“It's a good idea to bring in outside consultants or coaches to get help with your blind spots.” – Darin Persinger
Click here to download the transcript of this show MAR-65_transcript
Numbers Never Lie:
7:38 18% Increase year over year of revenue of companies that use email marketing
Main Topic:
The 3 Critical Areas To Real Estate Sales Success
1. Strategy – What?
2. Systems – How?
3. Standards – Accountability
Three Tips:
1. lose emotion
2. Bring in fresh eyes
3. Big PIcture
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. Are you focusing on the vital few activities that make you the most dough? Think Impact
2. Why 90% of Realtors fail (and what you can do to avoid it) Think Strategy
3. Why aren’t you keeping a scoreboard in your real estate business? Think Accountability
4. Darin’s Newsletter: http://productivityjunkies.com/monthly