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Lorie Jones | Fearless Females

Trusting the Journey with Lina Stock: Building a Business Around Passion

Lorie Jones | Fearless Females         Lorie Jones | Fearless Females        
Trusting the Journey with Lina Stock: Building a Business Around Passion           Trusting the Journey with Lina Stock: Building a Business Around Passion          
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    Join host Lorie Jones as she welcomes the unstoppable Lina Stock, co-founder of Divergent Travelers, to today's episode!

    Lina shares her inspiring journey from a successful finance career to traveling the globe, visiting over 30 countries and building a thriving travel-media business. With awards from National Geographic and a track record of breaking through the male-dominated travel-media industry, Lina's story is a testament to following your passion despite the odds.

    You will hear about her fearless choices, strategic insights, and the bold moves that made her dreams a reality. Tune in to discover how Lina Stock's journey can inspire you to carve your own unique path as a fearless female leader!

    Show Highlights:

    • Gain lessons in pathmaking for unstoppable momentum. [00:04:44]
    • Why corporate experience is invaluable in business. [11:39.7]
    • Consider this if you haven’t digitalized your business yet. [00:13:12]
    • The power of trusting your calling beyond lip service. [00:13:53]
    • Is fearlessness the ultimate game-changer in life? [00:18:02]
    • Avoid this mistake before forming business partnerships. [00:22:27]
    • Discover financial wisdom to apply to a new venture. [00:27:57]
    • How life partners can successfully work together. [00:33:34]
    • Can women claim spaces in male-dominated travel media? [00:35:15]
    • Find out how you can become a trailblazing Lina Stock. [00:38:58]

    If you enjoyed this episode, please go to Apple Podcasts and leave a review!

    For more information about Lorie Jones, go to http://fearless-females.com/

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