if it's solving problems. You don't have to, believe me, they're doing it already. They're paying their folks. They're paying them, their staff, their contractors, their vendors, right? Find companies that are generating 100,000 200,000 300,000 plus a month, because $5,000 a month is not a big deal. At that level. But if the company is only making 5000 a month, 5000 a month is 100% of their revenue, it's a way harder sell. Even if you have the value, they just don't have the resources. Therefore, they're not gonna say, Yo, dude, I don't have the money. They're like, Dude, I got shut up for that shit. That doesn't work. Why you charge so much, man? And then you're gonna feel like a loser. You'll feel like you're being naive. No, you're just talking to the wrong prospect. So understand that. But what I'd recommend, if you have access to a little bit of capital yourself, get involved in two or three mastermind groups.

Yes, it requires money, yes, it requires time, but more importantly, you're going to speed up relationship capital at the fastest level I know possible. I'll use my buddy Tim. He has a group about 200 people. I have a group of about 150 people. Each person pays anywhere from 1000 to 1500 a month, if you just paid, let's say, 1000 in each group. If you paid 2000 a month, you're in my group and Tim's group, you've got access to 250 people, give or take, that are investing in themselves. That alone is a qualifier at a high, high level. Now number two, pay attention to who the leader is. Who's driving this boat? Is it someone that's like a Fast Money Eddie, or is it, you know, slow and steady? We're going to get the cash. We're going to grow together relationship capital, because that matters. I'm looking for longevity. I'm looking for people want to be in a group long time. I'm looking for people want to forge deeper relationships, etc. Get in these rooms and bring your value, bring your secret sauce, bring your magic, have conversations. This takes time. This takes energy, this takes effort. But I promise you this, if you do this solid for 12 months, your business this, when I say 12 months, that's only $24,000 only For opportunity to make many, many, many, many, many, many country. I'm not knocking the high ticket where you spend 50 grand, but there's only five people in the group. But the problem is, you only have access to four other people, because you'd be the other fifth one. When you're in the right groups, with the right mindset, with the right agenda, you could tap into relationship capital like I've never seen before. This is brand new. No one's talking about this. No one you can gain access to 150 people in the DM Alliance for $1,000 a month. Do you understand how much money I spent and how much time and energy I've invested to have that group possible millions of dollars and 1000s of hours, and you could tap into it for 1000 bucks a month.

43:20 Think about that. Next time you think 1000 a month is a lot, understand it's just because you're not you're not utilizing the tools that are in front of you. You're not executing there's no reason everyone in that room can't be making 50, 100 200 $300,000 or more a month like clockwork. But you got to open your mind. You got to get creative. You got to stop thinking Me, me, me. Start thinking how to serve, how to help, how to guide. Now I'm not saying go do it for free, but learn, get in these rooms and understand, find out where your value is, how you how much it's worth. People invest the speed of acquiring customers quicker. I know a guy inside the community generated over $750,000 in his first year, paying 12 grand a year. That's a pretty good fucking return. I'm not saying you'll do it. I'm not guaranteeing any of that. I'm just saying it wouldn't happen if he wasn't in that room. I can guarantee that. So if you're interested in the DM Alliance, shoot me a message on Instagram at Mark Evans DM and say, podcast DM Alliance. Podcast DM Alliance. I'll talk to you. Regina will talk to you. We talk to every single individual. We qualify yen. We want to comment. We want to make sure it's the right fit.

Again, I'm qualifying. I'm connecting. We understand who's in that room, not just to protect them, but to protect you. So I hope you're starting to realize this show is gold, and if you haven't shared this show with at least. 10 people. I can't help you, because this is a show of value. Eye opening value. If you have ideas and you have different strategies, make 50,000 a month. Let me know as well. I'd love to hear your ideas. I'd love to hear your strategies, but let's start plugging in. What do you have? What are you great at? What value do you have? What value can you deliver on? What does that work to the person you're delivering? Who's your ideal prospect? We call it avatar. How are we going to approach them? Where are we going to extract them? What's the conversation like? What's the closed cycle like? What's the results look like? What's the expectations look like? There's a lot to this, but the truth is, it's never been easier. The time is now, I look forward to helping you. I hope you're a part of the DM community one day, if not sooner, if not now, some of you are listening and are already part of the community, but I can tell you right now, today's show may be my best show I've ever done. Appreciate you being here. Thank you so much. Let's go and kick ass.

46:10 So with that said, Freedom, there ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he's stepping the Dow, he's closing. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's wearing dead. It's all about the process. I'm the kid over to the DM project. I'm a small town in Ohio, so I know how it did. And I come from a lot of money. I remember it as a kid. Wanted to make a money brat and see no one making more than that graduated high school with a 1.8 should they help me back? All my principals and teachers are alive just to witness this. I'm on ball. Somehow. You're running two way figure businesses walk away from it. Y'all be good, but I've been called to help people just like y'all learn again. It's come to Paul. Everybody chasing the money, but I'm not chasing the money. I'm out here chasing the purpose. Yo, I've been working my whole life. That's where we at. Is it gonna get us where we want to go? To push time to learn, come to grow Kevin's deal, I'm hurt helping teach him what I what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he's stepping to die, he closing deals. I'm just telling what the team stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. Deal maker.

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