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Have you ever thought about what kind of entrepreneur you are? Today, I'm going to share with you the ten different types of entrepreneurship.

Join me as I take you through a journey of self-discovery and help you understand where you stand in the world of business. Let's explore the different levels of entrepreneurship together and see how you can plan for a successful future.

Let’s get started.

Show highlights include:

  • Why is Tom Brady a quarterback instead of a lineman, receiver, or kicker? Just like in football, entrepreneurship has different levels. [04:43]
  • The Hidden Downside of Solopreneurship [05:45]
  • Are all the challenges and situations in entrepreneurship the same? Is going solo worth it? [08:06]
  • Discover your hustle limit (and how to transition from there) [12:31]
  • Start a business from scratch or buy a 10-year old business: which is right for you? [19:50]

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Read Full Transcript

Welcome to the making of a DM Ma, what type of entrepreneur are you? I'm going to share and break down 10 different types of entrepreneurship. And my question to you is, which one are you? So with that said, let's get started

0:22 I'm here to help and teach you what I know and discover freedom. No question Warren Gibbons when he stepped in the Dow. What's the deal maker, a deal maker? The deal maker, dream. Hey there, it's your boy, Mark Evans D. Welcome to another show of the making of a DM. That's right. You are the dealmaker and dream maker of your life. Hope you're having an amazing day over there. Today is a new day. I'm hanging out here in beautiful Ohio. We're back for the season. We've got a lot of cool stuff going on. And hopefully I get to share some of the stuff with you. I try to a lot of stuff I'm not I don't really share publicly but there's some really neat things happening in life and a lot of craziness stuff as well. But hey, it's life, right? Just wanted to give a quick update about Nashville, Tennessee, June 25, and June 26, the dealmaker experience. As I shared last week, this is my last charity event I'll do I don't have any in the foreseeable future. These are epic events, about 350 People from all over the world will be there and all types of entrepreneurship and business. If you're looking to scale if you're looking to gain access to money, if you're looking for opportunity to place money, if you're looking to just get around like minded people and not be a black sheep, like be in a room of people that you can really connect with the investment as I talked to you, today is only 997.

That price does go up to 1497 here shortly, but if you are interested, shoot me a message on social media, or you go to the website actually. dealmaker experience.com, forward slash Nashville, snag a ticket, bring a friend sign up for the dinner with the Dons. I mean, it's going to be an epic event. We got a lot of cool people I got my buddy Cory Gregory coming in, he built a company to $350 million. I got my buddy Kevin Mayer, and he's blue collar millionaire. Exiting a company for eight figures have helped many different things. I mean, I've done a lot of cool stuff together in the end in blue collar industries. He's going to share the insights of how to how to build scale and grow and exits your blue collar business for big profits. I'm gonna have my buddy Austin Rutherford, he's a great guy. 30 years old, over $25 million dollars in real estate owned, has, uh, has learned how to, you know, raise money, he's raised over $35 million as well on deals at the ripe old age of 30. These are guys that are going to share with you these insights. My boy Tim writes, how he went from the single family to multifamily to a nine figure portfolio now, in record speed, you're going to learn from these guys hands on, there's nothing to buy, there's no courses, there's nothing there to buy at all. So this is a real give event 100% of the net proceeds go to charity. These events are very amazing. Connections galore. Like your your lifelong friends are in these rooms. I've seen it happen. It's happening as we speak.

There's people that meet each other they do businesses together, they make a lot of money together, they they go on family retreats together now I mean, it's it's a pretty cool event if you've never been, or if you've been you know what I'm talking about. This is one you do not want to miss. It's in Nashville, Tennessee, June 25 And June 26. Hit me up on Instagram at Mark Evans DM, all you got to do is if you message me comment Nashville dash podcast, I'll get you a link and connect with you. That's me personally, I'm the only one managing that account. So again, Nashville dash podcast, and I'll hook you up. So today, my question to you is, what type of an entrepreneur Are you see, for some reason? I don't know where these lines started getting blurred? Actually, I do. It's called social media. But a lot of people say entrepreneur. I mean, you're five years old. Now there's entrepreneur, five year old entrepreneurs. I genuinely believe I was a true entrepreneur at a very young age. As I've talked about Gino Wickman. From traction, he believes people are born with the entrepreneur gene. Because guys, you know, let's face it, it is hard. You know, there's there's these weird moments we have in our life when we're like, Well, why isn't everyone a business owner? Why isn't everyone this person? And we could ask this all day until we're blue in the face. But the truth is, is it's hard and everyone has different skills. I mean, let's use the football concept. Why is Tom Brady a quarterback?

Why isn't he a lineman? Why isn't the lineman a quarterback? Why isn't Tom Brady a receiver? Why isn't Tom Brady the kicker? See, he is a football player. But he's a specific type of football player, he's a quarterback. And I believe this is how entrepreneurship should be looked at. Because entrepreneur ship is different levels of entrepreneurship depending how long you've been in. And the biggest thing that hurts my heart, a saying someone that says they're an entrepreneur for 40 years, and they're still doing the same Mickey Mouse bullshit, it's wild to me. And it sucks. Because there's so much more to life than being just a simple solo entrepreneur. It's actually that's where we all begin, right? As a solo slash small business entrepreneur, this is pretty much where most business owners start, right? They have an idea, they have a restaurant, they do construction, they just naturally progress into it. And they become though I'm an entrepreneur, I'm a business owner. The problem was solo entrepreneurship. And by the way, the majority of the world entrepreneurs you hear is this individual still today, and I'm talking an overwhelming majority and the 90, probably 95%. Plus, if the main person leaves, the business won't survive six months, let alone you know, a year. So solopreneur ship, like if you look at what you're doing, in your business today, if you go away, what happens with business, what happens with relationships, what happens with customers, what happens with vendors, what happens with banking, like, what happens to your business, we call it here.

And if you love your family, and you love your sanity, and you love yourself, to say the least, you should stop wanting to be a solopreneur, I get it. I get frustrated with employees, I get frustrated. And I'm not knocking this, it's just not. Ultimately where you want to stay is where we might start. But a solo slash small business entrepreneur is not where you want to stay. It's, it's the most dangerous place in the journey, and you listening to my voice might be still in that position. And if you're in this position longer than five years, I would say actually three years, but say five years, you need to get in a group a room, or find a mentor, find a coach to help you understand there's different levels of the ladder. Like if you're looking at a ladder, there's 20 rings, you don't want ring number one, but you got to get to the top. So you got to start stepping up to new rings. And we're going to talk about a lot of that today. So that's entrepreneur number one. Let's talk about another entrepreneur, the scalable entrepreneur, right. So this is the person that like sees the vision understands entrepreneurship, like sees the playing field, and uses other people's money and understands the risk involved on both sides, and understands, you know, he, he or she typically has a team to help execute the plan, right? So I'm gonna bring my m&a attorney, I'm gonna bring my CFO, I'm gonna bring my marketing team, I'm gonna bring my deployment, you know, you're gonna bring these pieces.

This is scalable mindset, this takes capital and or raising capabilities, you're carrying different risks. Right? One thing to be clear here, too, while I'm talking, I just wanna be clear here. It's not the grass is greener effect. The simple thing is, we're just in a different pasture. So entrepreneurships, they're different pastures, they all have problems. They all have situations, not like one is better than the other typically, you know, but the truth is, again, something's definitely better than solo. Because solo, if you're solely directed picture, you have three kids and a spouse, and you're running this game and you get sick, or you get hurt, you chop off the leg, or you get even, heaven forbid you die. Everything you've worked so hard for your kids and your spouse in this life you're building literally will be eliminated very quickly, with your death very quickly, with a catastrophic situation to you. We don't want that. We do not want that. So we have to be thinking the next ring. That's probably the that is by far the most dangerous entrepreneurship level. But scalable is someone that this would be more like myself. This is kind of how I see myself where I'm at, in the journey. I see companies I get I get deals every day sent to me. And I understand Schell, the only way to get into the skeletal game is to understand business at a real level though. So it's not where you'd want to begin because you would literally get smoked.

A lot of people don't understand real life, decision making in the trenches, managing people, leadership. I mean, there's a lot of moving parts to scalable entrepreneurship, it's not to be frowned upon. It's not to run away from it's actually something you might want to aspire to me, potentially. Then you have the researcher entrepreneurship. This is someone who just researches a lot. There's nothing wrong with this. This is not me, by the way. I look at real world stuff. I'm in the trenches. I talked about one step over. I look at my p&l is in my companies and I'm like What's the one step over business, we're sending a lot of money to, like if I could bolt on, buy or invest, I could make a lot of money into them. So you know, the researcher is someone that just research is very deep. They don't like hard risk. They want to know everything about everything before doing anything. And a lot of research, entrepreneurs don't really go really big. They typically go big when they find someone like myself or another investor, another entrepreneur, that is actually an executor. So you need to research but you need to execute execution is by far, the one of the most important if not the most important piece, because you could research to you're blue in the face, but if you don't execute the plan of all the research, you're just wasting time, right? Here's how I started actually, hustler entrepreneurship. You've probably heard Gary Vaynerchuk talk about Hustler, hustler Hustler, I get it. I like it in the beginning. It's cool. It's what you're probably that's what I did. I didn't know any better. I didn't know that's what I was doing. I was just doing it. But this is where you're very resourceful. I was motivated by ambition, my ambition, like I wanted the cars, I wanted the houses I wanted the money back then I thought I wanted the fame. I wanted these things.

I didn't know what I didn't know, right. But that's what kept me going when I wanted to quit. That's what kept me going at 2am When I was late at a job. That's what got me up at 4am every morning to get meet the team that I didn't want to deal with the Meet the contractors to meet the homeowners to deal with this to deal with that, like, the ambition kept driving me. I didn't have money. When I started, I was living with my parents. I bought my first company for $1,000 down literally every penny I had. And I had to go out there and hustle to make money. I had to door knock. I had to put fliers out, I had to grill a market. I didn't have any money. Literally. I didn't even have a credit card. Right? It's like if I couldn't pay cash, I could not buy it. Like no, no company has given me a $3,000 credit limit back then I just I didn't have that. I was 18 just graduated high school. Like I said, I didn't have these things. And I couldn't go to my parents they didn't have they don't have the financial capabilities back then to do these things for me. So but you do what you have to do you figure it out true hustler entrepreneurship. So I have a lot of respect for hustler. entrepreneurships they're always the people that figure out a way to get the job done. It's very important. But what's also equally important inside of that, me is the hustler mentality is good to a certain point. But it also constrains your growth, hustling, you can only hustle so much and so deep and so hard and so long.

Eventually, you have to gain some skills, and start reevaluating your thought auditing through your thought auditing process. And understand like, what do you really enjoy doing? What don't you because when you're in hustle mode, you do so much shit that you don't even you're not even thinking about it, you're just doing because you're so focused on the end result. And that's how we all should be by the way, but like, there's different ways to do it. Some is brute force, some is, you know, it's not it's definitely a hustler mentality. And when I was starting was not work smarter, it was just work harder. And I'll outwork everybody, I'll do harder, harder, harder, harder. And that's how I made it out of the game. As truthfully, I would just do jobs no one else wanted to do because they were hard. They didn't pay that much. But I just figured out a way to get in and do the work, get the job done. Don't complain, get the money, go repeat the process. And it's a very interesting place to be. And I'm very proud and honored that that's how I started honestly. And then you have the innovator, entrepreneur. So if you think innovator entrepreneurship, this is kind of like a Steve Jobs, Larry Page, gates, etc. So these are guys that are innovating. I wouldn't be an innovator. That's not what I am. I'm not an innovative entrepreneur. I don't think about the world the way they do. I'm not thinking like that. I don't, I don't enjoy that. That's not where I shine, innovator and researcher, there kind of go they kind of tie together a little bit, right? Because you got to research you got to innovate, you got to you know, there's a lot of things here, all these guys I mentioned, you want to hear about them, unless there was marketers involved in business owners driving these things, by the way, so don't get it twisted. Like today, on this podcast show.

My goal is to bring awareness to the different rings of the ladder, if you will, of the types of entrepreneurship that is in front of all of us, right? So let's move on. I got two, four, I got six more for him. So intra partnership, the intrapreneurship if you're listening to my voice, this is the individual that typically is getting a base salary. They have entrepreneurial habits or tendencies, but they don't have true entrepreneurship, hustler or small business mindset because small business and hustlers entrepreneurship, we don't get paid unless we go get money. Right? We don't have a safety net. Our safety net is doing the work and extracting the results period. intrapreneurship I believe most people listening to my voice are aren't necessarily there, but a lot of people in our companies are there. I have one guy in a company he's like, dude, I'm I'm an entrepreneur, I'm like you are because you get six figures a year and a base salary. Like I've never met a true entrepreneur that gets a base salary ever. So if you think you're an entrepreneur, and you're getting a base salary, you might want to reevaluate, and or just get real with yourself and say, Listen, I don't want to be a fucking real entrepreneur, I want to be an intrapreneur.

And by the way, I'm not knocking this, I think most people need to be here, I think most people would have a better quality of life as an intra foreigner, you could find a guy like me or other business owners that truly want someone that's thinking big thinking on their feet, but doesn't have the risk factor, the risk tolerance, the risk muscle that I may have, because like, like do, like I don't make money unless the company makes a lot of money. You're making money no matter what, there's, that's not right or wrong. That's part of the game. Again, think about sports analogy. Someone needs to be Tom Brady, someone needs to be the owner, someone needs to be the coach, someone needs to be the line, someone needs to be the D, someone needs to be the tie that like, all these pieces are massively important. So don't think I'm talking smack to you. I'm actually talking because I think a lot of people listen to my voice need to be freed of this entrepreneurship curse they think they have been tossed into, I think a lot of people just don't even think about the different types of entrepreneurship levels.

And the longer you're in this game, the more you learn about true entrepreneurship, but again, when's the last time you re evaluated, what type of entrepreneurship you are, how you started, and most importantly, where you want to be. So that's intrapreneurship. So let's talk about the builder. This kind of goes hand in hand with scalable love to scale quickly. The builders like we like, that's where I shine, I could see a business, it's already been established for over five years, typically, it has multiple employees, typically 10 Plus, and the owner is fatigued. They're we're out there beat up, they need help. They don't understand mindset, like whatever it is, and a guy like me could step into a company like that. Either maybe bring capital, financial capital, or brain capital, or both. And I get a piece of equity for selling them quickly. And or just buying them. So a lot of cool plays with that. You see a lot of people talking about that. And I throw caution to you all Everyone, listen to my voice, please don't go out and buy a business tomorrow, unless you have real business skills. If you go buy a business tomorrow, because you saw Cody or someone online talking how cool and amazing it is, and maybe even heard me say it. It is amazing.

If you have skills in business development business, you know, I've bought businesses still today. Last year, we bought one, and I had to shut it down. Like in six months or less. It just, it didn't make sense. It was too small, even though it was a lot of money. And we got bamboozled on a couple of things. I still, it still happens. So if someone in the beginning did that deal, they'd have been smoked, it'd been game over. And then they thought they did something wrong. The only thing they did wrong is they went too big, too fast. And that's a real thing. A lot of people don't talk about that a lot of people think oh, man, I want to go bigger, bigger, bigger. It's like, Dude, you don't even have a basic structure. You could build, you could dream, the tallest building in the world. But if you don't have the proper foundation, it's literally going to crumble, it's just a matter of time. A lot of people don't want to spend time on the foundation, because it's hard. It's grueling, it sucks, you got to learn a lot about yourself, you got to learn a lot about the industry, you got to learn a lot. It's a and some people are quicker at this, some people take three years, some people takes 30. But either way, get this foundation solid, before you start raising the walls. It's very important. I recommend everyone understand this. It's not like buying real estate, I could go buy a house worth 100 grand a day. For 50,000 called 100 grand even if I don't even know what I'm doing that house will always have value. If I buy a business.

And by the way, it's very quick and liquid, I could sell a house for discount within a week. Right seven days or less, I could have a percentage of my money back and moved on with life. If you buy a business and it's defunct, you possibly more than likely you're getting zero, maybe negative, depending how you fundraise the deal. And then it could screw up all kinds of stuff. Don't listen to me pay attention. It's happening as we speak. And it's going to happen a lot more over the next 24 months. Because a lot of people bought into the idea of go buy a business, it's so easy. I'm gonna make millions doing nothing. Well, that's not the case. There's a lot of insights, a lot of knowledge and a lot of things you got to know how to do. So that's the builder. Same thing with buyer entrepreneurship, right? I'm a buyer entrepreneur. I like to buy businesses, I understand it, because I can buy in scale. I can buy something in existence. We all know like 90 something percent of businesses fail in the first five years. So if I could buy a business that's been around 10 years, I'm out of that window. If I can buy a business it's better Not 10 years it has 20 employees, good quality employees. Do you know how hard it is to find good quality employees? It's hard. It takes a lot of time so I can buy in time I'm buying time when I'm acquiring businesses, you're acquiring time. And again, you heard what I said a second ago about, be cautious of buying businesses.

It's not for everybody, depending on where you're at in the journey, and depending what your goals are, it might not be for you. Here's one thing, I've definitely been a lifestyle entrepreneur, I still am actually a lifestyle entrepreneur. And I'm a hybrid of a lot of these things. But I'm a lifestyle guy. I don't go to an office daily. I have multiple offices. I have multiple employees. I have multiple peoples and all types of industries. But I'm a lifestyle guy, I hang out with my wife, I hang out with my kids. I do go to the farm. I do stuff throughout the day. I work. It's not like well, not working. It's just I'm a lifestyle guy. I don't need someone hold their thumb over me like, hey, you need to be there from nine to five. Okay, well, some people do need that structure. I don't. I wake up, I get my work done. I know what needs done, I have order of importance. But again, you got to remember clarity. You know, disclaimer, I've been an entrepreneur, nearly 28 years of my adult life. June 21, I believe is 28 years I've been an entrepreneur, like I graduate high school two days later, boom, I'm in it. So just to be clear, like this is very important. Time. So when you're hearing me talk, like that's what I want to do. Well, maybe. But the journey started for me in 2005, December 31 2005, I did not understand what lifestyle entrepreneurship was. I used to go to the office every day, I used to go to every job site every day used to talk to every buyer, every seller, every investor, every title company, I did it all.

21:42 And then when my grandmother passed away in October 8, oh five, that's when I had to reset. I had to ask myself, why am I doing all this? Is there a better way? And that's when I started seeking a different strategy on the ring of ladder, like, Hey, I could actually travel. So I was going to leave for a month being Dino now my wife, Dina, which had been together almost 19 years now. We went to South Beach, Florida for a month turned into a seven year trip around the country in the world, right? That's a lifestyle entrepreneur, I was running companies I was buying and selling assets. Every debt like that was ran through a lifestyle entrepreneurship. I had team members, I had virtual team members all over the country before it was even a thing. Right, we were doing Docusign. And all that stuff didn't even exist, we actually had to print off old school. This is flip phone days, by the way, this wasn't even, you know, you didn't have all the amazing technology you have today. So I'm a lifestyle guy, still, I own my schedule. I don't put a lot of stuff on it. I'm very critical about who I put on it and what I put on there. And that's why you know, even like the June event, June 25, and June 26, in Nashville, Tennessee, I put that on there six months ago with the team and creates a lot of anxiety. Because again, I'm not controlling my time, even though I am because I love it. I love the results that we get, the charities that we give to the people we get to meet the connections that happen. But for me, I've worked so hard not to have a real schedule, where I have to be somewhere.

And it's it's just that's a quirk I have it is what it is. And there's nothing wrong with it. It's just awareness. Just understand what makes you tick. And what slows you down. Life's Excuse me. So lifestyle, I already said but serial entrepreneurial. I'm an I'm a serial entrepreneur, I love to start and build companies. I have my hands in many different things. That doesn't mean I'm running day to days. That doesn't mean I'm doing marketing calls. And again, I'm not saying this is where people should be right now. I think a lot of people truthfully, because again, inside of serial entrepreneurship, there are a lot of losses. There are a lot of headaches, there's a lot of problems. It's just different problems. It's not like grass is greener. This is not shiny object syndrome. This is awareness of entrepreneurship ladder rings, of where you're at to where you're going, what blend of entrepreneurship, are you just like, just like you, you I'm part Irish. I'm part this part that I have a lot of things. I'm not just one thing. We all have a lot of stuff inside of us the DNA, right? So, you know, I started off in the Small Biz slash hustler entrepreneurship. I then moved into scalable, and then I moved into builder. And then then I moved into buyer because I started buying stuff and then cereal, and then lifestyle. All this stuff starts coming to a head as you evolve. This is called maturity, maturity and awareness.

And once you want to hear you can't unhear what I'm sharing with you today, I want you guys to get clear of where you're at where you want to go. And if this is helping you gain clarity, I would love to hear feedback. shoot me a message on Instagram at Mark Evans DM, say podcast, entrepreneurship and let me know I genuinely want to know you guys got understand I'm sitting here in my tree house. I'm in my tree house in the office in Ohio with a little cold actually, but as I'm talking to you, beautiful summer day. Yes, the spring still but beautiful day and I'm talking into a microphone. It's just me and I'm sharing my stories. with you, and I'll share my ideas. And I'm sharing what I've learned over the years. So if you guys don't feed back to me, I want to, like I'm not here just from just because I'm here because I care about helping people. And I want to take your time very serious as well as mine. So if there's something you need more insight about, if there's something you learned today, shoot me a message, let me know what's hitting, let me know what's clicking, let me know if you're coming to Nashville, like, again, I'd love to figure out a way to create a show that creates communication back and forth instead of one way push.

How do we connect? How do we communicate? If you got deals, let me know I buy and sell deals every day. Me and my team. If you have a company, you're looking for partners, investors, I look at them. That doesn't mean I'm guaranteeing I'm going to do it. And but I'll look at them. You never know unless you take a shot. So I'm sharing that with you. We're in the game together. We're entrepreneurs through and through. Some of us are just a different side different game. It is what it is. Maybe there's opportunity to partner. Maybe there's opportunity to collab, maybe there's opportunities to invest. I don't know. But what I do know is I'm here. I'm willing, I want to do work with you. I want to learn with you. I want to meet you, I want to connect, and I want to keep growing. It fuels my soul. I love this part of the game. And I hope to see you guys in Nashville, Tennessee, these are my 1-234-567-8910 different types of entrepreneurship. My question to you is which one are you today? And where do you want to go and start building out a roadmap to get there? You're in the game. Question is what game are you playing us the sports analogy? Simply people are 30 years still playing peewee football, some people are peewee football, ready to go the college ready to go the big leagues? Where are you at? What are you going to do? Step to the game get started? Start executing enjoy the process.

26:50 That's all we got. Appreciate you guys being here. Hope you have an amazing day. So with that said, today I'm here to help and teach what I know and discover freedom no question 20 stepping it down tell them what's the deal make a deal make a deal make a dream make the journey clear it's all about the process and the project was a while ago so I know how we come from a lot of money I remember as a kid wanting to make money pregnancy no one making more than graduated high school with a 1.8 and to me my principals and teachers are alive this to witness this somehow you're running into a big businesses walk away from me. I've been called to help people just like everybody chasing the money but I'm not chasing the money chasing the purpose. That's where we add isn't gonna get us where we want to go to push come to learn something and given what I know and discover freedom, no question more. Kevin's when he stepped into dow he was saying I'm a deal maker, a deal maker. I'm not just a deal maker, dream. The journeys where it's all about the process of a project. dealmaker FileMaker. project

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