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Darin Persinger

MAR94: The four agreements you need to make right now

Darin Persinger         Darin Persinger        
MAR94: The four agreements you need to make right now           MAR94: The four agreements you need to make right now          
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    accountability-making-agents-rich“The problem is that 85% of customers report being dissatisfied with their phone experiences.” – Darin Persinger

    Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-94_transcript


    Numbers never Lie:
    92% of all customer interactions happen via the phone.
    85% of customers report being dissatisfied with their phone experiences – Brighcove.co

    Main Topic:
    The 4 Agreements
    1. Be Impeccable With Your Word
    2. Don’t Take Anything Personally
    3. Don’t Make Assumptions
    4. Always Do your Best

    2 Tips:
    1. Read the 4 Agreements Book
    2. Relisten to the 30’ Rule (Making Agents Rich #29)

    Show sponsor:
    Turn your database into an ATM almost instantly with the Referral Getter System http://ReferralGetter.com

    Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
    1. The Four Agreements Book: http://goo.gl/vWBRLx
    2. Why you need to stop listening to thought leaders The 30 foot rule

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