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Today, I’m talking about how you can use your IRAs to bring in steady cash by investing in real estate, even when the market is down.  Discover how to focus on opportunities and stay in control.

We’ll discuss the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people, making smart financial decisions, and seizing market disruptions as opportunities. This episode is packed with practical advice you won’t want to miss.

Show highlights include:

  • Discover the secrets to winning in a down market [00:57]
  • How are the changes in the market affecting you? [05:37]
  • Are you in control of your finances? [06:59]
  • Learn why your decisions need to align with your long term goals [10:42]
  • Are your brokers only there for the good times? [12:39]
  • Find out the reason you need to shrink your circle [18:56]
  • The need to recast your vision and execution strategy [23:47]
  • Learn the power of marketing and investment in business growth [32:43]

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Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the making of a DM how to win in a down market. Oh baby, the market is melting. Are you earning from that? Are you hurting from that? Today's show is going to change your life. So with that said, let's get started on them.

0:23 I'm hurting, helping teach them what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he's stepping the doubt, he's closing deals, time to tell him what the deal stands for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker, hey, there your boy. Mark Evans, D, M, if I sound excited today, it's because I am today is Monday, and the market is shaken. How to win in a down market? We're gonna talk about that today as I'm sitting here, I just got back from New York City, hanging out with the fam and had a bunch of business meetings out there. One thing I want to share with you, well, let me slow down. I am excited. So first, thank you so much for sharing the show. Share the show. Help your buddies. Today, I was listening to podcast show. I sent a text to three of my friends that are white-collar business owners. It was about white-collar profit zones that a lot of white-collar businesses can create. And I said to my three white-collar buddies that say, Yo, dude, you should listen to minutes seven to 19. And I sent it to all three of them literally pause this show if you hear something that pops, something that you're thinking about, that's what I do.

I think about others, right? You know, like, that's kind of I'm very resourceful. So I'm thinking about all my friends, all the people, colleagues and the game. And if I can make someone's life better today by consuming information, I a podcast like this, or whatever you listen to, or read or, or such, I'm thinking about them. You know, it hits me. I'm like, boom, I gotta hit Dan up. He's in the medical industry. Here's what he's doing. You got to listen to this dude. Maybe it helps him. Maybe it doesn't. But I guess what? It's the thought that counts. I connected him, I hooked him up. I was thinking about him. It will never hurt you to take 12 seconds. And not only that, it exposes them to something they might not even know it exists. And you might be thinking, Well, Mark, they might listen to the show already. Okay, cool. You're assuming they listen to this episode. You're assuming a lot. It's not about that. Just say, Dude, did you hear this show? Listen to minutes seven to 19. It's fire. Check it out. If they have it already on their podcast, great. You put it right back in front of them. If they don't, they get new Exposure. Exposure is very powerful to people like you and I, so please share the show, and make buddies deep in relationships. Let me do the work for you. That's all I'm asking. I'll do the work.

And if they're like, Dude, you listen that crazy bastard, I like you, and or they don't, that's even better, right? Separate and we're going to talk about that today. That's very important today, about eliminating dead weight, eliminating negative weight. We're going to talk a lot about that today, because how to win in a down market is not hanging out with losers, negative Nellies, shit-talkers, etc. We will go deep into that today. So again, thank you guys for sharing the show. As I was hanging out in New York City. I haven't been there for a while. I actually used to live over there on 40th and Broadway above the Eminem building for about six months through my travels, me and Dina and Oh, seven and I was kind of funny a couple Usher was our neighbor, literally, like, right across the hall from us and Brian McKnight. I don't even know these people, but like, you'd always see these guys, and you gotta remember, they're just like us, right? They're just hanging out on their thing. But it was different times. So when we went there this time, I had an armed guard with us at all times. And I don't know if you ever done that. I don't typically do that, but I have had that in the past because I just want to protect my family. I've worked so hard. The last thing I want is some stupid clown that has nothing to lose to come rolling up. Punch in the face, hit your kid, grab your kid, whatever you just never know, and especially in New York City, right? The gun carry laws are a lot different. So there's a great site called bark.com I don't own anything of it. I'm just sharing my experience with it. I went to bark.com I typed in, hey, here's what I'm looking for in New York City. You know, armed guard Family Guy will walk around do X, Y, Z for about eight hours a day. And here's what it is. So then you pay like $80 an hour, or whatever it is. And we met two amazing, amazing guys, actually cops of New York City. One was an ex-cop, and the other one's about to be an ex cop sergeant, matter of fact. But just walking around with these guys just felt so much more confident, so much more comfortable. And, you know, and I have to worry about something silly, and what I always discover on these things is they have great connections. They know the city better than anybody. They've been living in the city their whole life. So it's a real hack.

I'm not saying you have to have security guards. I'm not saying all that. I'm just, if I'm going to an area, I'm not sure about my. My thought is, I've worked really hard to protect things. Why not just hire someone local, and have them protect you and your family? And it worked out really well. So it's pretty cool. Got to meet a lot of neat people. So let's talk about this. Because right now, today is a very interesting day. The market's down over 1000 points. That's a lot. I don't think it's happened ever and in the history of the market, especially on intraday and all that. But there's a lot of interesting things. If you just pay attention to the media, and I don't consume news, but like, if you're on social media, you see this shit everywhere. I want you to really think about this. How does it affect you? Because if you're 30, the market goes down 100 points, 1000 points, 10 thoughts, what does that do to your 401 K, what does that do to your family's finances? Truth is, most of you probably don't do anything except you're looking on a balance sheet and it goes down, but it's not going to change your life. Today, I see a lot of people get very upset, very emotional, and this is a financial wherewithal, like understanding your thoughts, because this is stuff you can't control. The best way to control is just don't be in the market, right? That's simple. I'm not really in the market, right? I do have real estate.

Real estate is a controllable asset. You're not going to get huge rips and gross like you could on a crypto or a stock, I guess, but it's steady, Eddie consistent. That's how I'm comfortable. I'm comfortable with that, not saying I don't take stupid risks. Sometimes I do. We all do, right? That'd be crazy to think that some of us don't hear but I can tell you this. I want you to take stock. What happened? What were your feelings? What were your emotional feelings? Were you scared? Did you even know what was going on? Were you playing defense all day? Are you plotting differently These are times to learn not to fear. This is an uncontrollable moment for you. If you're in the market, see, you've had this false sense of like I'm in full control of my finances, but your shits in the market? Well, you are in control when it's going up. You're out of control when it's going down, and the only way to lose money in a down market is when you sell, because if you have time on your side, typically it's worth a lot more when you go to sell in the future, so if you have 20 years to recover. But I was sitting there, I was at a meeting that, you know, this morning, with my buddy Tim, and we're sitting there at a little cafe talking about some big real estate stuff we're working on. And I could not imagine

7:39 being an individual who literally was relying on my 401 K to allow me to retire. We know this is like 99% of the world, right? But could you imagine you, you've worked your ass off. You're 64 years old. You're like, dude, I'm going to retire today. Today is my day, and you turn on the TV and the market's down 1020, 30% depending what you're in. That's not a life. You literally are under the thumb of this massive emotional roller coaster financially. So inside the DM Alliance and DM family, I shared some insights, and I want to share with you guys today. This is the group that invests $1,000 a month in themselves and their businesses. But this was going on in real-time. I actually posted this at about 530 in the morning because I saw the intraday stuff. What's going on? I'm like, Dude, this is an amazing opportunity. Because when I see massive things like that happen, my brain doesn't go to fear. It goes to opportunity because I know where the majority, if not 99.9% of people go. They go FREAK OUT mode. It's called a selloff. That's why the market goes down. More people get scared. They don't know why the hell they're selling. They're just selling. Oh my god, it's at 100 oh my god, I bought it a 200 oh my god, it's going all the way to zero. Well maybe, but the likelihood of that happening is not going to happen. But I'll tell you what, you will lose money if you sell at a loss. That's how it works, if you hold it. And I've been in this game 28 and a half years, and I'm telling you right now, I saw this in 2006 seven and eight people were so erratic, selling, taking massive losses, massive losses, because they were out of control characters.

They were so scared, and their thought is like, I'd rather have 500,000 than a million. Okay, but it took you 28 years to go make that million dollars. You just lost 500 grand of that. Are you willing to give another 14 years of your life up to go get another 500 they don't have 14 more years. They're on the end stretch, the home run, the home stretch, I should say so. Let me give you some things of what I do. One, look at this as an opportunity to dollar cost average in if you're in the market right, if something tanked 10 20% Percent, typically, especially if it's a top tier stock or a crypto, you could make a lot of money very quickly. I have a lot of buddies in crypto. I know Bitcoin went down to about 49,000 and changed. Call it 50 G's for an easy bath. And within 24 hours, I guarantee it's going to be up 10 20% so within 24 hours, you're going to pop off another 10 or 20% but of course, it could go backwards. But if that does, okay, cool dollar cash, average and more, if you believe in where it's going. See, the thing is, is a lot of people make short-term decisions that are not aligned with their long-term goals. Let me say it again, most people make short-term decisions that are not aligned with their long term goals, and then they're frustrated because the long term goals will never it actually gets further away because they can't stop themselves. They can't help themselves. It's like you standing in the candy aisle saying you're going to lose weight, but you're pounding three pounds of M, M's short term decision is not aligned with your long-term goals. So when I look at that, I think, like, I said, dollar cost average in I see the opportunity. It's funny, because when you're hanging out with your buddies and you're like, dude, if I missed the right I missed the height on Bitcoin. I'm using Bitcoin as example, it was $70,000 and now it's at 50. You wish you could have got in at 60, but now you're you're selling at 50.

Why aren't you buying? You need to talk to yourself. You need to learn about yourself. Of how these trigger happen. What are they doing for you? Are they serving you or hurting you? You need to extend your scope, change your lens. Stop looking at like, right what's two inches in front of you. Start looking at what's two years out from you. Do you still believe in it? Did anything fundamentally change? No, it's a market correction. It's a market blah, blah, blah. There's a lot going on that's a good thing. That means the markets are zigging and zagging. So you could make more money in a disruptive market than you can in an up market. It's just you have to have the emotional willpower to do it right. I always love the saying when there's blood on the streets, all of you probably post this shit, but very few of you actually really believe it and know it, and most importantly, do it because it's scary when you're in those moments. So dollar cast average, if I was a vote, an advisor, or a broker, right? Did they call you? I'd be posting content like, Hey, did your broker call you? If not? Why is your broker only calling you when it's good? Why aren't they calling or aren't they available when it's bad, right? So again, if I, if I was a broker or financial advisor or something, that would be my market to the that'd be my message to the market, so I could pull in the people that are pissed off at their broker. Because, again, it's hard to convert someone when they're happy with their broker. It's very easy to move them around when they're not happy. Again, they're irrational, right?
And then you could even ask questions like, how do you sleep at night with the money in the market? If I were a real estate guy and I understood I needed access to private capital, this is a great way to stir up conversations, right? Are you more interested in consistent returns or fearful nights? I'm cool either way. But if you post that to 10 people, 100 people or 1000 or depending how big your following is, there's a majority that just want consistent returns secured by a hard asset. Do you think real estate in 10 years from now, it goes up or down from today's number? It's going it's going to be up. You don't have to believe me. What's cool about what I'm talking about is this is all stuff. You could check what's happened in the past and check what's going to happen in the future by measurement. Pull up a house, any house, see what it's worth today, and see what it sold last time it sold for, see what it was built for. And I guarantee you, has been in the last 10 years, it's worth a lot more. I've done a lot of real estate, and one of my biggest mess ups is I was selling them all. I had a lot of properties. We were turning a lot of units, up to 100 and something a month. 100 and something single families a month in that company. I should have kept them all. If I'd have kept them all, it'd be worth 50 to $100 million more today. Just that one change in my business, not 100 changes, not even two changes, one strategy change. I was already doing all the work we're already acquiring, we're already fixing, we're already tending them up, those properties that we're selling for 70 or we're 280 now, this is only seven years ago.

Think about that. I'm not crying about it. It made me more aware, and it's changed my investing strategies as I move forward. Mm. But if I was you trying to raise money, I'd be talking about my real estate. Don't go down. It didn't go down today. How about your stock portfolio? Hey, guess what? My tenants paid today. Did your stock portfolio pay you today? Right? Talk about how over the two years wins, they've had false wins in two hours, was wiped out in one day. You can't control that if it's in the market. You could also broach the subject of alternative investments. Did you know you could use your IRA and 401 K to invest in real estate, to get steady, consistent, secured cash, not guaranteed, but secured, steady and consistent. Nothing's guaranteed. Are you pissed off with lack of control? The answer is yes, right again, you got to hit people when they're fired up. This is how to win in a down market, by the way, I'm sharing with you how I made millions of dollars and one of the worst market real estate market cycles ever, from 2008 to 2010 we absolutely crushed it. Well, everyone had their hands up in the sand, their heads up, their asses. We were crushing it. We were selling 50 houses in a weekend in a market that no one could sell one how? Because we changed our approach. We weren't just trying to sell a house. We were selling opportunity. Big difference.

We were selling control. Big difference in selling a house. We're selling consistency. That's what people really want. One of the biggest things the average person wants is consistency. Let me give you an example. If someone had a million dollars in the stock market, their fear is and they're 64, years old, their fear is spending their principle before they're dead. These are the greeters at Walmart. Unfortunately, if they have a million dollars in real estate notes or real estate in general, and it's producing, call it 1% a month, $10,000 a month, every single month, like clockwork, you think the average person could build an amazing fucking life with 10 grand a month. They only have a million dollars. Not only that, they could get some tax opportunities. They could get appreciation. The opportunities in real estate taxes would be depreciation. That's if they were just all cash. They own a million dollars in real estate, or a million dollars in notes, paying 12% interest. They're getting $10,000

17:42 a month. They don't have to worry about principal paydown. They're getting a great return. So again, bring awareness. Talk to them about how they're living it right now. You can catch them, guys, this is not going away anytime soon, by the way, over the next six months, this is going to keep happening all the time, right? We're in full election opportunity mode. We're in disruption. Everyone's talking about the Dow market, the interest rates, this, this, that, that T bills, this, this, this Warren Buffett selling x, y, z, like. Use this. Use this shit for your marketing. I don't care what business you're in, you can utilize this strategy leverage. It's a great time to talk to them about leverage and understanding good leverage versus bad leverage. Why? Because people that understand or are in bad leverage, they feel massive pain. Bring awareness to it. Have conversations and show them a better plan. Most are scared and never do much here at all. Now I want to talk about the mentality right now going on in the market. I'm seeing it everywhere. Your circle should be shrinking right now because there's a lot of negative Nellies, shit talkers, Debbie downers, dude, it's so hard Get the out of my life, man, you don't understand. I don't need to understand. I'm out like you're out. If your people are not talking positive production, opportunity strategies, pivot opportunities. You need new friends. You understand the opportunities are endless, endless. Right now, endless, but you got to audit your circle. Eliminate all dead weight right now. This is your time.

If it's hard, good. This is where you're learning. I love what's going on in the market right now. The DM family guys were talking about this. This is the 50k year group, and we're all talking we're like, Dude, we're built for this shit. See, the thing is, everyone has this weird entre. I'm gonna be an entrepreneur. It's gonna be so easy. I'm gonna wake up and, you know, do seven hours and. Getting ready for the day, and it's so easy, it's beautiful, it's simple, and if you're with me, it's real. It's our life. I remember as a young entrepreneur, I always wonder, like, Why the hell isn't everyone an entrepreneur? And then 2006 to 10, I remember why it's happening again. The majority of the people that said they're entrepreneurs are not entrepreneurs guys, true entrepreneurs will hunker down and crush it over the next two years. You will absolutely make more money in the next two years than you did the last 10. But you got to work. You don't have to believe me, go listen to my podcast shows from about a year ago. I said the storm is coming. If you want the same results you have today, you're going to have to work 10 times harder to get the same result. You okay, Mark, you don't understand. I'm gonna go buy this guy's course, I'm gonna do this because that's not true. This is so much easy. This is easy. Okay, it's easy today, guys, when it's easy for too long, it's gonna get real hard, real fast. Look at your P and L's see where you're bloated. Is it staff, software? Is it, you know, products? Is it inventory? Where are you? Where are you heavy at? You got to get inside of your business, right? I always talk about working on your business. Working on your business is getting inside of your PNL and understanding where things are at, how you can move things around. Where are the hidden opportunities? Where are the ones you've looked over because it's been just too loosey goosey. Dial it in. I get it. My biggest breakthroughs are when I'm laying in bed dry heaving at 2am because I'm scared, I'm overwhelmed. I have no answers to the solution, and I'm just thinking and thinking and thinking and I'm scared it's going to be oh my god, I'm going to blow this. I got a lot of employees. I'm going to let them all go. I'm going to lose everything. We over dramatize the situation. We're dramatic people. That's not a bad thing, necessarily. If you're that's how you live all the time. It's probably a bad thing, but that means you care. So how do you harness that power to drop use it as fuel to drive success, more success. I would imagine most people that's listening to my voice right now, your business and your life will look drastically different two years from now. You might think you're a roofer right now, but you might be a way bigger, different type of roofer in the future. I know for a fact, and again, I have, I have my hands, and I a lot of different types of companies, software, media, data, real estate management, lead gen, all types of industries, some are doing better than others, but they're all changing and evolving. We've cleaned up the teams. We've changed management around we've pivoted different products. We've cut unnecessary expenses, we've cut stupid projects that are just kind of trying to work or barely working. Right now is not the time to be testing.

Now's the time to be full execution. And I know this is true because last week, for a day, I was at in a room with 22 people, and one of the number one problems in that room was they don't know their purpose. That IE, they don't have a vision of where they want to go. So if you don't have a vision of where you want to go, it becomes very tough. It's exciting in the beginning, because you're just doing something. But are you moving closer to the goal, or are you moving further back? Or are you staying neutral? By the way, neutral is going backwards because you're on a big ass Hill, and if you're a neutral in a car on a hill, you're rolling backwards, for sure. So what we have to do is identify with where you want to go. I get it. You might not know. Here's what I can do to help you. Ask this question instead, what don't I want my life looking like two years from now? Start with what you don't want. Let's start reverse engineering to get what you want see be like if I told you, I throw you a set of keys and I'm like, hey, I'll see you there. Well, maybe the first hour. You're like, Dude, this is awesome. I can't wait to meet get there. Meet him at the destination. The problem is, where the fucks were? How long do I need to pack for? What direction am I going? Am I getting closer or further away? Am I hot or cold? Too many people listening to my voice doesn't have a vision. How can you get yourself or your team on board to do all this stupid hard work if you don't have a goal or a vision of where you're going? Now listen, it's not like they put the vision. It's in stone. It's it's got to happen, no matter what the only way this is, the way it can edit a little bit, but at least you have a direction. I call it my North Star.

My North Star is this. Do you guys see the North Star? I don't care if you're east, south, west or north. You see it? Look up. Do you see it? Yes, great. We have this amazing team. Here's where I'm at, here's what I'm gonna do, here's what you can do. Boom, boom, boom, boom. Are we all on board? Every day we get closer to that North Star. Are you guys clear? Yes. If you need help, let me know. Yes. And we drive towards the goal as a team, we're rowing together in the same direction. If not, you're going to lose great team members. You're going to lose great momentum, and probably more likely, you're going to go under this is where burnout, frustration, anxiety. This is where it breeds. It's a breeding ground for that shit. But I'm telling you, you're not alone. If you have this problem, 22 people in that room, over half had a vision and goal problem. They don't know where they're going. If you don't know where you're going, how do you know if it's working or not? You don't. So we need to dial that in. You need to sit down and get quiet with yourself for an hour. Let me give you an example. If I was writing a new book, I'd sit down with my team and say, Guys, I'm writing a new book.

27:05 Here's what the theme is, here's what the running headline title is. It's gonna be about 12 chapters, right? You always gotta have a beginning, middle and end. You guys, clear, clear. Here's my agenda, here's my plan. I'm on my marketing team. I have everyone on the call or in person over the next 12 weeks, I'm going to do a podcast show about each chapter. Now I'm telling you guys behind the scenes stuff you wouldn't even know I'm doing this, by the way, I'm going to talk about a specific subject matter for the next 12 weeks in each chapter, each show is going to be the theme of a chapter inside of the book. So in 12 weeks, three months, we're going to have a baseline of a book. Not only that, we provided massive value. I got my thoughts on paper to voice to you guys, and we could chop that up on social media and utilize that to start garnering eyeballs and opportunity to get in front of them, to talk to them. And then we're going to push it to an editor on week 13. And while that's being edited, we're going to give them team and we're going to start creating marketing hooks. We're going to create a launch date, and we're going to come to market with it. Are We All Clear? Clear?

Don't you think we all know what the plan is? Now the North Star is the launch date of the book, the checkpoint toward the North Star, ie the gas station, or whatever, pit stop, whatever you want to call it is week 12, actually, week one, week two, week three, week four. We're on track. Guys, hey guys, had a slip up on the podcast show. I messed up. Something was more urgent, so now we need one more week. Boom. Change up the structure. Now. Week 13, now. Week 14, we go to go to publisher, we queue all these things up. We coordinate it, organize it, get on the same page. Do you think when I do a show, if I we get done with it? Do you think I say I'm on track or off track? On Track. Great. Simple. This is leadership. It's how you grow so you drive to a goal. If not, you're playing the fucking game without a scoreboard. 24/7, this is why most people are so goddamn delusional. They're like, dude, I'm crushing it. It's like, Bitch, you ain't got $100 in the bank. What are you crushing? Crushing your dreams, your goals, your lies, your family, everything. You're better than that. Dial this shit in. Now, don't get mad. Actually get mad, but get mad and use it as fuel to solve and create the solution to your problem. We all struggle with this here and now. The question is, how long you struggle with it? For some of. You forever stop. It's not worth it doesn't do anything for you. Solve it if you're trying to build a $5 million a year company and you need to spend money on marketing. I always love this. People like, Dude, I want to make a million dollars net a year. Cool, what's the average business net per year? If they're really good, 20% awesome. You need a $5 million year business to do that. Nancy, but you're only doing a million dollars. Who do you have to become to create that $5 million a year business to net a million what does the team look like? What do your days look like?

What's your action step look like? What's your product look like? What industry, what category? When's the last time you raised your prices in every decision you make throughout the day until you get to 5 million, it's either getting you closer or further away. This is how you prevent shiny object syndrome. I'm gonna try real estate, I'm gonna try this, I'm gonna plumber, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna I'm gonna buy a business now, I'm gonna buy this, I'm gonna do this, I'm gonna try that. That's your problem. You don't have a goal. You whatever wealth you want to create is inside of anything. If I wanted to be a box manufacturing, I'd make creative millions of dollars in that because that I would literally become obsessed with understanding how the box industry worked, where the profit margins are made, how to make more money, how to get more distribution like I don't understand why people don't do this. This is what winners do, by the way. Then I'd ask myself, how much money is on the P and L on your marketing budget? You're not getting the 5 million, typically, just by word of mouth, and if you do, it's not even a good strategy, because it can't sell this business now as easy.

When a private equity firm or venture capital want to come in your company, they want to see customer acquisition flow, listen. Icing on the cake, customer referrals. That's amazing. I think you should have them. I've built many businesses off of that, but I also enhance it with marketing. You should be spending at $5 million probably 1020 grand a month, on marketing, advertising, right? If you can get word of mouth just naturally, just by doing, being a great person, doing a great job, you can enhance that with dollars on top of that, and double or triple your response. Are you using testimonials? Are you doing blanket marketing, Canvas marketing, when you're at a job site? Are you trucks wrapped? Are you putting a sign in the yard? Are you sending text? Are you doing calls? What are you doing? That cost? That's marketing dollars, right? If I, if I was doing a roofing job in an say, in mentor Ohio, I would literally pay someone on Facebook to run ads in mentor Ohio and say, Hey, I'm in your neighborhood. I'm doing a job right down the street from you. I'd love to give you a free quote. Give me a call. You could do this everywhere. Spend 20 bucks a day, 50 bucks a day, get leads, create consistency. I know a guy. Just recently, I was talking to him. He spent $3,000 on leads, and he generated $100,000 in business. I said, How much more are you going to spend? He's like, dude, I'll spend as much as I can at this number. Why wouldn't you? But you got to test. Not all leads are created equal. Not all marketing is created equal. But I do know this, if you stay in the game of marketing, you will win the game, because you're constantly learning. I'm still learning. I've been marketing since 96 I've actually been marketing properly since 2002 ish took me six years to figure it out. But you got this.

This is how we win in a down market. Don't let the down market keep you down. Let it lift you up. Why everyone's going left, you go right. But we gotta get focused on this goal. We gotta get focused on this vision. Stop putting too much pressure on yourself. You fucked up. Get over it. We all do. I know it's easier said than done, but you gotta let go of that it's not helping you. Ask yourself, is like if you're sitting there and you're having these struggles and these problems. Is it serving you or hurting you? It's hurting you? Stop, acknowledge it and move on. Don't do it again, but you got work to do. Recast your vision. Get excited again for you, your team, your people, you can help customers, your clients, and let's get it. It's time to go. That's what I have today. I'm telling you right now. Let me know on Instagram at Mark Evans, DM this podcast show. Share this shit with your friends. Guys, this is real powerful stuff. You. I'm not here to waste your time. I'm here to give you real value, real time. And I'm serious, man, I'm more excited today than I've ever been in business. Don't listen to me. Watch me. Watch my social media. I'm traveling in meetings that I've normally do. Why I'm doing exactly what I'm telling you you should be doing 10 times harder for the same result and beyond.
What's cool about this is a great muscle to work on, and as you do this two years, when everything starts loosening up, you will be light years ahead of everyone, light years financially, mentally, emotionally, physically, everything changes, but you got to have the goal. You got to have the vision. Let's round up the people. Let's round up the troops. It's your time. It's now if you want to join the DM Alliance, let me know the DM Alliance. We talk about this shit every Wednesday, at noon, it goes down. It's amazing, amazing community, amazing results. There's some amazing things happening. 1000 a month. Sounds like a lot. Do shit on your own, then if you think 1000 months a lot, you don't have a big enough vision. True story, I got your back, thinking about you guys. Make today count what I

36:13 know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he's stepping to die, he's closing deals. Time to tell him what the team stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm the kick over to the team project. I'm a small town. I don't know why, yo, so I know how it did not come from a lot of money. I remember it as a kid wanting to make a money brat and see no one making more than that, graduated high school with a 1.8 sure they held me back. All my principals and teachers are alive just to witness this. I'm on ball. Somehow you're running to a bigger businesses. Walk away from it all, and I'll be good, but I've been called to help people, just like y'all learn again. It's time to pause everybody chasing the money. But I'm not chasing the money. I'm out here chasing the purpose. Yo, I've been working my whole life. That's where we at. Is it gonna get us where we want to go? To push time to learn, come to grow, that helping teach him what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he's stepping to doubt. He's closing deals. Time to tell him what the DM stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process.

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