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Lorie Jones | Fearless Females

Finding Strengths and Firing Critics with Gayle Pottle: A Journey of Leadership

Lorie Jones | Fearless Females         Lorie Jones | Fearless Females        
Finding Strengths and Firing Critics with Gayle Pottle: A Journey of Leadership           Finding Strengths and Firing Critics with Gayle Pottle: A Journey of Leadership          
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    Today, host Lorie Jones sits down with trailblazer Gayle Pottle, President of AdventHealth Rocky Mountain Foundation. Gayle shares her inspiring journey from marketing in Fortune 100 tech companies to making a profound impact in healthcare philanthropy.

    Get ready to hear about her career-defining moments, such as attending Harvard Business School’s Women's Leadership Forum and her life-changing move to Boston. Tune in for actionable advice on embracing lifelong learning, building a ‘personal board of directors,' and harnessing your strengths to lead with confidence.

    This episode is a must-listen for growth-oriented professional women eager to blaze their own trails.

    Show Highlights:

    • How biographies broaden perspectives and empower. [00:03:44]
    • Gain insights on healthcare philanthropy to inform alternate career paths. [00:07:53]
    • The power of meaningful lifelong educational pursuits. [00:13:28]
    • Do you evaluate the career advice you receive? [00:16:51]
    • Discover the “Three M’s” toolkit for career maintenance. [00:19:08]
    • Lessons in dealing with job relocations with your spouse. [00:21:50]
    • How to conquer fears and embrace life’s high dive. [00:25:54]
    • Can the 33% gender pay gap in healthcare philanthropy be closed? [00:29:49]
    • The importance of firing the inner critic as women. [00:33:38]
    • Key assessment advice for early-career women. [00:38:08]

    To connect with Gayle Pottle, visit https://www.linkedin.com/in/gaylepottle/.

    If you enjoyed this episode, please go to Apple Podcasts and leave a review!

    For more information about Lorie Jones, go to http://fearless-females.com/.

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