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Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything

Money, Power, and Respect

Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything         Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything        
Money, Power, and Respect           Money, Power, and Respect          
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    In this episode, Cozi and Levi Wanner get real about what it takes to chase and handle the cash, the clout, and the respect we all crave.

    Our hosts don't hold back on dishing the dirt on why staying genuine beats getting a big head any day, even when your bank balance hits the big leagues. They're also weighing in on why sometimes life's lessons trump a fancy degree.

    This chat's all about getting down to the nitty-gritty of what respect is all about, questioning the chase for power, and keeping it 100 with yourself on the way up.

    Tune in now.

    Show Highlights:

    • Do money, power, and respect define success? [00:02:22]
    • Respecting yourself when your critics disrespect you [00:04:47]
    • Learn the secrets to keep and not lose your money [00:15:30]
    • The power of earning respect with the right attitude [00:23:12]
    • Explore how to create true respect across generations [00:27:49]
    • What to do to rebuild respect if you’ve messed up [00:34:22]
    • What is power to you? [00:35:39]
    • How to thrive in power dynamics with humility [00:39:53]

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