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Darin Persinger

MAR83: How to start a New Habit

Darin Persinger         Darin Persinger        
MAR83: How to start a New Habit           MAR83: How to start a New Habit          
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    impact-making-agents-rich“A habit is not the same as a goal. The habit is the thing that you do. The goal is the outcome.” – Darin Persinger

    Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-83_transcript


    Numbers never Lie:
    60% of marketing managers find telemarketing effective for lead nurture. It’s more effective than email follow-up, event invitations, or content marketing.

    Main Topic:
    How to start a New Habit

    Show sponsor:
    Turn your database into an ATM almost instantly with the Referral Getter System http://ReferralGetter.com

    Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
    1. Cold Calling Infographic: http://affordablemarketinglists.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/05/T2-IG-Cold-Calling_Final.jpg
    2. Why goals alone aren't enough Think Commitments
    3. Your Magic Bullet for Success in your real estate business Think Consistency
    4. Busy real estate agent? Maybe it's time for you to slow down? Slow Down
    5. Coming Soon: http://ReferralGetter.com

    Have a podcast in 30 days

    Without headaches or hassles


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