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Mark Evans | Making Of A DM

EP 170: The Unfair Advantage We ALL Can Do Today...

Mark Evans | Making Of A DM         Mark Evans | Making Of A DM        
EP 170: The Unfair Advantage We ALL Can Do Today...           EP 170: The Unfair Advantage We ALL Can Do Today...          
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    Have you ever thought about why some businesses take off while others stay stuck? I’ll tell you why. Think of it like rowing a boat: if you’re not moving forward, maybe it’s time to change direction.

    Discover why money isn’t the only thing you should focus on and why having a bigger purpose is super important. Plus, I’ve got some tips to help you push past obstacles.

    And guess what? There’s a special event in Nashville you won’t want to miss—it could change everything for you. Let’s get into it…

    Show highlights include: 

    • Are you aware of the concept called The Unfair Advantage? [01:33]
    • What’s your best investment today? [06:14]
    • The importance of determination to pursue your dreams. [11:12]
    • How to deal with the problem of implementation. [15:07]
    • Uncover the secrets to scalability and massive growth. [16:53]
    • What does it take to lead effectively? [20:51]
    • Are you trying to model successful businesses? [24:31]
    • The significance of persistence. [29:24]
    • How entrepreneurship is connected to community building. [35:23]

    For your ticket to my next DM Event in Nashville, message me on Instagram at @MarkEvansDM and say Podcast-Nashville.

    To get my free newsletter go to, www.markevansdm.com/10million

    Make a donation to Operation Underground Railroad and help save children from sex trafficking by going to https://my.ourrescue.org/deal. If you make a donation, shoot me a message on Instagram at @MarkEvansDM and say “operation underground railroad,” and I’ll send you a cool gift.

    Did you enjoy this episode? Let me know by leaving a 5-star review. Then send me a DM on Instagram @MarkEvansDM letting me know you left a 5-star review and I might send you a pretty cool gift.

    For cool gifts, gear, and a chance to enter a giveaway I’m having, head over to https://magicianvsmule.com/ and enter your email address.

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