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Today, we’re cutting straight to the core of how mentors can reshape your path and why you’ve got to be your own top motivator. I'll lay out some hard-hitting stories, like my own transition from construction to real estate, and how it brought me real satisfaction.

You can't afford to miss this episode—it’s packed with strategies to help you seize control of your life, focus on what truly matters, and grab every opportunity by the horns.

This one’s gonna be a game-changer!

Show highlights include:

  • Here is why loss is important in life. [03:44]
  • Are you looking for a short-cut to succeed in life? [04:28]
  • The importance of making meaningful connections. [09:24]
  • Discover this truth about the loser mentality. [11:15]
  • Learn how the right person can get you a great deal done. [17:40]
  • Here is how you can redefine your identity. [20:36]
  • Discover the power of time freedom as an entrepreneur. [24:33]
  • Is your identity serving you or holding you back? [28:40]
  • Do you want to know where the opportunities lie? [36:01]

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Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the making of a DM question for you, who are you? Yes, you. Who are you, huh? This may sound crazy, but most of you might not even know. Let's dive deep into this. So with that said, let's get started to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he stepping it down, he's closing. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker.

0:47 Hey, there. It's your boy. Mark Evans, DM, welcome to another making of the DM podcast show. That's right, you are the DM, the dream maker and the deal maker. This is where you come to learn how to make your dreams come true, more importantly, how to stay in the game, beat the game, grow the game, participate in the game, and everything in between. Beautiful day here, I'm sitting here at the office here in Ohio, just dropped my son off at sports camp, and it's always fun. We get to drop them off in a different car often, and these little kids, they go crazy. So it's fun to let them see cool cars, because as a child, I absolutely loved cars. I still, when I see a nice car, I get excited, because I know what it takes to get these cool cars, a lot of hard work, a lot of dead dedication. And you know, if you guys are brand new listening to me, a lot of you may not even know this, even I never got a real cool car. I eat my rolls, Royce Phantom till I was 12 years in the game. Took me 12 years of literally building and grinding and growing and expanding me mentally. I could afford it back then I just mentally. I couldn't I couldn't do it. Had all these issues I was trying to deal with, and that's what we're going to talk a lot about today. But before I get started, thank you guys so much for sharing the show. I have some big announcements coming up over the next couple months. I have a new book coming out. I have a documentary coming out. I'm excited for I'll share with you all these details later. I don't have the exact dates or anything yet, but it will happen this year.

It is full steam ahead. A lot of work behind the scenes. And I'm sharing this with you because I want to let you know I'm working just like you are. I'm busting my ass. I'm dealing with shit. I got kids, I got a wife, I got family, I got I got a million moving things. Not all is good. Most actually isn't good, but I keep my feet moving, and that's what this game of life is about. I have no clue why everyone thinks everything's rainbows and unicorns, but in real life, in real business, it's shit, it's stuff. And this is why mindset and why you're here is so important, is because you're not alone. And I know when you're getting punched in the fucking face, it feels like you're alone and no one is watching. No one cares. But you got to realize they're dealing with the same too. Why should they care about you? Right? This thing, I this is the cool thing. I get to take my son every day, 815 I leave talking to him in the car, because taking him sports camp, and I'm like, dude, like, you know, Mark, if you want an easy life, do hard stuff. If you want a hard life, do easy stuff. And today we're talking about losses. Like, you know, it took some L's on some stuff. And I was like, Mark, these are great lessons. You know, you might be thinking, I'm saying losses, buddy, but these are lessons. Everyone I know, everybody I know at any level, takes L's.

And if someone says they don't take losses, absolutely fucking run, because there's con artists and scamming you. More importantly, they're scamming themselves. So why wouldn't they scam you? They're liars. They're lying. We all do every day, and especially in the beginning of the game of entrepreneurship. You take a lot of law. I mean literally, 90 to 95 maybe more percent of your day is losses. You know, you just get punched in the face everywhere. But as you stay in the game longer. I'm 28 years in the game of entrepreneurship. I still take losses daily. I still, you know, I had a guy here yesterday at my office helping me grow one of my companies, you know, sitting down with me and a couple of my team members talking about skill growth organizations, conversations, strategic moves, patterns and, you know, all these things, guys, we all have to do it if you want to succeed. There's no shortcut. But the game is mentality. The game is mental. So I appreciate you being here. I'm already getting psyched up. We'll spend some time on this, but share this show, connect with your buddies. You know, I just did this again yesterday. I was take on my walk. I'm walking, and I send my buddy a show, like, Dude minute 20 to 26 listen to this. It's powerful, like he's not into podcasts, like I am. I like this shit. I love learning why I'm walking and growing and pushing and, you know, multi, you know. Getting getting steps in or whatever, and but share the show, connect people.

Let them know what you're listening to, let them know what you're up to. And right before this podcast show actually was on the phone with them for about a half hour, talking about that show, talking about what we learned, talking about what we can do, talking how we can get better based off the knowledge they just shared with me, and I took five seconds to share it with him, and then we spent 30 minutes talking about how to make it better. That show may be worth eight figures to me in him. Who knows? But I do know this, if you don't share it with people you like, that means one, you don't care about them, you only care about yourself. And if that's you cool whatever, that's not what I stand for, I stand for, you know, abundance, helping other people, connecting with people like, that's what it's about, and it's cool. Ways to do that through these channels, like social media. You ping them like, do like, hey, check out this video. But anyways, share the show. Leave a five star review. I'm going to be doing some really neat things this year with the audience. You guys are going to see some big moves on the DM brand, the Mark Evans, DM brand, dealmaker brand, I should say we have a lot of momentum with the dealmaker Alliance community. That's the $1,000 a month group, and then the $50,000 a year group, the DM family. There's some really cool shit happening when I'm recording the show.

I actually leave for four days to add to some business meetings and some blue collar businesses I invested in and looking to invest in more out in Jersey, New York area. So we're doing some really neat things over there, and maybe I'll share some of that stuff and bring on some of my partners. It's there's four of us, and it's really neat, because we're all living in our our genius zone, if you will. This is what I'm really good at this, what I'm really good at this, what he's really good at, that's what the other guy's really good at this. The other guy like, some really cool things happen. And so, yeah, I'm excited to share that with you one day. So I guess the quick point is, I'm working just like you. I'm dealing with bullshit, just like you don't think anything's different. I don't know how long you've been in the game. I don't know what season of the game you're in. I don't know what your goals are in the game, and if you're trying to be trying to be big, or you're trying to be medium or you're trying to be small, I don't know these things. And these are cycles. These are seasons. Some some some years you might want to be huge, and some years you might want to be like, Dude, I got a lot of money in the bank. I was talking with a buddy of mine. He's got about $45 million in his cat, in cash and in his account. And he's like, Dude, I took off for a year. Like, I literally feel like the biggest loser in life. Like, I'm young. He's in his early 30s. Sold a company, and he's like, I'm going to build a multi billion dollar company. Like, that's what I'm built to do right now. That's what I do. I enjoy it. I love it. It's fun to me. I'm sitting on the beach looking out at the water. I can only do this so long without all these ideas pouring into me. And I'm not saying boo hoo him and all this stuff. I'm just saying, don't think the money is going to solve the problem. The money can help on some problems. But you guys, we're doers. We're winners. We want we're growers. We want to grow. And that's the beauty of this game. So I just want to talk about a situation that happened last week, and the real topic of the show is, stop being a loser. And I'm not saying that to be a dick. I just know there's a lot of people the way they talk, the way they communicate, not just to themselves, but to other people, or don't communicate at all. It's like they created this loser real in their brain, this mentality where they're just like, you ever meet these people just like, lose. They just continuously lose. You're like, Dude, it's not that fucking hard. Why are you such? Why are you losing all the time? You know, kind of like Cleveland Browns, like they could be winning 100 points, and they figure out a way to lose. Like, it's like they're designed to lose. So at the event in Nashville, we had some big ballers in there.

I mean, like I said, over $100 million in investable capital in that room, minimum, over 100 million with people and I they're raised their hand. Do you have at least a million dollars? There's a lot of hands up in the air. They want to be investing in businesses and real estate, etc. And then there was another side of that coin, right? It's like, hey, who in here has opportunity? Because if you have opportunities and you don't have access to capital, well now you do. These people are in the room. You're sitting beside them, you're sitting in front of them, or behind them, or whatever. You need to make sure to point these individuals out and start a relationship with, have a conversation with that lunch, at dinner, at the at the charity event, or whatever, and connect. So sure enough, it's designed to do that. They, you know, people get really excited, and they sit down and they met my buddy, one of my buddies there has a lot of money to invest. And this, these couple came over to them, started talking to them, and I do it, I got to steal and blah, blah, blah. And I got pulled in the conversation and and we talked just kind of, hey, here's what we see. Here's what we do as investors. Here's what I would do. Recommend whatever is great conversation. And you know, they have a couple opportunities, so that's awesome. They're like, hey, we'll email you. And my buddy says, Cool, email me, and we'll go from there. So he gets the email, and he responds quickly, and he's like, I'm. Interested in a deal, give me a call. Here's my number, and then this is where they fucked up.

This is where I see it happen all the time. They work really hard. Getting to Nashville. They spend money, time and energy. They say, you know, this is a couple in their 40s, by the way, so and they don't have access to money like this at all. They never have made these relationships, but they just made one in Nashville, and they have him on the hook. He's ready. He's serious. He understands the game, and he's willing to do the deal. He just had some questions, so he messages them back. Say, Hey, give me a call. Here's my number, right?

10:38 48 hours later, they send an email. They didn't call them number one, if an investor, someone that you know damn well, has the money, emails you back and says, Call me. You Drop everything and call them, and I have no clue why people do this all the This happens all the time, by the way, they have the opportunity, they have the initiative to get the action started. But then when the opportunity starts to become real, they sabotage it. They go to loser mentality. That's a loser move, by the way. It's not normal. That's what losers do. They figure out a way to fuck up a good thing. Literally, my buddy has millions adopt, 10s of millions of dollars of investable capital, many millions on the street already. So it's not like he's a beginner. It's not like he's calling you to waste his time or your time. They didn't communicate with him, and he said, call them, and they didn't even call him. They emailed him. Now I just want to picture, paint this picture how serious this is in the beginning days, if I knew someone had cash to invest and I had a deal and I presented it and they liked it, they wanted to connect, I would literally burn down the fucking world to meet this person as fast as humanly possible. I don't I'd be in the shower and my phone would ring out to answer the phone. I'm that serious because if they're taking their attention and time on you, and they don't feel like it's being reciprocated, they're out. Because if it takes you 48 hours, or even 24 hours to communicate, and you don't even communicate in the channel they asked you to communicate in, you think that conversation gets easier or harder when you give someone your fucking money, if I get if it takes you 48 hours to communicate pre money, do you think when I give you my money, you're going to communicate faster, easier, simpler?

I want you to paint. I want you to understand the perspective, the mindset of an investor. Literally. This couple, one relationship, they already had it in the bag. Could change their life forever, one, not 100 not 1000 they didn't have to work harder. They just had to close the deal in a timely manner, and they didn't do it. So I won't mention any names, obviously, maybe they're listening to the show. Maybe they don't even think I'm talking about them, right, but I am. They're sitting at home right now, trying to figure out how to close a deal, wondering why investors won't give them money. Is it me? Is it the deal? What is it? Well, it's just you figured out a way to lose by not communicating in a timely manner. It's as simple as that.

13:58 And unfortunately, I see this all the time. The old you to get what you want, you have to change investors, people that are busy communicate quickly. They don't fucking wait 48 hours to communicate on an opportunity. It's not what we do, it's why we have what we have. We move with speed, and if you do that, please stop doing it immediately. Audit that. Right? Unfortunately, I see this all the time on all types of levels. By the way, maybe you have money and people present deals and you just take your good old time. Well, there's a reason your money's not growing for you, because you're not treating it with respect. See, there's a mutual respect level. With high high achievers speed. I move fast. You move fast. Let's get this deal done now. I'm not saying be reckless, by the way, and not only that, if I say, Call me. Call me. Don't fucking email me, period, right? Like it's real simple, these are things that people do, especially in the beginning, to see how well you communicate, pre money, pre opportunity. If you fail the test, you will never get a penny from them. Most importantly, you'll never get their attention again. Ever, ever, I don't care how good the deal is, you will never get their attention ever true story after that moment, you're blacklisted, right? Don't think that's not a real thing. It's very real. You've been blacklisted. That doesn't mean you can't change and go find new investors, because there's a lot more investors than just one. But again, don't be burning amazing relationships up because you have this loser lack of action mindset the only way. And the guy told me this, I was like, Dude, did he die? He's like, No, he messaged me 48 hours later. I'm like, then he's done.

The only way is if this the only way is death, you died, or your spouse died, or your mom died, or so like, there's no other excuse zero. I, like, literally, if I'm on a plane and I get the message guys call me in 20 minutes for closing this deal, I'm I'm in, I'm going to, I'm probably getting arrested because I'm gonna tell the captain to drop this fucking plane down on the ground. I got a call to make. That's how serious it is. Call me old school. Call me old fashioned. 1996 I did this shit. I'm in the game. I never saw it so easy happen like it did in Nashville. Guy raised hand. I have over a million dollars. A couple raise their hands to have opportunity. They meet within hours. It's in motion. Do you know how hard I used to have to work to make those relationships? I had to go to fucking 25 events. I had to sort through 10s of fakers and pretenders and I had to, like, beg, borrow and steal and pay fucking 50% of my return to get a deal done. I'm not complaining, I'm telling you the facts. And these people had a great opportunity paying a reasonable interest rate that literally one connection could gain them access to 10s of millions of dollars with one guy, and they blew it. Now I'm harping on this because it's so serious, it's so important, and unfortunately, I see it so much.

17:52 Don't be that person. I want to talk to you as well about something else, about identity. Identity. I have some guys in the DM Alliance, DM family and stuff, firefighters, cops, construction workers, you know, finance people. And I just one. I have this one finance guy. He's amazing dude. He was in the finance industry for 1618, years, something like that. And I'm, you know, making seven figures a year net to him, you know, he's the guy you give your money to, high profile money manager. But he hated his life. He had no life. He actually, yeah, everyone's like, Oh, dude, he has the best life. Dude. This guy had to fucking work real hours. Missed a lot of stuff with his family. And he was like, literally, you know, he has a lot of bosses, meaning, if people give him money, he's their boss, right? They're his boss. I should say so, during a mastermind event in the Caribbean at the Ritz Carlton back in the day, we were sitting there in a room, in a small room, talking about, why are you doing this, and what are you afraid of, and what do you really want? And we started uncovering things of everyone has this identity of who they think they are. I'm a financial advisor, huh? Okay, now go ask the other person. What do you do? What do you do? Oh, I'm a real estate investor, huh? Okay, what do you do? Oh, I own a large blue collar company, okay, how large? Well, you know, I make 5 million a year net. Okay, cool.

What do you do? Oh, I'm a private lender. Okay, so we go around the room and doing all this, and the biggest thing is, is that what I want you guys all to understand is you're way more than that in some and I dealt with this myself when I first. Started. I was a construction kid. I did construction my whole life. My first company was seamless gutters, siding, windows, garage doors. Like I did. I did construction. I knew how to do it. I know how to do it. I've no I was working on job sites with my dad at age five and beyond. It was easy to me. I understood it. I saw the house built before even we broke ground. It was easy for me to do because I was that was my life, and when I wanted to start doing real estate, investing, me doing real estate, I had to change how I saw myself, my identity. I had to shift my identity. I had to look different, talk different, think different. I just had to be different, and that's not bad. It's just awareness, right? But I could take my skills from construction and plug into real estate, because, right when you're looking at an investment, it's a house or an apartment building, so there's construction always needed. So I understood values, understood pricing and stuff like that. So that was my competitive advantage, if you will. So I wasn't cutting it loose and moving on. I was utilizing it and just aware. I took audit, I took stock of what I had many, many years doing. So it was very tough for me to stop being a construction kid. Even while I was doing real estate, I always would fall back into the construction kid, hey, what do you do? Man, I do construction. What do you do? I don't think I told anybody I did real estate investing until the first three years I was doing real estate investing, you know, at a global scale. Like, you know, obviously I'm doing real estate deal.

People knows, don't real estate but, like, I was, kind of like a closet investor because I was afraid that I'd get judged. Maybe I don't. I genuinely don't know why. I just had such a tight identity. So when I'm talking to like a cop or uh, or firefighter, you know, they're making more money on their side gig than they are as and then the force. And I'm like, dude, when are you going to leave? No, but, but I'm a cop. I'm like, Dude, you're so much more than that. Not only that, what you wo 16 years ago now, you're different. It's okay to change your identity, by the way, for some reason we think we have to keep the same identity forever. And I'm not saying there's not good identities and bad identities, but like, if his identity is holding you back from accomplishing what you want, we got work to do. And I've seen cops. I've seen firefighters change their lives before my eyes, many times over by shifting their identity. Because, again, what's cool about these guys? They understand how to read people very well. A cop has been in many altercation situations. Potentially, they can walk up to a car and know immediately if they have drugs, guns, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, right, whatever, if there's any kind of weird stuff going on, they've built a skill set in cells, if they know it or not, and a lot of times they don't carry that on, and they just stay stuck, and they just say, I'm a cop and I'm just going to grind it out for another 17 more years, because that's when I get vested, and that's when I get this, and that's when I get that, right? Oh, by the way, I got to work mandatory, 40 hours a week, you know, or whatever, 40 hours a month, whatever it is. I gotta miss my kids, stuff that we don't have enough cops on the force.

That's I gotta work extra hours. Like, this is real life stuff. And my buddy in the financial industry side, he's like, dude, like, I make, say, call it a million dollars for easy math, I make a million dollars a year. Net, that's a good life. But he's not happy, and I'm like, dude, what's more important money or happiness or both? By the way, you can have money and be happy, you can have money and be sad. You can have no money and be happy, and you can have no money and be sad too. I can promise you having money and being sad is way better than being sad with no money. I promise you that I've been both. And I was talking to him as we all were in a mastermind it's everyone's talking and sharing their insights. That's what's powerful about a positive impact. Room, mastermind room, within 12 months, he made three and a half million dollars in his own business on his own terms, with way less stress. Now there's stress, there's all that stuff still involved with it, but it's different, and it's less, and he's building something for himself, and he has time freedom. Now, listen, I I'm always scared to say time freedom, because as entrepreneurs, you know, we'll work 100 hours for herself, but 40 hours for a job, it's more than mental time, right? Knowing that I'm in full control of my destiny, not like, Hey, is is Merrill Lynch going to change our roles and like, reduce my cop pay and kick me over there or transfer me to a different state? Like, it's not that I saw. Guy change his life. I'm in a pretty cool position where I see lots of people change their life constantly. So when I'm sharing this inside of the show, and we go way deeper inside of the DM Alliance and the DM family on this kind of stuff, but like, you are way more than what you say you are. You're so close to you you don't even understand what your real value is, and that's why you need to get in a room or a group of people that can actually see your gifts and share them with you. They can inspire you. They can guide you.

They could, like, they can just bring awareness. Like, dude, you're really good at this. And I have people like, when I talk to them, you know, if someone comes up to me, and I know who they are, and I know what they're up to, like, I've given people a lot of times, a lot of permission to leave their job. And again, I wouldn't give you permission to leave your job if I didn't believe you were capable of doing more, if I if I felt like you were a loser or not a loser, but like, just not going to make it happen and you're putting yourself in jeopardy, I would say, Hey, man, listen, here's what I do, here's the 12 month workout plan. Here's what I do. Grind it out for 12 months. It's going to suck. Blah, blah, blah. But if I truly know you have something my job as a true mentor leader is the lead. It's not the bullshit you, it's the lead you. And oftentimes, leading is scary. It's not what you want to hear, it's what you need to hear. And that's what I do, and that's what real leaders do to themselves and to others. I mentor myself, and I still have mentors as well. Because when you strip the emotional side of it's like, Hey, I make 100,000 a year doing this, and, oh, by the way, my job, I make 100,000 a year doing this, but I hate it. I don't like it. I'm done with it. Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, but I can't I can't make the shift. I can't make the shift. I can't make the shift. It's like, cool. Strip the emotion you and ask yourself, if your friend asked you this, told you this, what would you tell your friend? What would you tell someone you cared about? It's like, Dude, you ain't living forever. You've already been very hard working. You know how to generate revenue. It's not like you're starting from scratch. You have an identity problem, because all your friends for the last 12 years, 10 years, three years, whatever it is, has been wrapped in with the force, financial planning, real estate investing.

See, I've been a construction kid, real estate. Investor, private money, blue collar business owner, blue collared investor, media company owner, right finance, FinTech company owner, e commerce owner, some successful, some failures, and all of them, but at the end of the day, I'm constantly evolving my identity. I'm aware that if we do not conversate for the I'm an investor, I'm a business owner, I'm a great dad, I'm a great husband, I'm a great leader. I'm trying to be better at all these things. By the way, every day, just 1% I'm a great brother, I'm a great kid, I'm a great son, I'm a great cousin, I'm a great friend. We have a lot of identities, but you got to ask yourself, is your identity serving you or holding you back. And the story I shared with you earlier about that couple, there's an identity issue going on, where, when they get the opportunity and it's actually becoming real, they have a sabotage situation. I've seen this happen all the time. You might be listening to my voice and be in this situation as an identity crisis, where you're like, dude, I'm making just as much or or I see the path to make just as much, if not more, doing what I love to do, doing what I need to do, doing it for myself, my family. And by that, that's year one, year two, year three, whatever. And then I need to shift my identity. When are you going to give yourself permission? You give yourself permission to take the leap. Let's let's get some factory. You're not going to live forever.

No one's coming to save you. No one really cares as much as about your life is more than you do. Trust me, right? And you're not getting any younger. And I can tell you this, 100% not 99.9 9.9999 100% of the people, they give themselves permission to make the move. That's that's being responsible, taking the steps has it has an income stream coming. In sees a clear path, invested mentors, has good mindset and all these things. 100% have never told me, Man, I wish I waited longer to do it. Not one, not one person out of hundreds has told me they wish I had waited longer.

30:18 Now I'm not gonna say it, so it's gonna be easy, but it will fucking be worth it. You're going to do the work. You're going to see what you're made of. It's enjoyable, because whatever you're doing, you're capable of so much more. I just hate to see great people stuck on this identity crisis thing, they don't even know it, because your circle is going to change. You're going to change your friend group. You're going to change your conversations. You might change your where you live, because you might actually be able to afford a nicer house, a nicer neighborhood, a country club or whatever, whatever you're into. I'm not saying these are a part of success, but like, typically, as you scale up, you realize, like, oh my god, I can do what I mean, how much more wait. I felt like I worked less and I made more wait. I feel like I get to I get to do this. I don't have to do this. When you start thinking like that, the opportunities become abundant and endless. I saw my son on the ride to the thing today, like your Daddy can't wait to wake up, bud. I was up at 330 this morning, fired up, ready to fucking crush it.

I get to do this, and I got shit going on I don't want to deal with, but I get to deal with it. Some of the stuff, I have to but it's part of the game. I already know it. It's not like you lace up for the Super Bowl and you don't expect to get hit. You're stepping on the field to win the fucking game and do whatever it takes. That's going to take a beating, you're going to get punished, you're going to take some losses, you're going to get you know, you're going to fail sometimes, but you're ultimately going to win. Those are the people I'm talking to, the people that want to win. I'm not for everybody. I'm for somebody as well as you are too. And as you are evolving, your identity must be leveling up. What you wanted to be at 18 is going to change when you're 3040, 50, like, etc, a lot of people stay the same. Don't be those people, and if that's where you want to be cool, but that's not who I'm talking to. I'm talking to people that want to constantly evolve. I'm an author, I'm a podcaster, I'm an influencer, I'm a leader. Whatever you want to be, you can be, give yourself the permission to do it and go out there and kick ass and accomplish it. And that's what I would leave you with today. Sit down and get serious about your life. We only got one shot of it. Work the plan, execute the plan, and enjoy the ride, because it is going to be short, right? I've never met someone's like, wow, that felt like it took forever with my kid raising, right? She took my daughter on a date yesterday, five years old. Drea, Daddy, let's take the Lambo. Take her on the date often, as much as I can. She's only five once, once, all these other deals, all this other bullshit, will be around forever.

My daughter will only be five years old once. There's nothing that will stand in the way for me to do my responsibility to be a great dad, a great leader to my child, for my five, five year old, dria, are you using your job as your fucking excuse to be a fell failing in certain components that you know you don't want to fail at? When I pull up and give her the flowers, put her in the car, take her to breakfast, play tic tac toe. That's all worth it, and I'm doing this at nine, 945 in the morning on a weekday, while most people are at work because they have to, their boss won't let them take off, because I'm a big boy, but I cannot fucking take off when I need to or want to give yourself permission to become the person you want to become. Now I'm not saying, God, tear down your world. I'm not saying that. I'm just saying, bring awareness to this. Create a plan and execute the plan. But I do know, when Dre is 25 heavens forbid I'm still alive. I will never say ever. I've never heard anybody ever say, man. Took forever for my kids to grow up. That was a long time. Again. I'm not that smart. I pay attention everyone. I know that has kids, time flies by. Enjoy it while you can. And then I always ask, what would you do different? And I don't care what level of success they are, it's irrelevant.

35:17 They all say the same thing. Spent more time with my kids. I'd focus on them more than the deal. I'd be more present. I'd take more trips, huh, guys, you don't have to wait. You could do it now. Give yourself permission to become the father, become the mother you want to become. It's a beautiful thing. Life we live in doesn't matter how we grow up, matters what we how we grow up. We have it. You have it. The opportunities are everywhere. Question is, who's going to harness them? I hope it's you thinking about you. I'm giving you permission. Let's go out there and kick ass. Keep me posted. Shoot me a message on Instagram at Mark Evans DM, let me know what you're up to. Let me know if this podcast show made an impact in your life in any way, shape or form, and if it did, Please share the show and let's kick ass

36:29 to discover freedom. There ain't no question mark. Kevin's when he stepping the dial he's closing. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm the kid over to the DM projects. I'm a small town. I don't know why, yo, so I know how it did. And I come from a lot of money. I remember it as a kid. Wanted to make a money brat and see no one making more than that. Graduated high school with a 1.8 should they help me back? All my principals and teachers are alive just to witness this. I'm on both I'm out here running two way figure businesses. Walk away from it all, and I'll be good. But I've been called to help people just like y'all learn again. It's time to pause everybody chasing the money. But I'm not chasing the money. I'm out here chasing the purpose. Yo, I've been working my whole life. Guess where we at? Is it gonna get us where we want to go? I'm hurting helping teach him what I what I know and how I did it, to discover freedom. There ain't no question more Kevin's when he's stepping to die, he's closing down time to tell him what the team's stand for. I'm a deal maker, a deal maker, but I'm not just a deal maker. I'm a dream maker. The journey's where it's at. It's all about the process. I'm the kids over to the TV, film project, a market here. Deal maker, deal maker, deal makeup.

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