Darin Persinger
MAR120: Rich Habits 120: Taking Control
“Don't confuse emotions with passion because that does belong in business. But emotions are not the same thing as passion.” – Darin Persinger
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Numbers never Lie:
60% of Americans don’t pay off their CC every month
Main Topic:
Rich Habit 10: Taking control of yourself
Book excerpt: Successful people are masters of their thoughts and emotions. They do not fall prey to anger, jealousy, excitability, sadness, or other petty emotions. They cast out all bad thoughts and emotions. They understand that bad thoughts create bad decisions that result in bad consequences. They replace these bad thoughts and emotions with good thoughts and positive emotions.
Three tips:
1. Don’t do what you love, love what you do.
2. Read QBQ http://goo.gl/ZxbR5Y
3. Don’t confuse emotions for passion
Show sponsor:
The Rich Habits book gives you the daily success habits of wealthy individuals. In it you’ll find out how the rich get so rich http://MakingAgentsRich.com/RichHabits
Links and other stuff mentioned in this show:
1. Jiro Dreams of Sushi http://goo.gl/bQ1b6R
2. QBQ! The question behind the question: Practicing personal accountability in work and in life http://goo.gl/ZxbR5Y
3. The power of meditation in your business Meditation
4. Rich Habits 1: Forming good daily habits RH1-Habits
5. Rich Habits 2: Setting Goals RH2-Goals
6. Rich Habits 3: Daily self improvement RH3-Improvement
7. Rich Habits 4: Being healthy RH4-Health
8. Rich Habits 5: Building better relationships RH5-9elationships
10. Rich Habits 6: Less is more RH6-Moderation
11. Rich Habits 7: Do Work RH7-DoWork
12. Rich Habits 8: Think Rich RH8-ThinkRich
13. Rich Habits 9: Savings RH9-Saving