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impact-making-agents-rich“Taking action is a muscle. You need to build up your muscles of taking action even if this seems silly or foolish to you.” – Darin Persinger

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Numbers never Lie:
16 minutes average length of time people spend waiting in line in US.
48 at Disney World
*The book of times Lesley alderman

Main Topic:
How To Track Your Time As Realtor, Self Employed or Business Owner

Three tips:
1. Print off a calendar 15/30 minute segments
2. Color code based on category from PJ Productivity Model, not specific activity
3. Review at end of week and try not to become depressed.

Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. Why aren’t you keeping a scoreboard in your business?  Think Accountability
2. Walk Through The PJ’s Productivity Model  PJs Productivity
3. Productivity Junkies Monthly  http://productivityjunkies.com/monthly


Have a podcast in 30 days

Without headaches or hassles


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