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Katie Danger | The Everyday Athlete Podcast

Episode #71: How Supplements Are Made

Katie Danger | The Everyday Athlete Podcast         Katie Danger | The Everyday Athlete Podcast        
Episode #71: How Supplements Are Made           Episode #71: How Supplements Are Made          
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    Show highlights include:

    • The simple, yet ultra effective way to prevent injuries in only 5 minutes per day (3:05) 
    • Why supplements are usually safer, better researched, more effective, and more affordable than pharmaceutical drugs (5:30) 
    • The single best website to verify a supplement’s safety and effectiveness before trying it (11:35) 
    • 3 ways to boost your health so you thrive after you turn 100 (22:58) 
    • How garlic decreases hypertension, lowers cholesterol, and reduces your risk of cancer (24:32) 

    On July 12th, I’m launching a 90-day Metabolic Amplification Formula for 20 people. If you want one of the remaining 16 spots, schedule an appointment with me at http://metabolicamplificationformula.com.  

    If you need a one-on-one nutrition coach (without strict dieting rules), I have 2 spots open for clients. You can take one of those spots here: https://coachkatiedanger.mykajabi.com/.  

    If you’d like to book a Discovery Call with me so you can hit your health and fitness goals faster, book your appointment at http://talkwithcoachkatie.com

    If you’d like to implement a mobility routine in your morning routine, you can check out the free guide I created for you here: http://mobilitywarrior.com/

    If you’re interested in taking supplements, but don’t know where to start, head over to http://yourfitnesssupplements.com and get your own personalized supplement assessment. 

    One of the most underrated ways to train your body is with bodyweight movements. That’s why I created the Bodyweight Muscles Training Program. You can have great workouts without needing a barbell or a gym membership. You can grab your free copy of the program over at http://bodyweightmuscles.com

    If you’re looking for a leg day workout plan that is perfect for beginners and those with bad knees, go http://LegDayWorkout.com to get your free workouts. . 

    If you’d like to try any supplements mentioned in today’s show, head over to https://RedHNutrition.com to find them. And you can save 30% on your first purchase with the coupon code CoachKatieDanger at checkout! 

    If you’ve already purchased supplements from Red H Nutrition, then use the coupon code Podcast20 to save an additional 20% on your future orders. 

    Or if you need help creating a supplement program, send me an email at  Katie@CoachKatieDanger.com and I’ll be happy to help you. 

    If you’d like to join a group of Everyday Athletes like yourself, join our Facebook Group Everyday Athletes Worldwide

    And make sure to follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/coachkatiedanger

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