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Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything

The Jump Off

Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything         Levi Wanner | The Pursuit of Everything        
The Jump Off           The Jump Off          
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    Welcome to the very first episode of Pursuit of Everything!

    Join your host Levi Wanner as he dives deep into the world of success, wealth, and happiness.

    Get ready to be inspired as we explore Levi’s journey from humble beginnings and his relentless pursuit of success. From overcoming imposter syndrome to navigating the trials and tribulations of the real estate industry, Levi shares invaluable lessons and tips that are guaranteed to take your entrepreneurial game to the next level.

    So, buckle up and join us as we uncover the secrets of building wealth, conquering doubts, and achieving true freedom. You don't want to miss this!

    Show Highlights:

    • From poverty to a coveted government job [00:03:08]
    • What you need to be successful in your real estate business [00:06:52]
    • My journey from a struggling multi-tasker to success [00:09:26]
    • This will help you grow as a new real estate agent [00:11:02]
    • Mastering growth and finding mentors [00:16:56]
    • How I bought my first apartment complex with no money down [00:21:32]
    • Keep growing or your dying [00:24:55]
    • What I would do differently [00:29:25]
    • The fundamental skills you will always need to be successful in real estate [00:32:34]
    • How to dominate your market [00:35:57]
    • Don't let doubt stop your success [00:37:36]

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