“You don't try to save the princess immediately. You have to get through level one first, right? And you get better as you go up through the levels so then by the time you get to level eight and save the princess, you can because your skills and ability match what you need to do at that level.” – Darin Persinger
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1. Excitement – Does this Goal Excite You? Why?
2. Picture – Can You Picture it?
a. Can you picture doing what it takes during to achieve it?
b. Can you picture what things look like after you’ve done it?
c. What will your world look like after achieving it?
d. What is important to you about this new world? New picture?
3. Impact –
a. How does this have an Impact on your Freedom #?
b. How does this have an Impact on your 3 Year Goals?
c. How does this have an Impact on your 9 Month Goals?
d. How does this have an Impact on your 90 Day Goals?
4. Commitment – Are you 100% committed to this?
Three tips:
3#’s to know
1. Freedom #
2. ReStart #
3. Big Next Year #
1. How successful do you want to be? [The 5 levels of Success] The Five Levels of Success
2. Are you focusing on the vital few activities that make you the most dough? Think Impact
3. Why goals alone aren't enough Think Commitments