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Michael Burns | Freedom Lifestyle Experience

Maximizing your time

Michael Burns | Freedom Lifestyle Experience         Michael Burns | Freedom Lifestyle Experience        
Maximizing your time           Maximizing your time          
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    Imagine this: you've got a family trip coming up this weekend, and you can feel the pressure looming. You know your “to-do” list should take three days to check off – but you’ve only got two.

    You’re stressed, yet somehow you fly through the list in no time!

    If only you could be this productive every day. Imagine how much you could achieve and how much quality time you would be spending with your family!

    In this episode, you’ll discover how to fly through your to-do list so you can spend time where it really matters.

    Listen now!

    Show highlights include: 

    • Why a tight deadline gives you “productivity superpowers” (0:52)
    • The “location management” strategy that lets you get more done (even if you procrastinate half the time) (3:17)
    • A grueling 75-day discipline program that turns average joes into entrepreneurial superstars (7:00)
    • Why drawing stars and circles once a day makes you more effective than any productivity app (10:50)
    • When to plan your day for optimum productivity (choose the wrong time of day and you’ll spin your wheels instead of getting things done) (12:19)
    Read Full Transcript

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