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Without headaches or hassles

If you don’t know what your patients think, you can only guess. You don’t know why patients leave, what treatments they want or if your staff treats them badly.

But if you always knew your patients’ thoughts? You’d always give them the right treatment, have more loyal patients and solve dissatisfaction.

It might sound unrealistic, but you can find out what your patients think with a simple tool.
Matthew Champagne does it every day.

In this episode, Matt shows you how simple surveys can have a giant impact on your practice–and improve both your and your patients’ experiences.

Ready to stop guessing and work based on data? Listen now!

Show highlights include:

  • The easiest way to book more visits without spending a penny on marketing. This can consume a market, so don’t let your competitors hear this! (3:33)
  • How to create a gravitational pull to your practice by having a “survey conversation” with your patient before they leave. (4:35)
  • Why your surveys make patients hate you–and the type of question that serves your patients and makes them love you. (10:01)
  • Scribble these 4 words on a piece of paper, tape it to your wall and get more survey answers than a mass email. (16:20)
  • Use this non-salesy script to keep disgruntled patients from going to the competition (these words make them raving fans instead). (16:49)
  • Why nobody fills out your survey emails—and the “reverse strategy” which makes people jump at them. (19:24)
  • The 3 “exploratory” questions patients love to fill out—skip this and they’ll flee your survey instantly. (26:02)

Link mentioned on the show: http://matthewchampagne.com/MCM

Join the waitlist for the Chiropractic Success Academy now: https://www.csacircle.com/register

Claim your free SEO website review here: https://propelyourcompany.com/chiropractor/

Need a new site? Want your website to become a game-changer for you? Go to https://getclearsites.com/

Read Full Transcript

Hey, chiropractors. We're ready for another Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show with Dr. Kevin Christie, where we discuss the latest in marketing strategies, content marketing, direct response marketing, and business development, with some of the leading experts in the industry. [00:20.9]

Kevin: All right, welcome to another episode of The Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show, this is your host, Dr. Kevin Christie and today I've got an interview with Matt Champagne and he really specializes in having really good and effective questionnaires for your patient base and for your practice. He works with other businesses as well but does a lot with chiropractors and getting patient feedback. And he's been kind enough to actually give you a free download of The 9 Principles of Customer Feedback and that is at matthewchampagne.com/mcm/ so that's M A T T H E W Champagne like you would drink .com/mcm. That'll be in the show notes as well. And it's a great little way to, you know; transform satisfied patients into enthusiastic lifetime patients. And in this interview we dive into, I know it can sound like a boring topic, but the way he talks about doing this, these surveys and such really makes a lot of sense and can be a very good customer service aspect and also kind of a marketing campaign every so often. [01:32.7]

But it's just a really good way to have your patients audit your practice and your and their experience and then you getting feedback and actually applying it and then letting them know how you're applying it. It's a lot different than so many of these ridiculous surveys. We get an email and things of that nature. So it's a, it's a really good interview, very enlightening and I highly recommend you take him up on the free download, The 9 Principles of Customer Feedback. All right, here's my interview with Matthew Champagne. All right. Welcome to the show, Matt. I really appreciate your time. Before we dive into our topic today, tell us a little bit about yourself, both personally and professionally. [02:11.3]

Matt: Sure. Thanks for the invite doc. I'm former a University Professor. I'm a researcher, longtime scientist, and that was my, you know, in, in an earlier life, and I left that too. Started my first business back in the late 1990s because I saw this need or gathering feedback and doing it accurately. I saw what was going on at the university, the decisions that students made and faculty made. And I knew there's a lot of psychology and science that could be used. So I moved solely into doing surveys. Everyone's favorite tool, ‘The Survey.’

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: But I use surveys in a very different way. I use surveys to change behavior, which is a rare way of using it. But I found so many applications for this over the years in so many different industries and I'm most recently in in the fields of health care and chiropractic and in particular, [03:04.8]

Kevin: Perfect. Yeah, I know we were connected by a mutual friend and I guess colleague who's a member of strategic coach with me and he connected us and he had a lot of good things about good things to say about what you do. And what was intriguing to me is how you, like you, even in our pre-talk, you talked about where you're not the lead generation guy. You're more of a, let's keep the ones, we have a, obviously there's a time and place for lead generation and new patients obviously, but I think a lot of chiropractors are doing a poor job of, of actually keeping the ones they have. Right. And having them come back and having that, yeah. Sustainable business model. [03:45.0]

Matt: Yeah. And it, I mean, this stemmed out of my own frustration and I know we've all had this before, that you know, you have a, a favorite restaurant or a favor airline or a favorite, you know, person that provides service and they just don't, you know, they change things. New people step in and you're like, you know, if they only would ask me, I could tell them how to make their business better. I could, I could have told them what was going wrong, but they're not listening to me. And so they walk away. And this happens in thousands of ways to thousands of people every day where they just walk away from your business. You don't even know they're gone, but you didn't reach out to them. You might hand them, you know, an annual survey or you know, the old, how are we doing on a zero to 10 scale. But that's not the same as really wanting to know what's on your patient's mind, what your customers are thinking, what they need, what they expect. And if you would do that, have what I call this survey conversation with your people, that's the gravitational pull. That's what keeps your people with you forever. [04:45.0]

Kevin: No, that makes sense. You know when I do a lot of coaching of chiropractors, it's, it's on business and marketing, but one of the things we do is dive into the practice analytics and sometimes we notice some things like, well you know, you don't really have a new patient problem. You've got more of a, you know, patient visit issue and they're not coming in and following treatment plans. And I'll ask them like, why do you think that is? And many times they don't have any, the real reason I think sometimes they don't know. Sometimes they're not being honest with themselves, you know, on their end of it, but they just don't have any idea. And that seems like a common problem when you say. [05:20.5]

Matt: Yeah. And, and so much focus on the lead generation whether it's entrepreneurs or any kind of business owner, like how do you bring in more leads, new people and as the people in your community, the veterans, you know, there's, there's nothing for us. And you know, this happens all the time, but we're like members of some club for 10 years and they put out this promotion, “Hey, new people get half off.” And you're like, well wait, am I, what about me? Well, we already got you.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: You know, you're already a customer and it's just so insulting. I find that we spend so little time nurturing and, and, and treating the high value customers we have instead always spending the resources to get more people. Let's focus on who we have and keep them forever. That's, that's where the money is.

Kevin: Yeah, it is. And it's where sustainability is and really being able to predict your, your practice, you know, if you need that influx of new patients constantly to make up for the fact that they're not sticking around and you're not getting reactivations or, or such a, that's a, you're always chasing it, right? [05:20.5]

Matt: Yeah. And the big companies can afford it. That's, that's what I tell entrepreneurs and practitioners and small business owners, the big folks can churn and burn and they can spend millions and have people leave and bring, but we can't, you know, we don't have the time and we don't have the resources to continually, you know, replenish our client base.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: We need you to do something different.

Kevin: That's a good point. And that goes I'm going to do another little tangent here, is there's that whole thought process where you need to be spending 10% of your monthly revenue on, on marketing. And I kinda think that's lazy math or just a lazy way of thinking about it. Because what ends up happening is a lot of people will just start throwing money at the marketing and it's not really effective, but they're saying to themselves, well, I'm spending 10% at least you know I'm doing what I should. And that's not necessarily true because if you're doing marketing the right way and you're not just only trying to get leads and you know, like you said, wasting money, you can actually get more results by spending less. [07:21.2]

Matt: Yup. That that is, that's absolutely true. And, and that's what I teach people is how to ask your audience, your members, students, clients, patients, how to ask them the right questions in the right way, at the right time. And then most importantly, close the loop by college. Share those results quickly with your audience. And it's something that's never done because surveys our one way, you know, people ask us, “Hey, help us improve our products and services.” And sometimes they are really in your face. They are like, “Hey, you bought a bagel at our restaurant.” You know, “You flew on our airline; you owe us to fill out our survey.” And I'm like, no, I don't. I just paid you. So we do something very different using good psychology. They say, look I, and this is what I tell people that answer questions for me. I say, I have nothing to give you that's worth your time. You're giving me the most, your most precious commodity. But if you'll just answer a couple of questions, I will share the results with you. I will show you how you compare to others. I'll show you what other people are thinking and I'll demonstrate to you that I'm listening because I'm going to apply what you have to say or I'm going to tell you why I can't do it. And people are blown away cause they, they've never seen such a thing where their time, well, the so well spent on a, on a survey. [08:40.4]

Let's take a break from today's episode and announce our first sponsor. This is going to be Propel Marketing & Design. I've known Darcy Sullivan for years, we’ve worked hand in hand on my websites, I don't trust anybody else to do this Search Engine Optimization. She does a great job, there's, there's so much to it. A lot of, a lot of the lingo and the words are beyond my comprehension, but it's just amazing work that she does and if you really going to get results with Google, you have to make sure your website is SEO optimized and I really don't want you doing it yourself as a chiropractor. So you just have to have this type of stuff done. And if you're looking to get more organic online traffic that pulls in new patients, Propel Marketing & Design is currently offering chiropractors who listen to this podcast a free SEO website review. The free review will help you uncover methods that will improve your website and boost your search engine visibility. Head over to propelyourcompany.com/chiropractor and schedule your free SEO website review. You won't regret it. She gets great results. Your website needs this, your search results need this head on over there to propelyourcompany.com/chiropractor to get your free SEO website review. [09:54.0]

Kevin: Yeah, it makes a lot of sense that closing that loop part of it, because I just went through that, bought my wife a new car and you know, I got the emails for the survey and then I, I didn't really, I didn't fill it out. And then I even started getting texts from the sales person in the car, you know, explaining how important it was. They get tens on the survey this time. I mean it was just like this whole push to get it done and then I finally did it, but then that was the end of it, right? Like nothing. And it was this big aggressive push to get me to fill out the survey, but there was nothing in return really for me. [10:28.2]

Matt: Yeah. Well it surveys are so broken through the most broken thing on planet earth because that's what that the car dealers, the, the bank tellers, it doesn't matter who it is, their mission is there's this survey that they need to get and they need to check this off their list and they're doing it wrong. They're doing it aggressively. And then as you say, there's, there's nothing in return. And the worst part of it is those numbers are then so flawed. A lot of people use the net promoter score. That's that question. Would you recommend us to your friends on a zero to 10 scale?

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: Is a psychometrically flawed measure that cannot give valid, meaningful data. So then they take what you say and then make poor decisions with it.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: So it hurts so many people at so many levels. And that's what I've been talking about now. 28 years I'm watching this go on.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: And you know, we need to put an end to it, need to use surveys the way they were created and the way they are intended to help your patients, help your clients to help you

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: By actually learning accurately what's on their mind. [11:37.6]

Kevin: So it's, you know, we'll transition by before I'll, I'll finish kind of the, the funny story about this., a car dealer. So I did that whole thing and it was probably two weeks after we bought the car and then, no kidding, like three days later my wife and I were gone to dinner and we passed her going in and I was like, “Oh Hey, how are you doing?” You know? And she kind of looked at me like I had three heads.

Matt: Wow.

Kevin: Like she had no idea who I was. And I was like; I just thought we just bought a car from me. And she was like, “Oh, okay.” You know, she had no, she didn't remember us. And you know, we spent four hours with her probably three weeks prior to that and was blown up my phone texting about filling out the survey but then had no records of who I was. So it was pretty funny.

Matt: Yeah. And it, yeah, that's the attitude. I've had friends, bought a car that, okay, paid a lot of money, gets an email survey. First question, what's your name? Okay, second question. What's your email address? [12:34.2]
He's like, you mean the one that you used to send me the survey? You know.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: These people just waste and waste our time and then, you know, expect us to, you know, give good, deep, meaningful spend a lot of time on their, you know, helping them out but they don't spend any time. And as you can see from your, you know, situation with the car dealer, you know, don't really put much into it.

Kevin: Yeah. So what are some good strategies or best practices for surveying? Chiropractor surveying our patients.

Matt: Well one is, is the one I mentioned close the loop and I refer to that cause I have these nine principles that I use.

Kevin: Okay.

Matt: I think the nine principles of feedback and I found now I've been refining these, I've gathered about 93 million data points

Kevin: Wow.

Matt: At this point from about 8,000 survey. So it's, it's evolved over time. [13:28.5]
But these nine principles, if you will apply them, you'll get the three benefits that they promise, which is a high response rate, a lot of participation. And second you'll get accurate, meaningful results; you'll actually know what your people are thinking. And third, you get this huge engagement, it just draws people in. It's like this gravitational pull on them that you ask a question and they respond and then you close the loop, you share the results. That wasn't that interesting you said this, but other people said that or you said this and so did many other people, so you know we're going to look into that topic and then people are hooked. They're like, wow, I actually, I actually got a response. So then that gives you the right to ask another question and they respond and you share the results and you ask another question. And on and on. This survey conversation goes where you get more and more people responding and I typically get about 80 to 85% of people you fill out my surveys. If I get less than that, that's a fail for me. But in doing that, I'm hearing from most everybody and really diving deep. [14:35.1]

Kevin: Yeah, definitely. And then I know, I know it's probably variable, but how many questions do you typically ask? Is there a range that's best?

Matt: Two to three, that’s it.

Kevin: Oh perfect.

Matt: And I tell folks, I tell them, this is a conversation. I'm doing this right now for a client in the, in the cruise line and with their travel agents not dumping all these questions on them.

Kevin: Yep.

Matt: Which is what everybody else does, you know, cause you'll never get another chance to talk to your customers. You've got to just pile, you know, 30 or 40 questions on them. No, you ask two or three questions and then you wait. It's a conversation. You know, if you're on a, on a date with somebody, you don't just “Hey”, you know, “where'd you go to school” and what's your, you know, “what's the name of your pet?” I mean you don't just throw questions at him, you ask a question and you wait for them to respond and then you acknowledged that you responded and you ask another question, that's a conversation. And that's what you do through survey with your patients and with your clients, is to ask an important question, let them respond. So it's never more than two or three in a single ask. [15:39.0]

Kevin: Okay. And then is there a particular format or anything that you're, you're doing this on? Is there a certain platform?

Matt: We've done it before with, I mean usually with the, with phones,

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: So it can do it through Facebook messenger.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: We've had, we've done it at live events through Alexa app. So imagine people are sitting watching a, you know, at a conference or something and then they're speaking some answers into their phone or they can just do it the old fashioned way, going to a website

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: And through a survey, but you imagine if you know, folks are in the waiting room waiting for their adjustments, they're all, they all have their phones. So I've had doctors put up a, just a note on the board says, here, go to this site.

Kevin: Okay.

Matt: Check your email or whatever. And there's two questions and it's a certain pattern of question. So it's Monday and folks fill out the Monday question and then they go into their adjustment and leave. [16:39.0]

Well, in the meanwhile, all the results are being gathered and analyzed and then the doctor is able to push back and close the loop and share the results with everyone. So, you know, I heard what you had to say, I didn't even know this was a problem, so we're going to fix that. And here were the top three questions that you had; I'm just going to answer these. And people are like, “Wow, he heard what I had to say and is making some changes.” And then they come in the following week for another adjustment, there's a new set of questions. Answer closes loop. Even if they don't show up, they still get the results. So it's just a great way of communicating continually with your patients.

Kevin: Yeah. So I want to make a, make sure I'm getting this fully. So are the, is this anonymous or is it just they're, they're providing that and you're also knowing what they're saying and then giving them the information or are you, yeah. How are you doing that? [17:35.4]

Matt: Yeah, if they go through a, a link, then it's typically anonymous. If it's done through Facebook messenger, of course Facebook knows everything.

Kevin: Yeah, okay

Matt: So not, not so anonymous. So it will to to match that up. But that's, that's important too if we're doing this at a live event.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: Questions about, you know, would you give a testimonial or some kudos or would you like to know more about this product or this service? And they just say yes and of course you've already captured all that information.

Kevin: Okay.

Matt: So we can then send them what they needed.

Kevin: Okay. And let me see, you mentioned some websites. Are there something like a SurveyMonkey that you could also use? Would that be viable for this?

Matt: Yeah, I typically use, I mean I've reviewed and critiqued maybe 85 different web survey platforms over the years. So I have my favorites.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: My current favorites are Typeform. [18:30.2]

Kevin: Okay.

Matt: QuestionPro.

Kevin: Ahhha

Matt: Survey monkey dropped off my list long ago just because of the constraints and awkwardness and, and things of that sort. So they all have their faults, but Typeform and QuestionPro are the ones I use most. And so, you know, you can build the questions through that platform and then display them.

Kevin: Okay. And then you don't recommend sending out like a mass email to your patient base or is that viable? [19:01.9]

Matt: I do.

Kevin: Okay.

Matt: And it would, you know, with, with the proper explanation and all

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: There's a procedure to it that follows these principles. And you know, one of those is you're always giving first, you know, because that's not what everybody else does. The taking first, right?

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: Hey, give us 10 minutes of your time to help me improve my products and services. Well, no the email, if you're sending an email out to your entire list or to your patients, to your clients is going to say something like, we're going to be doing this survey conversation. But just to get things kicked off here is, you know, the top five concerns that I've heard before. Here's, here's five common, you know, questions that people ask and you know, here, here's the answers to that. So you're, so there's the give.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: And then say, to keep this conversation going? I got a question. What about this? Or how could we do this better? Or so then they realize, ah, now not everyone's going to respond because everyone's shy of surveys. [20:02.8]

Kevin: Yup.

Matt: They'll be like, “Oh, here we go again.” Somebody trying to pretend like they care and send me a survey, but you do something unbelievable, which is whether 5% respond or 10% respond, you send the results back to everyone.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: And you say..Here's what you said, and then it has this magical effect.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: Of increasing response rate. What happens is people who didn't respond and you tell them, “Hey, I heard from everyone and so we're going to do this” and they're thinking to themselves, ‘wait a minute, I didn't get a chance to weigh in that’, you know, I don't want to do that. Well that's fine because I have another question.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: And now they participate. So you get this steady increase of response rate over time, which is unusual because will say, well don't you get survey fatigue? You know the rates should go down. I said, “Yeah, if you're doing it wrong, you'll get survey fatigue.

Kevin: Yeah. [20:53.5]

Matt: But if you're closing the loop, you're showing what's in it for me. You are demonstrating that you, you know, are willing to make some changes

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: Or are you going to tell them why? But the data has shown this for years and years. We've done studies where we told ask people for feedback, they would tell us and then go back to them and say, guess what? We're not doing that and this is why I, in my experience, this won't work. Or, but that's enough. Those people who were told were not gonna use your feedback were more satisfied than others. And if given no feedback, just know that their voice was heard, was enough.

Kevin: Yeah, no, it makes a lot of sense. So you're basically, you're, you're sending out the survey to everybody, but you're prefacing it with some good values. So you're giving first, then you got to question or two I guess right? whatever it is, two, three questions and then they've, you know, let's just say 30% open email and do it. Then after a short period of time, you actually email the whole list again, provide them with the feedback and the improvements you're going to make as a practice and add and change, things like that. More people get inspired by that and then potentially take the survey they didn't do before and you kind of just keep that going a little bit. [22:08.0]

Matt: Yup. Such a simple method that works 100% of the time and this is from gathering 93 million data points, I can say that.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: It continues to increase those three things. You'll get more and more people to respond. That's first. Second, you're getting accurate data because you're asking the right questions in the right way, that's one of the principles as well.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: That's a huge flaw with surveys and reviewing and critiquing surveys for my whole career. I mean I could honestly count on two hands the number of surveys I critique that were done well that I, I looked at and I said yes. These response scales that they use for these questions match and these questions are properly worded. Almost never happens and that's because it's a skill.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: Like any other skill and people don't realize writing the right questions in the right way. There's actually a lot of psychometrics behind it. There's math behind it. There, there, there's actually a study of this and that's where a lot of this falls apart. Even if you are hearing from your people, not you're, you're getting misinformation. If you're asking the questions in the wrong way. [23:16.5]

Let me take a break from the podcast for a minute and I want to discuss my clinic, healthy chiropractic and sports recovery. Boca Raton, Miami, Florida. We've got two offices and we just redid our site. We hired John Morrison and his team at getclearsites to give us a great look, a clear message, compelling content. And you know, I just love working with John and, and I know many of you do as well. John specializes in working with chiropractors and he's got great packages for all budgets. John promised me that if you mentioned The Modern Chiropractic Marketing Show or MCM, he will give you a great deal on your new site. So take a look at getclearsites.com and schedule a demonstration of their amazing platform. You won't regret it. Its user friendly, looks amazing, and just is going to be a game changer for your practice. [24:03.4]

Kevin: Yeah. And is that what you tend to help with businesses and chiropractors is how to ask the questions you take in some input to help design those questions or is there yeah, kind of walk me through that.

Matt: Yeah, I mean that's a, a big part of it. I finally, about six years ago, I said, I'm just going to put this in print. So I actually wrote a book called ‘The Survey Playbook.’

Kevin: Okay.

Matt: At that point, it was a, the 25 top errors made in most every survey. So if you simply read those lessons and didn't do those errors, you'd be ahead of, if you know, 99% of all survey makers around because it's the same, you know, one of those errors is asking questions that you can't do anything about anyway. And this happens all the time. You know, you get a survey saying, you know, where should we hold the conference this year? And you're like, well, I know it's in Phoenix, so why are you, why are you asking me? You know, and people get frustrated of being asked irrelevant questions, not being heard back from asking questions that you should know the answers to like, what is your name and what's your email? And people like, why are you wasting my time? So there's 25 of these lessons, there's many more errors. But if people could just not make those 25 errors, they'd have a pretty solid survey. [25:23.2]

Kevin: Okay. What would be a just, yeah. I'm not going to ask you a ton of them, but what would be a good example of a, of a question for a chiropractor to ask?

Matt: Well, I love the to begin with, I usually do more open ended questions.

Kevin: Okay.

Matt: And then later of restrict these to some multiple choice. It's a, that's one error that's made a lot is coming up with a multiple choice question, but then you haven't included all the possible choices.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: And that's just because you haven't asked your people yet. So you'll say, so was it A, B, C or D? And people are like, well, no, it's a E or F you, you know, you, you don't know enough. So those first questions are exploratory. So, so for a chiropractor, it might be questions about, do you have any, are there any obstacles in making it to your appointment or visiting the office? Are there any concerns that you've had about things that have changed? You know these changes that we've been making? Is there any you know, which staff member do you appreciate most? It's just, you know, just, I start off nice and easy with, with things that everybody would want to know that the answers to and that that's the other key. [26:35.2]

Oh, we just want to ask a question that the answers would be useful for you, but also useful to the patient. So you'll see this mistake on so many surveys. They're asking questions that seem helpful and then all of a sudden they say, you know, so are you the decision maker? How much money do you make?

Kevin: Oh yeah.

Matt: And you're like, Oh yeah, I know where this is going, this and then you, you tune out. But if you keep the questions, you know, balance. So I would like to know as a, as a practitioner these, the answers to this. But I also know that my patients will find that insight really useful and then when you share it, that's the key. Then they'll say, “Ah, well I wanted to know about that.” That's really interesting. Then other people see it the way I do and now, now they're hooked.

Kevin: That's perfect. No, it makes sense. Good. That's great. You know, I think a chiropractor could really even make this a campaign, which is obviously probably what you think too. [27:31.2]

But you know, having a campaign around it would be great to get that out. And you could you know, you can even do things like on Facebook, I'll run an ad. I could take my email list, put it into a Facebook audience that's specifically anybody that's got that email, who has been in my practice that is linked up with that Facebook account and run an ad where only they see it. So you could even direct people to that survey via that method as well and really make it about improving their experience their care, proving the practice. And and use it as a way of, of getting better and obviously providing a better experience for your patients. [28:13.5]

Matt: Yeah. And you're just, you're using, that's part of the, the good psychology here is people flock to results. You know, there was, you know, who's going to win the Heisman or who's gonna win this election. People want to click it because then you see immediate results. And if you can think of that, have that mindset for your surveys that you are providing, not immediate but very quick results. They have to answer this question, I'm going to share the results with everybody and then they can comment on them like, Oh that's really interesting. And then it gets the ball rolling. So I've had plenty of clients do this all through email rather than on their phones or in person or in a visit and just keep it at that level. And it works, you know, spectacularly they, you ask a question and you'll get, you know, not terribly high results cause they're like, Oh here comes the survey. [29:04.6]

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: But you can just set this into an email sequence where Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday is the asking days, and then on Friday, here's the results. And then on Monday, question two on Friday, here's the results. And on and on it goes and get people tuned in and then you have all sorts of opportunity there to say, “Hey, do you know about these” you know, “we're, we're selling orthotics now”, or you know, “we've got this new supplements” or you, you can include that in there and so it serves two purposes, it's not blatant because you've been adding so much value in sharing with them that patients are, or just fun, you know, learning more about your office and your personnel and

Kevin: Yeah. Yeah, I think it's a great; it's just an audit of your practice as well. Like what are you doing right and wrong? This is phenomenal. You have the book. What was the name of the book again? [29:58.1]

Matt: It's called ‘The Survey Playbook.’

Kevin: Okay.

Matt: It was, I actually wrote it, it's about principal two. Principal two is asking the right questions and the right way. And I had planned to write nine books, one for each principal, but this was six years ago, I wrote that book. So I don't think the other eight are, are coming anytime soon. But if you, if you get ‘The Survey Playbook’ that, I mean that that will get you so much further down the road and people when they read it, you'll recognize every bad survey you've ever seen in your life. Once you start reading those lessons because it, it will become obvious.

Kevin: Yeah, definitely. And then in the intro I mentioned the link to, you're going to actually provide them with the nine principles, so they'll, they'll get that if someone's interested in reaching out to you. And what kind of work do you do with chiropractors? Like what, what do you offer the chiropractor that's interested in really taking us to a next step? [30:53.6]

Matt: It's basically a, a, I call it a hands free. It's, well, we'll say hands-free 95% because I still need a lot of input.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: From the, from the doctor. But essentially setting up this, this series, and there are some recommended questions to ask, but I'll ask the doctor, you know, are there any particular questions that you'd like to ask in an areas you know, that you'd like to dive into? And then we just set up a sequence and using their own platforms. It's fine. I can just you know, create that, that series for them. On week one you'll ask these questions and then at the end of the week, the results come in and my team analyzes the data, puts together this a little at a glance, this report, be able to send back, did the doctor who can then address them and say, Oh, and share, close the loop with the patients. And then we begin again. So that's, that's one thing folks do is the service where I set that up, we might do seven or eight weeks’ worth. It's just, you know, kind of get the ball rolling and some are able to take it and run and others you don't want to keep going, but it's important to do it for about seven or eight weeks to you know get them in the habit and get a lot of value on it. [32:15.6]

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: A long time. And then stop. Cause then you look like everybody else. Who just asks a question and vanishes.

Kevin: I was just gonna say, then you just go back to that and then along those seven or eight weeks or so, you're, you're providing consistent you know, value to them as well. Again, you're not just only taking, which is nice.

Matt: That's right. That's right. And, and and that's key. People don't have much time.

Kevin: Yeah.

Matt: That's why surveys fail is because you're asking people for their time and they see if there no purpose to this, it won't help them. It, you know, it's, it's just amazing that people even get 5% response rate to fill out questionnaire, the annual survey, whatever it happens to be, and they get nothing out of it. This is something they will get something out of every time they fill it out.

Kevin: Perfect. Great. You know, I really appreciate your time today. How could they get ahold of you and reach out and and, and make that connection? [33:10.1]

Matt: Probably LinkedIn is, is probably best. I'm pretty active there. Just LinkedIn, Matt Champagne. They can find me there.

Kevin: They won't forget that name.

Matt: Yes. Champagne. I'm an email guy. I'm still old school, so feel free to write me questions at matt@docchampagne.com

Kevin: D is that doc champagne?

Matt: Yup. Doc champagne, like the drink.com.

Kevin: Perfect. All right, sounds good. And then I'll make sure that all this stuff's in the show notes as well. I really appreciate your time today. This was great information, you know. I think sometimes people hear the, the idea of surveys and a kind of goes, puts them into a little bit of a lull. But this is something where I think you, you design a campaign around it, it makes it interesting. You provide a lot of value. You close that loop, like you said. And not only are you going to get a lot of good feedback from it. It's a lot of good touch points with your, with your patient base. [34:09.8]

Matt: Yup, that's right. It's set up correctly. There's a purpose for doing this. People can see the purpose. They see what they get out of it. It's just using that good psychology that's missing from every survey out there.

Kevin: Absolutely. Thanks again for your time. I really appreciate it.

Matt: You're welcome Doc. Thanks for the invite.

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