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Mark Evans | Making Of A DM

EP 167: The Difference Between Making Little Money vs BIG Money! (From Nashville, TN)

Mark Evans | Making Of A DM         Mark Evans | Making Of A DM        
EP 167: The Difference Between Making Little Money vs BIG Money! (From Nashville, TN)           EP 167: The Difference Between Making Little Money vs BIG Money! (From Nashville, TN)          
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    Coming to you from the lively city of Nashville, Tennessee for today’s episode. We're talking about something that really hits home for a lot of us entrepreneurs: the huge difference between just scraping by and actually raking in the big bucks.

    I've never had a regular day job, and I'm here to help you figure out where to put your time and money. We’re going to talk about why it's smarter to invest in learning and growing, rather than just blowing cash on entertainment.

    Tune in, because this episode is packed with straightforward advice that will make you think differently about how you’re building your future.

    Show highlights include: 

    • Working hard, but not getting the results? [03:31]
    • Discover this amazing concept hidden inside an acronym. [04:30]
    • Why do we spend thousands of dollars on entertainment? [07:22]
    • The obsession of being entertained for escapism. [08:22]
    • These strategies can help you ignite your passion for self-improvement. [09:46]
    • Uncover the ultimate secret for making more money. [14:03]
    • The importance of investing in experiences. [14:49]
    • What is the most important part of education? [18:17]

    For your ticket to my next DM Event in Nashville, message me on Instagram at @MarkEvansDM and say Podcast-Nashville.

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    Make a donation to Operation Underground Railroad and help save children from sex trafficking by going to https://my.ourrescue.org/deal. If you make a donation, shoot me a message on Instagram at @MarkEvansDM and say “operation underground railroad,” and I’ll send you a cool gift.

    Did you enjoy this episode? Let me know by leaving a 5-star review. Then send me a DM on Instagram @MarkEvansDM letting me know you left a 5-star review and I might send you a pretty cool gift.

    If you want exclusive content and the first chance to grab my new book Magicians vs Mules when it releases, head over to https://markevansdm.com/ and sign up for updates.

    For cool gifts, gear, and a chance to enter a giveaway I’m having, head over to https://magicianvsmule.com/ and enter your email address.

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